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Everything posted by Dorado

  1. Update, the chiller reserved. Skimmer still available. Happy Reefing
  2. Thanks for the interest. View at my place in Woodlands. Ps, CMY, pm you the address.
  3. Price for AquaC skimmer drop to $200
  4. The price of chiller drop to $400 plus the Ocean Runner pump (3000 or 3400 Lhr). Very cheap already....
  5. Selling 1/2hp Reef Relief chiller at $450. My friend bought it February 2004 and just service by Derrick in Sept 2005 and decomission his set up in October. Might throw-in OR 3400lhr. Might sell my AquaC Ev240 (not the new version) it already 2 yrs old and still perform like new. Still using it untill my new skimmer arrive by mid of January. Selling at $250. (ps; the waste cap cover got chip abit) Interested please pm me, thanks
  6. Shucks!! Miss your sales Simon, any other SPS you letting go pm me first can...........
  7. Magnifico Bro..... Im lost of word. Keep up the good work.
  8. Bro Kamiru, Pm you last night, no reply. Interested will the 2 big staghorn, now one gone. Can I have the other big one on the right? Cheers Bro.
  9. Bro mine nothing compare to yours leh.... No new update to show all still the same......... Give me sometime........ My coral looks a bit pale after dosing ZeoSpur. Dose 1ml per week instead every 2 weeks........... those German instruction difficult to understand, ask my bro to interprete also salah Bro Jon when back to home town, his brother pass away in accident.
  10. Bro, where did you get the big SPS colonies? Nice scaping.................BUT dont rush, sps are very sensitive. Just make sure your water perimeter stable first and let the water mature. Are U using RODI or NSW?
  11. Simon................MAGNIFICO!!!!!!! Soooooooooooo pack, selling some of your colonies to make way for new sps( when new shipment) please let me know.
  12. Nice Tank bro. Keep up the good work.
  13. Thanks James, Im looking out for my fren. Will let you know if he want it.
  14. Bro, How old is the pump. Thanks
  15. Really like to have a forest but broke leh! Unless, someone willing to sell rics at the price of normal yumas..............hehehehehe
  16. Bro if yours small garden.............. mine just a bush...hehehehe
  17. Here mine in my tank, I will not trade for anything... It small but real gem for me.......
  18. I am just loss of words......
  19. Bro, I suggest your go for bigger skimmer like 2012 above. It should produce better skimmate with right pump. Upzz for U.
  20. Bro, if it crocea do you it secrete slimmy mucous below the shell? I have 2 crocea and as far as I know, they need to attached to a rock, that why it secrete the slimmy things....hehehe. Unless squamosa and maxima or derasa.. Any bro, correct me if Im wrong.
  21. Nice tank Bro What clam is that?
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