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Everything posted by dkk08

  1. Ya he actually asked me abt it last week when I met him in the lift (the only way I get to talk to my CEO is in the LIFT ) so we shall see... anyway MORE PICS!!!
  2. that's a very good idea... actually after I started my last FW planted tank my CEO was coming down more often to look at my tank Heard from his driver he's thinking of setting up a tank in his office
  3. I'm not sure abt that, I'm a newbie myself
  4. Yes bro earth I actually do feed the starfish like I feed fishes... just need to place the shrimp meat/Blended meat near the starfish and trust me u'll never see a starfish move at 1cm/sec before
  5. the sun from reborn too? hahaha wanted to get that pc but didn't... they've nice goni and yellow cup corals too
  6. I was keeping freshwater shrimps (still am actually) before Marine Shrimps attracted me so much that I converted half my tanks to marine setups... so here I'm dedicating a thread solely to shrimps... any kinda shrimps... of coz pics wld be good Lemme start with my sexys
  7. Here's mine normal colored tube worms
  8. Bro Qxnviolet, I suggest u put a styrofoam board under the tank... ur table looks expensive
  9. Bro earth I'm not sure how the knobby caught the fast moving damsel... perhaps it was caught when it was sleeping in the nite I'm sorta collecting starfishes mostly not reef safe, but sadly I need to find a good "temp home" for them as I'm redoing my tank and pipings... Anyway I still think more LR wld be nice... I saw some pretty nice LR at reborn just now think they've new shipment of corals so u can go check it out
  10. Great looking FOWLR tank! But I think u need more LR for the no. of LS u've in there... oh n I must say u've an expensive mix of LS too... watch out for the African Red Knob Starfish as it is known as a fish eater... I've seen mine eating damsels so beware
  11. interested in 2. 4 feet t5 NO dymax light $30 where to collect?
  12. Wanna share again bro terryz ?
  13. Hey bro how big r they now? I'm very sure they can go into a Pico tank Dun mind a pair Oh ya, wat happen to the star polyp?
  14. Oh yes totally forgot abt it... will sms ya this week for collection paiseh make u wait so long
  15. Oh ya I might have missed out on the price on the tunze mini... how much izzit and wats its flow?
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