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Everything posted by ReefManiac

  1. OG and sunkist reserved. Bump for Neptune and interstellar!
  2. OG bounce: $950 (big piece with multiple big vesicles) Neptune Bounce: $450 (from S5) Sunkist bounce mama: $200 Interstellar bounce: $250 (2big + 1small) please pm me if keen! price stated is negotiable if taking all.
  3. Still looking for clownfish pair. Can be any types below Black frostbite (full black and white) Black storm Mocha storm
  4. Hi all kakis, As per my title. Looking for Gem tang preferably S size and a pair of high grade clowns. Do pm me if you have any for sale.
  5. Won't bro. Standby a jug of water to dip and rinse after every picture taken.
  6. Hi reefers, I have a few sps frags that I would like to trade. PM me to deal or discuss. Banana lokani Frogskin mini colony Purple stag from @tansk Deep Orange Millepora Bi-color stag
  7. Thanks bro! It is indeed a very unique piece!
  8. I don't quite understand why would you put the refugium in a compartment where the light can be seen in the display. I think it will promote nuisance algae growth in the display tank, maybe consider a chaeto reactor for nutrient export?
  9. Hi bros and sis. I have a fairly new set of AP700 with slight diffuser lens looking to swap with a Radion G4 XR30W Pro with reef link. Do Pm me to discuss about trading or even buying the set. Thanks in advance!
  10. This red is unbelievable... Frag!!!!
  11. Note 8 is water resistant, just dip it in to take pic and rinse with tap water afterwards. Thanks!
  12. As much as you can fit. It will only be beneficial in a long run.
  13. I am using Samsung Note 8, works really well underwater!
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