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Everything posted by moron_clown

  1. no lahz, not much of an upgrade,changing from SE to DE and adding some T5s as well.yup i'll lower the lights down gradually.Thanx!!
  2. nice and clean look.Double view scaping must be very difficult in an 18inches wide tank,but u've done a wonderful job.Thumbs up and good going.Maybe u can throw in a few more powerheads for circulation??
  3. my house got nothing to raid lah,haha.still waiting for some of my stuff to colour up before posting new pics.I'm going to do a major change on my lightings,i'm excited just thinking about it .
  4. hey we talking about resun,no iwaki users allowed to comment .yeah u bet the resun is a hot lil' bitch...cant place my fingers on the pump for more than 20secs...
  5. haha,i totally understand,spent quite alot in the past 1 week too..i think i need professional help ...anyway,good specimen u got there!looking forward to viewing ur tank in person!
  6. thanx for the info,i also kinda suspect that the rt215 has lousy anti planning capablitiies judging by the tread markings.Any advice on the price of a 16 inch AD07??How about perelli P Zero Rosso??my experience with perelli is that it grips very very well in the wet,but in the dry,it kinda suck and tyre life is almost non existence...
  7. bro if u are using fan i suggest u get a tubby auto-topup.makes life easier
  8. Anyone has reccomendations for a high performance tyre.main priority is ultimate grip,price comes second and all the rest e.g. comfort,road noise i dun care.Anyone has experience with falcon azenis RT215??or any other makes or brands to reccomend?thanx alot.
  9. this chiller is a brute,it will do what it's made to do,UPZ
  10. nahz,most are different shades of green and brown,u are just too kind with your words.i'll wait a little while for that fella to grow,its a damn slow growing piece..no difference from a month before..
  11. some of my shrooms and yumas,nohing special,nothing expensive.
  12. recently fragged.doing ok,will need close monitoring...
  13. kinda brown with light blue coralites...got it yesterday.
  14. purple monster,been with me for a month plus,colour is changing to a deep deep purple.
  15. from iwarna,really impressed by the quality of the recent shipments
  16. just laid my hands on a new panasonic camera,so taking a few snaps just for fun.
  17. a classic case of an algae infected tank.this was my last tank,went to australia for a month and no one noticed my dead naso tang...came back and i was keeping algae...High nitrates+low water flow=very serious case of algae bloom.those on the sandbed are a mixture of cyano and diatoms.on the rocks are hair algae..
  18. haha,yea looks like him when he was younger.is that cocker spaniel a male or female??
  19. its from giessmann,their stuff are not known to be cheap
  20. the six liner is too agressive,my gobies will be gobbled.and the canary or yello coris wrasse is not very reef safe,in addition,it will burrow deep into the sandbed,making it a terrorist for reefers who utillise DSB What a headache
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