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Everything posted by decentkid

  1. lol....i also know u...lol u never notice always one gang of guys always hang around ML??
  2. bro...corals do sting each other...but if they so close together...yet they open big big...then theres nothing to worry about...maybe they havent started fighting or that piece is immune to the other sting or whatsoever...but as long as they open..nothing to worry about
  3. maybe it has shed its crown...given time will grow back...or maybe it is just not ready to come out yet...give it time... to check if dead or alive or what so ever...take out the tube and squeeze along the tube lightly to feel for the worm...make sure lightly hor...if not alive also get squished until dead my 2 cents
  4. i just found out that his pic keep switching angels....for a moment i thought what happen to my com?!?!?!?
  5. if so easy to find or anyone were to say...we all no need to drool at DA zoos liao
  6. doesnt open until that big...had it for a month liao leh but the skeleton looks like along the family of scolymia and cynarina..
  7. as above...if u guys do see any pls tell me...thanks
  8. definitely not a prata...it doesnt open so big like a prata...it remains at that shape...just expands a little...and the skeleton isnt that of a prata willianmuk: those green or yellow spikey things is already the shape of the skeleton....like needles...with the flesh covering it....then it opens...the spiky sections are gone...the flesh only have pimple like protrusions.....and thats all...doesnt open like a prata
  9. lol...you were not the first lar.....there were more colourful ones...but then....
  10. remove the corals b4 rescaping and handle them well....i rescaped my tank twice in a week...100kg of rocks...and no coral died
  11. bro...wrong sub forum but anyway...my tank same volume as yours...i am using daeil fish cooler...1/3hp..good enough for my tank..kicks in ever 45 min or so...can get from marine life...one of our sponsers
  12. lol...diabolus also said that...but it is a hard coral leh...got skeleton...
  13. hey guys...got this coral for quite some time...asked a few people to ID for me but no one knows....anyone can help?
  14. not LPS tank lar...mixed do upgrade your equipments such that you can obtain good water quality...having strong lights but poor water quality...your sps will still brown out...so after doing so..then go for MH...add a few T5 atinic to balance out the colours....IMO...dont go for all T5...
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