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Everything posted by ai[k²]wan

  1. my mum heard rumors from my aunt that saltwater tank in house furniture spoil easily. i think my aunt is just jealous of my tank la hhaha.. form my knowledge, no salt spills means ok furniture, of coz if u spill salt on tv sure die mah.. evaporation does not take away salt at all.
  2. i would say, go to boon keng mrt, then go to c exit and walk straight from there. you would see the t junction , on the left is reborn on the right is paradiz reef. i went there just now
  3. DA, i brought u home and put u in a container to acclimatise u. and u are such an a** to jump out onto the table about 1 m away, the table have got a thin cushion. then later ur wife when i was putting into the tank jumped out also, onto the floor, the container was on the floor. wonder if anyone of u are injured, bcoz of my parents rushing me to go out to lunch, did not acclimatise the water, only temperature. now u all hide in some rocks and dun wanna come out, haiz sian.
  4. argh.. i was like going to hunt for it after watching the tv show in channel 5 or what featuring an angler fish fishing in the reef aquarium.
  5. nvm remember luohan craze, luohan get cheaper and cheaper? its good for us consumers but bad for the shop ppl lor.
  6. i tot the whole set is a few hundred? why do i keep hearing ppl say t5 is affordable.
  7. finally a shop close to me, but still gotta take bus there.
  8. haha.. evaporation is not a problem man, is already in the stage in planning kalkwasser ###### top off drip, jsut need the time to get the valve and container
  9. would anyone support the extreme measure of dumping half a bottle of nutrafin cycle now?
  10. u gotta lower ur nitrites , imo there should not be anything inside a 2week old tank until ammonia and nitrite is both 0
  11. our sponsor have it eaquanature, or pm edmund
  12. dont understand the last one.
  13. the problem is i dunno which hole the shrimp is in
  14. it looks like alveopora. less tentacles than gonipora 12 tentacles per polyp
  15. ya hate the micro bubbles.
  16. wah i gotta wait a few more years liao lor...
  17. haha i already put my clowns into a qt b4 i posted.. read up quite a bit. but i added some azoo ectoparasite treater thing ot the water, not formalin. smells quite good. any idea whether it is malachite green? and does it get deactivated under light, saw one website dat said dat.
  18. just place ur return pipe high up on the tank, with the end half submerged, very safe, im using it dat way.
  19. its all in my sump nothing to worry.
  20. i always rack my brain to diy coz no money for off the shelf stuff
  21. im feeling very bad now sia, bad mood. my 2 clowns are down with clownfish disease , one is more serious. i have one question should i treat the whole tank or is it ok to just treat the fish.
  22. how to get a mantis shrimp out of a rock of buttons? full of buttons
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