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Everything posted by skinbone

  1. erm...why is there such an outcry when he is trying to sell his equipment at a profit when i see people chopping up their zoas and sps colonies making even more disgusting profits? I see people chop their newly bought sps colonies to sell at $15-$18 per branch. One colony is only about $35. A colony typically has more than 15 branches for those that i see on sale. Wouldnt that make one colony close to $100 profit? Isnt that more disgusting? I have nothing against people who frag from their established colonies for sale at reasonable pricing. I feel that is part of sharing and preserving nature. But seriously, new colonies? People buy one colony and keep in tank for 1-2 months and make profit of $100? Dang. Why dont i hear the same kind of outcry against people who profiteer like that? I want to hear the same voices too. Dont get me wrong, i am not saying that TS is right or wrong. Just voicing my views on the situation.
  2. Agree! You might be lucky to all items for 30 percent of your asking price .
  3. All items sold and collected. Thread closed. thank you!
  4. Haha you are so ever polite with the salutation. No need for 'Mr' la. We are all reefers. Just be casual. Anyway, thanks for your recommendation. I bought it from Jireh yesterday. It is not much cheaper but the lady boss provides good service. For this kind of small item, the margins are usually quite tight and not much discount can be given. I bought the NAc3.5 instead of theNac3+. No particular research on it. Just that since it is a newer version so i bought it. On hindsight, the NAC3+ might be the better skimmer because it has a bigger neck. I remember reading somewhere that a bigger neck is always better. But so far i am happy cos it seems to be working pretty well. Cheers!
  5. All items tentatively reserved. Will contact bros in queue should the original buyers back out. Thank you.
  6. Just found out through Jireh that they have the item for $150+. Might be able to squeeze some discount. I think get in singapore is easier for me as i will be travelling with family. Not quite worth the trouble to save $40 dollars.
  7. Hi all, A bro contacted me to reserve the reefcleaner only. Therefore, the sale is now for the Tunze 9002 skimmer only. Tunze 9002 - $90 thank you.
  8. Hi guys, Have the tunze reefpack for sale. It is modified for easier adjustment of air flow. For those that are not sure. Please visit the below webby for pics and specs. Basically it consists of 2 parts. One tunze9002 skimmer and one reefcleaner. Reefcleaner can be used for your chemical filtration media. It is separate and you can choose to install it individually. =-infoxunter048]reefpack picture This is the modification i made to the skimmer. It allows for much easier flow control. A very highly recommended modification which can be reversed easily. Condition : 9/10 price: $130 Please call/sms me at 81000833. no PMs pls. Thank you. Kevin
  9. Pictures will really speed up sales.
  10. Some LFS in Singapore must have this product. I think Jireh has it. Maybe the other bros can advise. I also need to find out the cheapest price that we can get this skimmer in singapore. I checked the price in HK and it is only $100. So if singapore price is $100-140, i think i will get it in singapore. Anything above that i get it from HK.
  11. wow..that is amazing skimmate. I will definitely hunt for this when i visit hongkong in 3 weeks time. thank you for the skimmer pic
  12. nice..will be watching this thread. Please update on performance of NAc3 too. I am running a nano and will be keen to see if the NAC does the job well. As for the micro bubbles, it may be from the skimmer return. By experience, i suggest that u add another 2 pieces of glass as baffles at the section where water flows to where the return pump is. I understand that this situation might be improved over time as the skimmer plastic rids itself of its oil surface. However there will still be some bubbles ,like it or not. All experienced tank makers should advise on that, unless you requested for the baffles not to be there. It solves a whole lot of micro bubbles issues created by skimmers etc. Do google and research on baffles if you are not too sure what i am talking about. btw, with the iphone4 and LV bag, i am sure u made your wife very happy:)
  13. Anyone that knows internet should be able to google these easily: 1)picture and setup 2) all the related videos It took me less than 1minute to google and post the links here. I am sure anyone that can make their way into this forum will be able to do it too. Cheers!
  14. You can try and bring it to the sim lim shops. Most of those computer fans can work. Otherwise call Dr Evil and see if he can help.
  15. this fish is really gorgeous. It is one of those fish with a ton of character. I personally love this fish. But be very careful cos it is a jumper. a Realllliiiiiiii good jumper.
  16. Your England no good la. Neber read his message clearly. Liddat misunderstandings can happen chew know? He said this in his last sentence "Bro Soul, I really respected you and agreed with you, SPS really need to feed."
  17. You should check out LCK (Steven) no matter how inconvenient. heehee. I went yesterday. Thye have some nice green and pink octos for reasonable price. all fat and healthy too.
  18. Wow, that is a lot of discipline. Changing water 3 times a week is like when i was keeping some high end goldfish for competition. heehee. Will be following your thread closely. Keep up with the pics. Cheers
  19. very nice sps tank so the maxspect 60w can do the job too. Did u upgrade to cree bulbs or is it the original half LEDs?
  20. +1 for BSI remember to clean the nozzle and cap it. Leave it in the fridge so that the nozzle does not dry up.
  21. Sold and collected. Thank you for interests!
  22. Hi guys, i reserved the Mystery wrasse but found it a little too big for my nano.Anyone who might wish to take over this healthy fish, please let Tht79 know. It is still in his tank and collection details is the same as he stated. I will honor my reservation and still take over the fish if no one else wants it. rgds, Kevin
  23. Reserved Will update when collected or available again. Thank you for interests.
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