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Posts posted by neokn

  1. Nudi are a problem and if you happen to hit an infestation, it'll take alot of time and the stress of FW dip also takes its toll on the Zoa.

    Wrasse do work but wrasse like the Canary are day worker (sleep in the sand at night) and the nudi mostly are most active at night. The worst thing is that with a small Pico like what I had, you can't put too many fishes in it and wrasse have never been know to be friendly within it's own species anyway, especially in such small enclosure. Fishes also do not disturb nor eat the eggs within the gel-like casing.

    Incidentally I notice nudi infect Zoanthus more and I seldom see them on my Palythoa.

    Attached are the picture of the type of Nudi that infect my Pico which incidentally crashed after a colony went south after a nudi infestation.

    Sorry to hear that.

    So how are you Zoas now?

  2. Hi, tank is finally ...

    The rimless 2 ft cube and 3.5 ft cabinet.


    Sorry, there is no step by step pics of the tank setup and cycling ... etc.

    I have took a couple of pics to post and cut the story short.

    Have been quite busy lately;

    Anyway, second pic ... please ignore diapers in the background :paiseh:

    There is a mini reno in my house at the moment.


    Closer look at the sump ...


    By the way, my maxspect could not be hang with the two aluminium rod.

    Not shown in the pics.

    I have to ask them to redo a simple T bar which will take about a week.

    Also, since I already have my live rocks and a couple of livestock in the tub;

    I do not need to do any cycling of water right? Just to double confirm.

    I am using NSW. Thanks!

    Pls comment and questions.


    Neat design. Who's you tank maker?

  3. The helichores wrasse mentioned by the members here might not even touch the nudis. Only way for me is routine FW dip and picking of the adult at night. If infestation is too bad, just have to dump the whole colonies.

    WOW!!!!! Bro,

    You are back. Roger on the advise.

    Anyway, I FW dip the few affected ones yesterday and guess what I see that the nudi is lumi. green in colour. Nice but deadly.

  4. yellow wrasse might do the work but they might work in shift timing. If you want almost 24 hours patrol, get six lines but no guarantee it will solved. Maybe u want to get Coral RX to cure them if you dont want to go for fresh water dip. Faster solve this before they lay eggs...and it will be endless battle. It can be gotten from RD. Check with bro peacemaker, think this happened to him before. All the best.

    Thanks. I have a fairy wrasse in the tank but he just eats pellets and food off my hand. He's rather interested in my shrimps too but lucky they got good hidding place thus I afraid if I add more wrasse all my shrimps will be goner.

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