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Posts posted by Kwancy

  1. Coral Farm shipment
    Black ocellaris clown, gold nuggets clown, black picasso clown, snow onyx ocellaris clown, midnight lighting ovellaris clown, rose band fairy wrasse, purple queen anthias male, smith white blenny, blue mandarin orange fin, red banded cleaner shrimp (kuekenthali), koko worm red-white,blue zebra hermit crab, red leg hermit crab, sally lightfoot crab.
    Longnose filefish, bella sleeper goby, red hadonni anemone, purple carpet anemone, green carpet anemone, rose bubble red anemone

    How much is the snow clown fish?
  2. Trying to be as neat as possible Squeeze in what ever i can in the sump area, the rest goes to the customised cabinet/bench.

    Hi bro, starting a nano tank too. Want to ask you.. does the stand to put the dosing machine comes with it? If not, where can I get it from?
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