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Trigger Queen

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Posts posted by Trigger Queen

  1. dun keep with those upper blue lower is yellow or yellow damsel.. my two damsel juz a hole at ur stomach as my blue trigger bite on them few days ago.

    your niger bite them??? :angry:

    IMO, Niger is the most unpredictable trigger. coz u can get one as docile as a rabbit or one that is more aggressive/ballistic than a queen trigger.

    mine belongs to the second category... ;)<_< killed my damsel, bite my other triggers including clown trigger, angels..... etc :angry::angry:

    had to give it away, tempted to get another but... too unpredictable.. still love them though, beautiful fins and swimming grace.

    saw titan triggers at Re*** and the big fellow was bullied by puny undulated !! :blink::blink:

  2. i found that the mirror trick works best on my Purple tang.. it will go ballistic at the mirrors, next is my flame hawk. the others couldn't care less...... the angels lose interest fast.

    btw, chris, what do you feed your kole? tried keeping one but it just refused to eat... (nori, live brine/frozen shrimps, pellets, flake, mysis... all not interested)

    i use a palm size mirror..

  3. In my case, the Coral Beauty chased my newly added Flame for about a week. I put mirrors all around my tank (taught to me by Henry of ML) during this period to help distract the Coral Beauty.

    Now both are friends and living happily together. :)


    Henry also taught me this method, for my new tang but it was already after my poor flame angel went to fish heaven (it was still happily swimming and eating and playing hide and seek and few hours later........:cry::cry: i am still mystified by its death...)

  4. Orange Bristle tooth , a seldom seen tang at LFS ...

    orange bristle!!!! :yeah: beautiful specimen.

    i've only seen it on the net.. where did u get it???

    and the chevron tang is gorgeous. :yeah: what do u feed it?

  5. I think most reefers, esp at the beginning stage, will go for

    1) yellow tang

    2) flame angel

    the dazzling colors on these 2 are hard to beat.

    3) damsels (as pospeh mentioned, leftovers from cycling and cannot catch the bugger anymore)

    4) gobies and blennies

    5) anthias

    these are small, peaceful(?), pretty and useful?

    My own fav

    1) TRIGGERS (all of them.......of course) :P

    2) Angels (esp lemon peel, blue-face)

    3) Tangs (esp blond naso, kole, yellow)

    4) WRASSE (esp those from the thalosamma family)

    5) Scarlet Hawkfish

    OR Any fish with an attitude or a stupid face. :blink:

    BUT as u can see, its really difficult to make a decision.............

    so many fishes, one small house and only one tank..... haiz :cry2:

  6. wat a nice fish :whistle hw long hv u benn keeping it?? issit difficult :unsure:

    according to the 'book', it seems that majestic aren't easy to keep. :(

    so when we purchased ours, we make sure it was already eating well in the LFS. That time, that LFS brought many majestic and THIS was the only one eating. :D

    its been in my tank for months, eats like a pig and is the king in the tank. :heh:

    but strangely, it left the dwarf angels alone (though they were added in later) and only 'push' the harlequinn tusk and blue-chin trigger .... <_<<_<

  7. ok starfish get the linkia or fromia type lah.

    linkia is the blue ones and fromia the bright red ones that feeds on bacteria n detritus.

    serpent & brittle stars are gd as well... shucks my serpent star just lost a leg to my wrasse n trigger.... b4 scumperng back into the safety of the rocks...

    dazza, does your trigger harrass the serpent star relentlessly???

    i have been thinking about getting one for a long time but i know chances my triggers will finish it within 5 min is very high........... haiz :(:(

    what does the serpent star eat? :)

  8. :blink: have an empty 2 feet tank which is invested with just one yellow tail damsel and it's invested with Bristelworms :blink: actually eradicating them after a fren of mine recommended me this site. Need more infor on buying a larger tank 4 feet or maybe larger. would like to consolidate slowly on whats good and rather bulid up my own abit more slowly but surely. Where exactly do you guys get good tanks and tank racks that go with them.. i'm intending to change my 2 feet into the sump maybe have an 6 ft perhaps...u see how confused i am need help man seriously.... :(:look:

    Hi, welcome to the club.. you will learn much from this site.

    just checking...

    did you 'invest' in bristleworms? or your tank is 'infested' with them...???? :D:P

    if you want to get rid of them, please let me know... my triggers will love a good snack :lol::lol::lol::lol:

  9. i use to feed my triggers, wrasses, hawkfish,eels, lionfishes live shrimps..

    they love it!!

    its quite fascinating seeing the hawkfish hunt and catching it b4 the bigger fishes!

    i think it helps to 'wear down' my triggers teeth (no facts, just my assumption).

    but i stop coz now not easy to find live shrimps. <_<

    so far no side effects .... except bigger tummies..

    but heard that letting your fishes 'catch' their own food makes them more aggressive! :pinch:

  10. Is moon wrasse = lyretail wrasse? :o Mine is very peaceful, eat well, sleep well. how can this :angel: fish creates problem :shock:

    if urs is an angel, then u r real lucky, or it has yet to sprout horns? or its in no position to create havoc?

    i had 2 (in different tanks). it was one of the fishes that i wanted badly coz its simply beautiful and a graceful and tireless swimmer.


    in tank 1:

    it bully all new comers, refuse to let some near food. suspected murderer of 1 blenny. eats up all the food b4 others. no regard for all fishes.

    in tank 2:

    suspected murderers of several gobies, blennies, small wrasse, clam.

    splashes water at us at every single feeding time. eats ALL the food.

