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  1. Hi people! I did something really impulsive a week ago and bought a moorish idol. I know its a hard species and stuff but i just couldn't resist. Worse was that it wasn't even a really healthy specimen but somehow it called out to me. Now, against all odds, its eating pellets!! I just need some advice on how to enrich its diet as i know strictly pellets or any ONE type of food can be nutirtionally bad. Vitamins? it won't eat frozen food for some reason..shaved squid, mysis nothing..only pellets-sera granumarin and JBL marin pearls. It doesn't like new life spectrum as i think the pellets are too big. He's about 4inches now. any advice??
  2. So both ur skimmers are producing good! How big are is ur tank? Do u think i should get the macro needle wheel or the weipro to go with my macro venturi?
  3. wow! excellent tip eric! Is that another skimmer i see in the background? a macro as well? I was wondering about doing that running both a venturi and a needle wheel so i get twice the skimming power and the advantages of both technologies. I can also stagger the cleaning of the skimmers. what do u think?
  4. WOW! The macro's foam production is on par with a beckett?? Or it would be if the inner riser was bigger?
  5. ahaha..sorry. I meant the biggest in the in sump range excluding those 6ft monsters..
  6. If i had to choose between the biggest macro needle wheel and the biggest macro venturi, which one should i go for? The only thing is, the biggest macro needle wheel is a much smaller skimmer than the macro venturi. I'm wondering would the needle wheel out perform a larger venturi?
  7. um..I'm not sure i get it.. If there's not much in price difference, shouldn't i get the macro here in KL? Or do u mean there are better brands in s'pore that i can get for the price of a macro here in KL?
  8. Ok..macro it is then! Uh..any input on my chiller question? Do i need one if my water hovers at 30celsius?
  9. Thanks for the info guys! Yea..the macro i saw was from 88marine. You can't get beckett or aqua-c or h&s..the only one close to those is the red sea range and i've only heard crap about that range which is super pricey as well... So like if i'm choosing between macro, weipro and queen..which one should i get? The largest weipro is only for tanks up to 150gallon so that's probably out..suggestions? On another note...do i need a chiller?I heard fish don't do well long term in water that's 30 celsius or higher? Fans don't work very well cuz of the humidity...
  10. Hi..I'm from KL and just about to buy a macro skimmer. It's not the needle wheel cuz the dude from the lfs suggests the biggest macro and unfortunately, the biggest one is venturi. My tank is gonna be a 7ft FOWLR. The guy says that the one i'm looking at is adequate but i have my doubts...is my tank gonna be underskimmed? My tank specs - 7/2/2 and might be quite heavily stocked either with a bunch of lions or various species (not confirmed) Please help!
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