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Everything posted by Jeebusai

  1. Salifert i added foundation C (can’t remember which alphabet). Let me check again the readings. After the supplement.
  2. Thats quite a lot. Going to get some this weekend! Thanks!
  3. Im fighting some brown looking algae for the past 2 weeks. Most likely got it from the rocks in old tank. I have a missing yellow watchman goby. Could have been a cause too? (I really can pinpoint) Its driving me nuts! I have been washing the protein skimmer cup and changing the wool daily. Changed the position of the wavemaker, even ordered another one. Bacteria dosing, cleaning the glass. It has improved a bit, but seems like it always come back with a vengence. Any advice bros? Trying not to use chemi clean as my tank is still pretty new. Thanks! Forgot to mention. My water parameters are : Calcium 420 Akalinity 9.2 Magnesium 1280 Nitrates 10< Ammonia 0 Phosphates 0 Salinity 10.25 PH 8.1-8.25 (should i add some buffers)?
  4. Thanks for the replies bros. Took me an hour plus (accumulated) to catch the yellow tang. Tying very hard not to destroy any corals for damage anything lol. Only managed to dip it for about 3-5nins as he’s showed a bit of stress and pooed quite a bit. Initially, when I put him in the net, I was disappointed. They were still there. After I put him back in the DT, all disappeared. Guessed it worked both ways. Hopefully I won’t be able to find any more. If not, will have to dose praziquantel. Going to monitor him a few days. Unfortunately, will be away for a short trip tomorrow. I bought a cleaner shrimp too. Hope it help! Thanks again!
  5. Hi all, I think my yellow tang got Black Ich. She was with me for about 3 weeks. Previously I had a spare tank and didn’t spot any anomaly. Now that I sold my tank. I can’t do a QT. Having a hard time trying to catch her for a freshwater dip. All suggestions are welcomed. Thanks!
  6. Hi, im a newbie and still learning. From what I gather. Lights are not needed during cycling
  7. Can anyone confirm if this is cyano? It’s getting a bit worse than this. I shifted the rocks for better flow and increased the water flow. I have to clear the skimmer cup and change wool everyday as it can be quite dirty. Current parameters Nitrates 10 Phosphate 0 Ammonia 0 Calcium 420 Alkalinity 9.2 Any inputs will be appreciated. Thanks.
  8. Nice pics and nice fishes bro. To be able to breed in captivity is no mean feat!
  9. I’m having the same issue for 2 of my 5 head octo. The funny thing is, one seems like recovering after coral X dip. The other one should be a goner. Waiting for it to die and cut off the head. Definitely not a flow or light issue as the other 3 are thriving........and I don’t see any brown jelly.....
  10. Did I read Bayer advance??? Isn’t that home pest killer? OMG fierce.
  11. Thanks sis. Can pm me how much and where to buy? Thanks. Btw no embarrass lah. Ur tank very chio and neat! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Thanks for the prompt reply sis. Actually, the octo has this issue when I bought it. Inexperienced lol. The funny thing Is 3 branches are thriving and 2 dying....been arranging them for the past week. All 3 no matter where I put also happy. On the 2 branches unhappy (total 5 branches)...hard to please. Can U post the light for the refugium? Mine is just as small. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Is it the bleeding apple? It was like that when I bought it. lol. Cheap thing not good. Looks better than when I first bought it. But I’m really having issue with my octo. 2 heads not doing well. Heard from some brothers that octo can just die on u anytime without warning. Faint. BTW sis, any good recommendation for refugium light. Due to tights space. It has to be small. TIA
  14. Nice. But I couldn’t find the product on their website website! Lol
  15. 1. Walt Smith Rocks 2pcs 5.5kg - $70 neg 2. TLF Phosban Reactor 150 (like new) + ROWA Phos more than 2/3 left -$70 firm 3. Reef primer 90% left - $16 4. Carib Sea rock - $6 5. API KH test kit (brand new) - $10
  16. I agree totally now lol. The bigger the DT the more tiring it is. The bigger ur sump tank, the easier it is. Can accommodate mistakes better too! Lol
  17. Wow! Very very Nice! Did you do the piping yourself?
  18. Having some cyano problem. Likely contributed by a few factors. 1. Was trying to feed my yellow tang more as the Clarkii clown snatched 90% of the food. Also tried algae wafers (they loved it but stuck under the rocks) 2. Flow wasnt enough. 3. Skimmer was overflowing. Was working well last few days. (Erratic) Used an old FW aquarium light for refugium. Apparently, the new Red Sea Reefers come equipped with refugium. Bought a power backup for the wavemaker Incase of emergency. Going on a long holiday soon. Getting worried. Lol Time to buy some Chaeto tom! Some pics :
  19. Thanks for the promot reply....but I’m using iPhone,........lol
  20. Very nice pic! Can show the filter ur using and where to buy? Thanks!
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