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Rex Ng

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Everything posted by Rex Ng

  1. *fainted* http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/search.p...rder=descending
  2. OH NO.. the more i read about it, i am going to freak out! http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...ghlight=oceanic Help!!! I can I remove them from my tank now?
  3. Anyone uses this salt before ? Any comment? I was introduced by a lfs who strongly recommended me to buy. And so I bought and start using it. Then I was introduced by friends to reef central site and found this: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthre...ralife+salt+mix worry, worry so worry!!
  4. Bro Ryan is only making comparison of the brightness between the 2 brands he had bought which has quite a bit of price differ but certain "regular grouped" supporters got so offended and become over defensive. Even being the sponser here got nothing to say about it, why bother man brothers, peace!!! Don't make the forum so political brothers,come on
  5. Oh I see, thanks bro marineman. Anyone know where Daz is from? And where is selling it? Does it come with casing too?
  6. 13kk and 20kk white what is the different? I thought the higher the K the whiter it will be? why is 13kk in this case whiter than 20kk. is the T5 tube KK same as MH tube KK?? by the way where is the Dazs light from? The price is really worth to give it a try.
  7. I heard from 1 lfs that once cleaner shrimp grows big, they will start attacking fishes and do not "clean" anymore.. how true?
  8. Is is true that pink light enhances orange fishes like percula clown?
  9. Tried that.. no good!! Cloud my tank for almost 2 days. Have been using DT for the past few days, thumb up up .. worth every cent paid for! .. "good stuff doesnt come cheap" ?? !!
  10. it looks like coraline aglae on the liverock to me..
  11. Just got this to try and find that it is very watery. Just wondering is it diluted? How would I be able to know whether is it really "live"?
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