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Lee Khim Ann

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Everything posted by Lee Khim Ann

  1. clearer pic? can't really tell what it is but resembles a mantis shrimp slightly
  2. feed it a bit maybe? it doesn't seem hungry but sometimes a little feeding will help bring back your corals
  3. I went golden octopus yesterday. Saw alot there
  4. Just curious, how do you guys frag your corals and what tools and methods do you guys use? Please share
  5. most likely mantis shrimp. i have a tiny one which hitchhiked into my tank. u can try poking a toothpick into its burrow and if u feel "punching" its definitely mantis
  6. They say cherryaqua inano has been proven to grow sps on the box. Not sure true onot because i only keep softies and lps
  7. yr pressure must be high enough in order for the water to come out fast. if your pressure not enough water will come out very slowly.
  8. I'm using that light for my 35x35x35 and i totally love it. but of course, there are better lights such as maxaspect and hydra but they cost a bomb. CherryAqua is pretty good value for money imo
  9. Nice paly at the bottom right. Your tank would look better with some cloves or gsp. Heres a pic of my tank.
  10. you should get some gsp a big colony. it would brighten up ur tank pretty good
  11. nothing eats cyano because it is not considered as algae. cyano is slime. i heard some acclimated saltwater mollies eat cyano
  12. My father feed his fish takes nearly 1hr lol he off all his flow during water change so shld be no problem
  13. using razor for main tank now. so far so good. i like the customisable timings for the lights
  14. if red its cyanobacteria. nothing will eat cyanobacteria. i managed to get rid of mine fully by blasting it away using turkey baster. if its brown is diatom. can buy clean up crew to get rid of it or u shld stop over feeding and adding tap water to tank.
  15. u need to upgrade your lights. lights are a must for a successful marine tank. do u have a skimmer too? if not please get one.
  16. don't plan on fragging now but i will probably start new thread when i frag my duncan thanks!
  17. add some live pods and give them around 1month for them to reproduce and multiply in numbers until u can see the many pods at all corners of ur tank. with such a big population, ur mandarin can take care of itself and u don't even need to feed it anything. my mandarin takes care of itself and doesn't eat any of the food i feed my other fish
  18. use ur hand whack the pt until he scared and dun dare whack the other fish
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