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Everything posted by ocellaris_clownfish

  1. Hi all, Any advice on the above?
  2. This is my own experience, nothing expert. I observed that sometimes when a number of fishes are purchased and packed into the same bag there may bound to be 1 or 2 casulties after introducing them into the tank. This can apply both for freshwater and marine fishes. Maybe it is due to travel shock or a weak specimen chosen, or aggression among the fishes when they are in the bag I experienced once when I do transfer of a few damsels to my friend's place by placing them in the same container...only after awhile some of the bullies are already tearing the fins of other fish apart...
  3. Cool thanks! Visiting that area on Sunday! Hope still have stock by then
  4. I sort of recall jewel are quite aggressive, extending beyond few inches and harming corals around it. If you want to have it, just make sure there are enough space between the corals.
  5. LOL Boss, that's how we achieve high view rates for our threads mah... Just kidding anyway
  6. haha sometimes it is the other way round. I am not happy with its preferred position. My anemone found its preferred spot in the tank but it happened to be at back corner of the tank, ended up my clownfishes don't want to enter it... ...
  7. Hi all, Anyone knows what is the average pricing for the above fish?
  8. Hi all, If anyone knows the answer to this ... Just wondering whether feather dusters are sensitive to the sting of coral? Will their feather crown get sting
  9. Hi all, I am asking on behalf of my friend. Do like to know if anyone got any good furniture retailer to recommend that sell durable strong cupboard which can support the weight of a 2ft tank.
  10. Ya pistol shrimps are usually scavengers that don't cause harm. Anyway they are cute
  11. Quite hard to visualise, do you have a picture for that slime?
  12. I am very green with SPS but happened to come across these 2 while reading online... not sure whether is one of them http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di....cfm?pCatId=471 OR http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Di...cfm?pCatId=1473
  13. hee... I notice something... 2ft lighting used on a 1.5ft tank hey, if you want to switch to a 1.5 lighting can check Petmart. I bought mine there
  14. Depends what species you are looking for ML have flame angels Coralfarm also have quite a number of nice angelfish too
  15. 21pcs!!!!! That's alot!!!! Must be very beautiful pieces... Anyway... Coral Farm lots of soft corals as usual... all sorts of algaes - red bamboo, sea grape invertebrates - snails, anemones, urchins, scallops, feather stars, etc... fishes - true percula pair, maroon pair anthias, lots of angels, lionfishes, gobies, hawkfish, etc... FarmMart - Wankai not much fishes invertebrates - snails, sea slugs, cleaner shrimps, lobsters, white coco worms, etc... corals - fingers, leather, mushroom, buttons, small jewels
  16. IMO, will be good if you can target feed them
  17. Longest I heard is 2 weeks lor I think they somehow scavenge what they can find for food. They are meat eaters so you can give them nice nice mysis / brine shrimps. I believe garlic soaked food will also enhance the food smell to make fishes eat. But not sure if it is good enough to lure them out
  18. Yes, quite a number of hermit crabs are algae eater, eg. blue leg, zebra leg, scarlet but be careful because some are not so reef-safe, may disturb tubeworms. Most urchins are noctural algae feeder I believe
  19. I heard certain boxfishes do that when they are hungry. Not sure about foxfaces...maybe the same signals
  20. HAPPY NEW YEAR! hope everyone will earn big money this year to buy nice livestocks and cool equipment Still feeling sleepy though
  21. hee...don't think it will get lost la Like what RAV-65 mentioned, the firefish is very shy, often hiding. There are reported incidents that they may reappear even after a week. I heard that they may be sand burrowers too, not sure
  22. hee...I find the sea hare abit gross myself...too big for my standard Other algae eaters include: Starfishes, Sea Urchins, Hermit Crabs, Algae Blenny...
  23. Nature predactor of apitasia - peppermint shrimps
  24. I just bought a red grape and a green grape. Testing whether it will grow well with my MH 150 watt lighting I sure hope it does. So cannot confirm now
  25. Maybe it is a lighting / current issue. I also have bad experience with yellow polyps. They always die off after some times whereas my buttons are still alright. So I believe buttons are less demanding so that they can survive better.
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