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Everything posted by wryan

  1. Bought it from a fellow kaki intending to keep freshwater shrimps. However realised I don't have space in my room to keep. =( So I am selling it at the same price. $150. Pick up location would be at Chua Chu Kang. Please contact me at 82015616 for any enquires.
  2. Hi, I can take it right now. 82015616 Sent from my SM-G920I using Tapatalk
  3. Hi, I do not know where I should post this, if I am in the wrong category, Mod please change for me please! I accidentally dropped my remote controller into my fish tank and now its spoilt, I want to get a replacement, anyone know where can I get it? It doesn't have to be the original one.. Thanks in advance guys!
  4. Hi, I do not know where I should post this, if I am in the wrong category, Mod please change for me please! I accidentally dropped my remote controller into my fish tank and now its spoilt, I want to get a replacement, anyone know where can I get it? It doesn't have to be the original one.. Thanks in advance guys!!
  5. wryan

    WTB Nano tank

    Still looking for it. Preferably those with ios..
  6. wryan

    WTB Nano tank

    I want to buy a nano tank. Best if collection around west area. Text me at 82015616 Thanks!
  7. Thanks! Slowly I will add new corals in my tank. Hehehe
  8. Just added this super bright yuma! Hopefully it would turn out well not like the previous one!
  9. wryan

    Cheap lps

    Hi! I'm looking for any cheap or foc lps at Chua chu kang area. I want to test if my water is ready for other variety of lps such as elegance and all! Please text me at 82015616
  10. Back then my friend came over to measure. I remember it being re the high.. currently still having algae problems so I reckon it's still high.
  11. Guys, currently I'm having some potassium problem. What's the best remedy? Please advise!
  12. Currently using weipro protein skimmer. =)
  13. this is what I dose.. hoho! I finally see my lobo feeding tentacles!
  14. Why don't over dose bact? What will happen?
  15. When I first started which is about almost 4 months ago, the rocks were dead. about a month and a half ago I added live rocks. I do dose bacteria and I still am doing it. I will take a photo of the bacteria I'm dosing later. As for sump, no.. I don't have a sump tank..
  16. Yesterday when I check it, it's 1.024. Other parameters are fine, except for po4 which is rather high. Other than that, it's all good. Oh mg a little higher..
  17. Currently over run with brown algae, acan not doing well, zoas not opening. Leather and lobo getting better though. I suspect I have a spoilt refractometer. And now I bought a new one..
  18. Oh! I didn't know. New to reefing. Heard it's one of the easiest sps to keep and it's so nice. Definitely gonna have that when my tank is ready!
  19. That is a lot of clam! Looks big too. Nice!
  20. I got a friend that says maxima is easy to keep. Do you agree?
  21. Mine healed. So i don't see why yours wouldn't..
  22. What's the orange coral at the bottom left?
  23. How much did you get that plate for?
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