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Everything posted by neokn

  1. Damnnnneeed. This pump will most likely cost me both my hand or both my legs.
  2. Got alot of Alantic Blue tang. Very tempened to rush down after work but me no transport and some more works near North Buona Vista
  3. Change travel plans and go HK instead. Just take a look @ my post with all those rare angels.
  4. Yes, he have. Check his thread yesterday and today.
  5. That's why, next trip will plan for HK already.
  6. Ok. this time round. I will provide the link for everyone to view the Hong Kong Marine forum Hobbyist tank.
  7. Aha!!!!! Who? Me? Of coz I'm not from HK, I stay in SG. But the owner of the tank is staying in HK.
  8. Hi Nirvani, You don't saw a hole in glass, you cut a hole. Anyway, where do you stay. Every difficult for pple to direct you to the nearest location to get the hole cut.
  9. Piesay, Didn't get the name of the tang right. HONG KONG, here I come.
  10. Errrrr..... He is looking for alu. not steel.
  11. Look at the White cheek tang in the betta box @ the sea bed. IcecruncherZ: He is a Hong Konger.
  12. Another picture to show you how crowded it is. AND to add this is not my tank.
  13. Whose mom? My or the person whom owns the attached pciture?
  14. The previous owner of my chiller runs his with timer. So the chiller will only be switch on 8hrs per day.
  15. Numbers of hours is just a basic guidline. Like what you have say it all depend on 1. Capacity of tank. 2. Type of lighting. 3. Hours of lighting on. 4. Length of pipping between the chiller and the tank. Updated chiller.htm
  16. AS above. Need some help to fill in some blanks. chiller.htm
  17. Someone did posted sometime back the the packaging of the new batch and the old is different. Unless you have bought the chiller, you wouldn't be able to open the parts to check right?
  18. Some guy in Australia DIY his own fridge chiller.
  19. There you have it. Not much of a problem actually when most fish will pickup food on the bottom of the tank to eat right?
  20. For chiller to switch on and off for half a day, use timer will do.
  21. The cabinet have holes already, so he need to create a hole in the tank.
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