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Posts posted by dachkie

  1. you can still rectify since you have not scape it yet, drain all the water out for temporary storage ( if internal of the tank ), call a car windscreen polisher to see if they willing to do the job , for car windscreen scratch removal should cost arn $50-$100, and if you can find some1 willing to do it , maybe you can post up the contact details to benefit the rest of the bros who are having similar problem

  2. Many thanks bro.

    possible to come by today to take a look bro? can pm me your address?

    hi never check back on this thread so never see your post anyway i'm not in sg at the moment , if you would like you pm me ur number then i'l arange for you to come and see

  3. i've used the old model before and the accuracy sucks, spent $100 on 2 new sets of regents still damn lousy reading,

    lousy as in same water sample i can get readings in 1 try 0.03 and the next try i get 0.1 , which is damn off

    0.04+/- is not a good indicator of good water quality as reefers are striving to achieve lower then 0.03.

    so the meter could be showing 0.03 but i actually have 0.07 or vice versa

  4. Sigh COE ..... another freaking stupid garment system .... wait lor... maybe will drop till < 1k again....

    ok dun get me started......

    wah.... I am not Peter or Johnson. Small time white+blue collar worker only.

    I sponsor you some cable ties... can manage your MaxSpect wires. :)

    pray for me that it drops to 1k, if it does i treat you fine dining also can lol

  5. it was a pity as that laboutei shine above the rest and the colour seems to be different when compared to the rest.....and that explains the premium price. Every setback will make you stronger. Me jio jio farms to bring in wrasse, will keep you posted if you still interested. Good Day.

    of course interested , i just aim to have another laboutei , linetus and a rhomboid then i can retire liao

  6. go and get a set of maxspect lah Dachkie!

    the lack of light is the frag tank lah, using t5 , my main tank using aqualumen and 250w mh already lor

    of coz if you would like to sponser me 2x230w maxspet i really wont mind because this yr i cant anyhow spent , saving up for the stupid ridiculous coe which i have to pay early next yr

  7. Sorry for choosing that fish for you. If not because of the .....i would have gotten it also. For wrasse, at times, it is fate. Many factors can contribute to the death but actual reason, who can be 100% sure. Maybe you setup up a hospital first(which i thought in the past, you have one) before coming back strong. Anyway, time will heal your pain. Reef on.

    no prob bro you chose good it wasnt your fault , it was a good fish you chose, it did went into the hospital tank, but now i am starting to guess that it was the water contaminate with some pathogens or something, i lost my yellow wrasse too and my harlequin basslet got 1 patch on the head the last time i was checking the tank

    the pathogen could be contributed from the previous zoas incident and the waterchange could not totally get rid of it , in any case i dont know the real cause of death, but 1 thing for sure , i gonna buy a new hospital tank and throw the current 1 away and restart the whole QT system

  8. The only issue I have is what happens when the corals belonging to other reefers melts while the organiser's corals are ok... :upsidedown: This can happen to rics for example and then what happens??? :eyeblur:

    End of the day the organiser is the one who takes the time and effort to make the bulk buy possible but he is usually the one who gets all the stick when something goes wrong. :rolleyes:

    ya bro that was also what i was worried about, much as i am human and would love to take the healthy pieces, i decided that i have to take the most badly bleached 1s so that the others who entrusted me to buy for them still can choose . but i am glad that i made that choice, anyway i believe the rics will recover over time as i can see them expanding well

  9. anyway just some thoughts about the recent rics bulk buy ,

    i personally felt that it was not such a good idea on my part ,

    reason being , somehow some of the nicest of this batch of rics bleached in my frag tank and i also is on the verge of loosing 1 of the polyp as witness by kimkim / raydiative and wilson

    my biggest concern was what if the other guys thought that i choose the best for myself and gave them the lousy 1s, but luckily i have showed the guys that i took the worse of the lot and the guys who did the bulk order was understanding enough .

    the unneccesary stress was almost too much for me to handle when i 1st saw signs of bleaching , so my advise for future bulk buys if there are any would be for reefers to collect on the same day if possible. and bulk buys organisers must be prepared for the stress and losses if any.as this was my 1st time organising this i wasnt prepare for something like this to happen at all

    ok just my 2 cents and once again thanks to the guys for their understanding, last thing i want is to get a bad rep out of this

  10. Dun take it too hard... $$ lost can be earned, fish lost can be bought..... end of the day, another experience, another lesson learn.. :)

    Maybe it's time to set a button to self restrict from the LFS update thread, just like our casino!!! ")

    lol nice meeting you bro , funny how you said " are you dachkie?"

  11. any bro/ sis has plan to decomm? please pm me :)



    bro i got a 5ft tank with stand and sump to give away ,

    tank condition 7/10

    stainless steel condition 7/10

    acrylic sump condition 5/10

    all free, you choose what you want to keep, and arrange your own transport

    interested please pm

  12. Bro, take a break from buying them. When you're feeling better, go for the easier ones to build confidence. After that, the rest just fall in place. Take it nice and slow. ^_^

    man its like ciggarettes , you say you want to quit, you end up smoking more, been telling myself not to buy wrasse ever since that period where i lose so many wrasse, after i restarted my new tank the craze came back , the only way to kick this habit is to cold turkey myself from viewing the lfs update thread, which again is not possible because its just a click of the fingers


  13. today is another sad day, if i lost anymore wrasse i will ban myself from wrasse and i will wack any1 who ask me want wrasse or not

    super super chio alpha laboutei from reborns latest shipment , super healthy eater initially until i set up my frag tank few days ago so i shifted the tank light to the frag tank and the QT tank was in only room light so i did not know that it suffered from brokylnella ( suspected) did so much things to keep him alive then rush down to clementi to buy formalin and came back to a dead fish. this time is the ultimate sian , the worst of losing any of my fish , this is my fave and nicest of them all and i only got to keep it for 1 week, sad angry and guilty for killing such a beautiful specimen

  14. been thinking about it... should we leave the members numbers open or cap at a number?

    how big should the grp be ? in general the more the better cause we will have more frags to trade.

    but when shipment comes in, it will be very difficult to co-ordinate.

    Imagine liasing with 30 people via SMS. The rics co-ordination among 5 persons were already very tedious.

    thoughts? I need input on this please.

    wahahahaha ok for me i just pick and go lol , yours was the headache 1

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