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Posts posted by mitchell.liang.9

  1. You don't see them grow much? .... Exactly how long did u observe them not growing? Days , weeks , months?

    At least 2 months. The size of the chaeto is the same. The only difference are those loose strands that managed to anchor itself in my refugium. Those i did see growth but very little. Prolly a few mm
  2. My tank sure got things to absorb...i got lots of algae here and there...fortunately the live rock i got has tonnes of those slug like snail to clean my glass at night...just that compared to before i added the chaeto there doesnt seem to be any difference in terms of nitrates...good thing is my phospates are zero...so probably im doing something wrong in terms of growing chaeto

  3. DIY frag plugs - (my personal "secret" which I will share!) :)

    Make your own DIY frag plugs for only $4!

    Buy a packet of EASY QUICK SETTING cement, $2. NOTE I HAVE ONLY USED THIS QUICK SETTING TYPE, I'm not responsible for the other types as I have not tried.

    Buy an ice cube tray with the other $2.

    attachicon.gif DSC_1689.JPG

    Here are the steps.

    1. Mix the cement powder with water in a disposable container (I use those tao huay containers)

    2. Mix until the texture is similar to mashed potato (I use estimation, cant help you here on the exact formula)

    3. Use a disposable spoon to scoop the mixture into each cube

    4. After filling the whole tray, knock the tray against a hard surface (floor) to make the paste flat

    5. Leave it overnight to dry (approx 6-12 hrs)

    6. To remove the plugs, bend the tray outwards slightly and they will pop out

    7. Remove the excess edges by 'rubbing' a few plugs together

    Note: If you want thicker plugs, fill with more mixture. If your plugs are weak and crack easily, or have crack lines, I suggest you redo again as you either put too much or too little water. You may want to try making 1 or 2 plugs first until you get the right mixture.

    1 packet can make about 3 rounds of 24pc plugs depending on how thick you want.

    The plugs are ready to use and no extra baking or drying etc needed.

    Here is a pic of the end results:

    attachicon.gif DSC_2061.JPG

    Bro, sorry ah need to ask a question. I got the same exact quick setting cement as you from daiso and managed to make the frag plugs..but when i soak it in water...there was some weird sediments that came out from it settling at the surface of the water...was wondering if it is normal and safe?


  4. DIY frag plugs - (my personal "secret" which I will share!) :)

    Make your own DIY frag plugs for only $4!

    Buy a packet of EASY QUICK SETTING cement, $2. NOTE I HAVE ONLY USED THIS QUICK SETTING TYPE, I'm not responsible for the other types as I have not tried.

    Buy an ice cube tray with the other $2.

    attachicon.gif DSC_1689.JPG

    Here are the steps.

    1. Mix the cement powder with water in a disposable container (I use those tao huay containers)

    2. Mix until the texture is similar to mashed potato (I use estimation, cant help you here on the exact formula)

    3. Use a disposable spoon to scoop the mixture into each cube

    4. After filling the whole tray, knock the tray against a hard surface (floor) to make the paste flat

    5. Leave it overnight to dry (approx 6-12 hrs)

    6. To remove the plugs, bend the tray outwards slightly and they will pop out

    7. Remove the excess edges by 'rubbing' a few plugs together

    Note: If you want thicker plugs, fill with more mixture. If your plugs are weak and crack easily, or have crack lines, I suggest you redo again as you either put too much or too little water. You may want to try making 1 or 2 plugs first until you get the right mixture.

    1 packet can make about 3 rounds of 24pc plugs depending on how thick you want.

    The plugs are ready to use and no extra baking or drying etc needed.

    Here is a pic of the end results:

    attachicon.gif DSC_2061.JPG

    Bro, sorry ah need to ask a question. I got the same exact quick setting cement as you from daiso and managed to make the frag plugs..but when i soak it in water...there was some weird sediments that came out from it settling at the surface of the water...was wondering if it is normal and safe?


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