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Steel Toe

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Everything posted by Steel Toe

  1. Hi, I would like to share the Aquarium Log Sheet that I saw in Reefcentral Forum. I think some of you may have used it but for a newbie like me, it's help in going forward in the hobby. Click the link: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2089309&page=38 and click the Download My Aquarium Log Here or Download Open Office Version Here in the tread.
  2. Everything you need to know about sea slug. http://www.seaslugforum.net Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Bro... Try move it to a moderate flow area and where have good medium light... Move up slightly. Mine seem like medium lighting and flow. Hope that help.. BTW, I'm still new. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Not yet bro... Thank you... PM me ur location n timing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Bro.. I bought it at Clementi aunty..3 blue n 2 red notes. I'm having hammers, flower pot, sun coral n torch. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hi...anyone doing their cheatos trimming? Can spare some leftovers?
  7. You can try Aquazonic IP4 Infinity Pleasure LED Lighting Deep Blue. It comes with 2 build in T5. Currently I'm using it. So far so good. I only change the standard aquazonic tube to ATI tube. Hope this helps.
  8. Any kind soul willing to donate some chaeto with some pods in it? Probably in the west side. Best Teban area or Pandan. Please PM me. Many thanks.
  9. Isit !!!..then really need to do more research on what suitable LS can accommodate in my tank... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Ok...nevermind...I'll try go there alone this time on Sunday morning again..
  11. Ok...question.. So how you'll go to CF? Have to make appointment? Or only special guests are allowed to enter? First time I went there one Sunday morning with my family.. and then this aunty told me this place is not open for public and she said this is a business place..then I blur and go away.
  12. By the way...where can I look see look see these Helfrichi & Purple dartfish?
  13. Wow...beautiful fishes you recommended Thanks . I will do a read up on Helfrichi & Purple dartfish..I've no idea about them I must know them first before place them in my tank .
  14. Hey thanks man for the input...will google them...what would you suggest for cleaning crew
  15. So having chromis is not a good idea after all in 20g tank..any suggestion what i can put in?
  16. ya..that what I've read and for my tank case I don't know whether I can have 5
  17. ok..thanks for the info...so not much I can put in it.
  18. Hi..I'm been in fresh water tank for quite sometimes and now hand itchy and started a saltwater tank (fowlr). I'm starting off with 20 gallon tank and now its been 1 week cycling and progress is looking good. I will give it another 2 to 3 weeks of cycling or worst case scenario 1 mth before putting any LS. I intend to have only chromis and cleaning crew. So the question is, how many chromis and cleaning crew can I put in this tank? I know I can't have much in this tank and I can't put all together at the same time but just to know the limits so I can do proper planing. Any sifus here can help guide me?
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