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Everything posted by dandelion76

  1. Hi All, Have one 3" plus purple tang for sale. Ich freee. Eat nori, pallet, cyclopeeze, henry food - well basically eat like pig . Going for $35. Have one pair of Golden Stripe Maroon clown been with me for > 8 months. Very healthy pair, offer me ur price Potential buyer kindly please PM me. Sale will be based on First come first serve basis. Collect at AMK Ave 10 after 8.30 pm weekdays. Will post photo later tonite.
  2. Using ORP controller with the ozoniser.. so no worry about over dosing.. p/s: current ORP is ~400 after running it for close to two weeks.. my LS are happier these days
  3. OMG.. that's a very sweet offer ... Paul, if u post this 2 months ago I would in fact buy you 6 bucket of coral life salt with door step delivery... Upzz for a good deal ..
  4. Hi Bro wa_lanz, What about red milis and light purple plating monti frags to swap with ur orange digi? Picture later tonight
  5. Hi bro I am interested. Pls pm me on price and where to collect. U wanna swop with Red Milis Frag? About 1.5" with some branches.. pretty red i would say..
  6. Bro BH, thanks for sharing .. Already connected my ozoniser to the skimmer.. my LS gonna be happier soon
  7. You are refering to the blue connector glueing (I think so) or the whole skimmer glueing? If it's only attaching the blue connector, then there shouldn't be any big issue to change the blue connector right? If that so then I don't see any problem running ozone in the 1st generation RM Beckett liaoz.. And since you feed high ozone dosage from Enaly (200 mg/h) into ur skimmer and yet to have any major issue then with my Hailea running at 15 mg/h it should be fine then.. hurray hurray..
  8. Hi bro blueheaven, any updates on ur Skimmer conditions? Anyway to make it ozone safe as I am using the same first generation from Joe.. Dare not connect my ozone direct into the skimmer, using air-stone and put it in my skimmer output area now..
  9. Try this.. good deal imo.. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=37687
  10. Thanks for sharing bro. Well I know some MI are well behave.. but this time dare not take my chance. Furthermore I think this guy will not be happy in a 2' cube.. better let it find a better home imo. Anyway, it's been sold and collected. Cheers.
  11. Hi, Want to sell a 2.5" Moorish Idol which I bought today from Bio-Ocean. It's in very good shape, no fin damage observed. Saw it feeding on cyclopeeze before buying. I admit I am guilty of not doing sufficient reseach and bought it at a little of impulse Only got to know that it would most probably nipping at clams, meaty corals, sps etc. and thus no choice but to sell it away Bought at $8 selling at $8. Collect at Amk Ave 10 prefer on Sat morning (b4 11.30 am) or Sunday. Sms 96434976 for fast deal. First come first serve, no reserve pls. Cheers.
  12. But bro is ur pump and piping that feeds ur skimmer ozone safe
  13. Hi Bro Blueheaven, Well yellow birdnest is not in my hunting list at moment. May be we can exchange some frags some other time. Now still stocking up. So hope to find some nice monti frags to start with. Anyone else have stuff to swop?
  14. No lar bro.. the coloration is due to improper white balance under actinic lighting.. Anyway, must say that the mother colony is very orange, that's why Rav-65 called it as super orange monti
  15. Hi, Got this frag from Bro Rav-65. It's about 1.5"x1" in size. Personally I like plating monti much more than encrusting monti so decided to swop this piece with other nice plating monti frags. Willing to swop with other sps frags like staghorn, milis etc. too but I would prefer plating monti at moment. Dealing location and time can be arrange later. Please post photo of your frags for swop Photo below taken under actinic.. it's definitely not that orange but the potential is there, as the mother colony in Rav's tank is very orange in color. Cheers..
  16. Hi Bro madmac, mind to explain ur method is greater details. This micro bubble from Beckett is simply
  17. Read from somewhere (could be weipro website) that weipro is ozone safe.. anyone can confirm?
  18. No problem bro. Am just trying to share what I understand.. Btw, do remember that there's always a limit on how much water could flow through a pipe with a given diameter, as the flow will get CHOKED when it reach the maximum flowrate limit (as water is incompressible). So though generally for pumps available to hobbyist we generally see improve performance when higher pressure rated pump is used, but its not always true that the higher the pressure the better hor..
  19. Not cheating lar... I start work very early mar.. I go to work when everyone is still asleep
  20. Next time I want also hor.. Do it like what u did this time round.. then my finger will be very fast
  21. Bro Blueheaven, I think for ur case I'd advise u to use MD40(or RIO 20HF, both none-pressure rated). For ur skimmer spec it looks okay even if u run it with RIO 20HF, many reefers have good result running their mini beckett using RIO 20 (put in-sump). I ran my 24" Beckett with 8" chamber using Rio 20HF before, can skim but the results is of no match to that produce using MD55 (current set-up). In addition, dumping so much heat in ur tank water using RIO32 HF (unless u use it externally, but some ppl say.. ) wil increase ur chiller load and at the end of the day increase ur overall running cost still.
  22. Not really, the above example is just meant for explanation. Do remember I am not an expert of any kind but just trying to explain what I understand ... to put it short, just remember these principles: Generally all venturi nozzle converge fluid flow (air or water) through venturi nozzle (this is true for beckett nozzle too). As the flow is converge towards the centre of the nozzle which has a smaller diameter the speed of the flow is increase markedly (with the same flow rate, just imagine same amount of water flow through two different pipes, big one at slow speed, small one at much higher speed). This increase in speed create a low pressure region, hence if there's an opening around this region, external fluid at higher pressure (atmospheric pressure for air) will be sucked in. In addition, 1. Beckett Nozzle create a significant pressure drop when a stream of fluid flow through it. 2. For beckett nozzle to suck in more air, higher flowrate THROUGH the nozzle is required. 3. To supply higher flowrate, a higher pressure rated pump is needed (so after the pressure drop within the nozzle there's still a lot of pressure left, and this will translate into hgiher flowrate through the beckett nozzle, more air will be suck in, after exiting the nozzle due to pressure change some complicated physical transformation will take place and many many micro bubbles will form as a result). So, base on the above few principles, one can easily see that in order for beckett nozzle to suck in more air (for skimming), one need the ensure there's sufficient water flow rate through the nozzle. In order to supply higher water flow rate, one need to employ a pressure rated pump (preferably) that can supply water with higher pressure head as it is more efficient for this kind of application. Non-pressure rated pump can still be used if it has sufficiently high pressure head, but this will not be as effective as compared to pressure rated pump and the performance of the beckett skimmer is somehow compromized. Of course, the selection of pumps will be based on running cost as well, so there's always trade-offs between running cost and skimmer performance, and this is where all the confusion/debates originated. Hope this help... Cheers.
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