    BUT they are Beautiful and such great characters. sad to part from them :cry::cry:

  11. if u add a small one, chances of it attacking others quite 'slim' .

    107 for a clown trig? ex...... :pinch:

    go easy on the blood worm.... :sick:

    triggers character are hard to predict, they can turn terrors overnite..

    let us know when u get a clown trig.

    and i agree wif dazza, i think the moon wrasse is more chaotic than the triggers. i had a lunar... had to give it up!!

  12. not expert but got abit experience with triggers.

    i have 4 triggers (picasso, clown, blue-chin, black-patch) living in a tank. and a pink-tail in another. (i dream of having a queen and a blue-line and a cross-hatch)

    1) dun add the lion, triggers will nib it and it will get to the food too slow.

    2) eels and triggers are ok (i had triggers + zebra eel) but the prob is feeding. i had to feed the eel using thongs and by the time the eel smell it and swim to the food, the triggers are already after it. i had to'beat' them off. its funny but frustrating and need patience. this happen even when i poke the thongs directly into the eel's cave.

    3) pink tail are considered more docile triggers. mine is shy and docile but mine get very aggressive if it thinks the newcomer is a threat to its food source. i had a clown trigger wif pink-tail living happily (until the clown died).

    4)though ur pink-tail is establish, clown triggers are generally mad and might go after it BUT IF the pink-tail 'kow-tao' to the clown, should be ok. triggers skin is very tough. so a few scratches is ok. IMHO pinktail+clown is ok as the aggression level is different. (but then, its triggers we are talking abt and they are highly unpredictable)

    5)IMO, adult clown triggers are actually not easy to keep. most that we buy in lfs are cynaide caught. i lost 2 clown triggers, 1 blue-line, 1 sufflamen to it!!!!! :cry2::cry2: maybe u lost yours to that ?? my adult clown also had a cloudy eye....!!

    now i have a baby clown trigger. abt 2 inch. feeds very well. and able to hold its own amg triggers, angels double its size! had it for abt 3 months.

    6)i heard that if the excretion of a fish is long and whitish, it means cynaide caught, so if the fish is able to 'pass out' the poison, chances of survival is good.

    my baby clown trigger excretion was like that, so i fed it VERY WELL (pellets, meaty food, brine shrimps) so it keeps 'passing out long white stuff' :pinch:

    7) train ur fish to feed before u release it to ur big tank... looking at ur fishes, i am sure they are all greedy eaters and will shove the newcomer aside. i will quarantine mine and trained it not to be afraid of me and make sure its happy to see me, ie, will swim towards me and not hide. then i will release it. PATIENCE.

    8) ANDi think 4inch clown is a risk... too big... might turn on ur other fishes any time... if u must get one, get smaller one. I LOVE clown triggers. thats why i try n try n try again. i quite hopeful my small bugger will survive for long.


    1)how big ur tank? got pics? really love to see it, coz i am 'fish siao' and not 'coral siao'

    2) how did u manage to keep 2 angels together. i have a majestic in one tank and a juv blue-face in another. dare not mix coz i think they will fight to death. but its my dream to see both in the same tank

    i noe this post very long.. but i get very excited with triggers :D:D .

    i hope was of help. lmk when u decided to get the trigger. :P

    ps: triggers are not :evil: . they are simply MAD and affectionate to the point of death. :D:D:D

  13. The trigger i got from R*B**n died after a week in my tank... :cry2:

    It was not eating.. :off: What do you all feed them with?? :thanks:

    which trigger did u buy? what did u feed it? was other fishes bullying it (dun assume that all triggers are top of the pack)

    dun buy a trigger with pinch in tummy. most likely won't make it.

    triggers have voracious appetitide. they seldom reject food, even pellets.

    but if ur trigger is new,

    feed it brine shrimps, prawns, chopped/blended seafood. they love it. then slowly 'wean' them to pellets.

    btw, R*B*n fishes i dun think got quarantine. even their triggers mortality rate is sky high (and triggers are supposedly hardy fishes). :cry::cry::angry::angry:

    dun give up on triggers, once feeding, they are a joy (and frustration)! :D

    hope was of help

  14. IMHO,

    chances of an angel being reef-safe is low.

    learn it the hard way. had a flame angel that was well-behaved, then intro another angel n learn all the bad coral-picking habits from it!

    an angel leave ur corals alone but might decide on a new menu one day... ;)

    and bi-color not easy to keep/feed.

    i think tangs are a safer bet in ur reef tank

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