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Posts posted by mansiz

  1. This can be done, as the fishes you are going to keep is clown fishes or some other peaceful fishes right? Don't get fishes like trigger, they have the ability to knock down your divider. But few questions you need to take note, what type of lighting are you using? Anemone need at least T5s, but from you pic, you have have limited space. Another thing you need to take note is chiller, because with a weipro pump as well as a return pump (actually it's not considered return pump, cas it's only for creating flow in the tank) the temp will sure be over 30. Anemone cannot take it. Although you have plan well in the structure, but there are still factors I mentioned above you need to take note.

  2. Nope, red plants and green plants are both able to survive well in a reef or FOWLR aquarium. Please do place any corals in a FOWLR tank. As you already intend to keep fishes only, meaning you do not wish to focus much on water parameters, please don't place corals. Corals are not meant to be food for fishes. Fishes can survive well without corals as diet. If you keep fishes like tang, you can try out fern caulerpa, they are less likely to be eaten by herbivores fishes, and they suck up nutrients fast. Don't get red bamboo or red grapes, tangs/fox face or some other herbivore fishes can finish one whole rock in one day. But of course, if your do not have herbivore fishes, then any plants are wlcome to your tank. Make sure you give them enough light, if you are using T8, make sure they don't turn brown. Best is to provide them with T5s or MH.

  3. You need to quarantine your fish of cas. By placing it back to the main tank could cause other fishes to get the white spot as well. Don't put it in the sump tank, as the sump and main tank are connected, please place it in another tank and hope that it can survive through this. Feed it with pellets as well as seaweeds, soak food with garlic guard if possible. Please DO NOT add solution that contain COPPER into the main tank. You have to treat your fish seperately.

  4. yes bro, they hide because they are afraid as this is their 1st day in a new environment. They will dart into a hole everyday when they sleep and they will create a cocoon when asleep. So please do not think that it is dead or something. :lol: It is perfectly normal for them to stuck in a hole. Thats their natural behaviour. So don't try to pull them out. :lol:

  5. You have to see if your sea cuke is still around, if it is, then the death of your anthias is not because of the poisonous intestines. Anthias died easily when you got too little females or too many males in one tank. My male killed 2 other females in 3 days time. It's better to get 1 male and 6 females.

  6. Plate corals are considered LPS, you should go into hard corals since you just started your setup. You have to monitor your KH, Ph, calcium level (especially impt for SPS/LPS & your clam too), NO3, PO4. These are the basic stuff you must monitor. Besides that, your plate and crocea are at the bottom of your tank, so you should be using t5 HO or MH right? If your are using T8s, then they cannot with stand for long. Check out your temp as well, if it shoots over 30, it maight cause corals to die off. If part of your plate is gone, it means some of the water parameter is not right.

  7. Try to simplicity everything. Just like coral band shrimp, many said they kill anemones, but some said they won't and are benificial as they clean up the base (uneaten food). As for sea cuke, they will only release toxic if they are stress or some predators try to kill them (e.g. crabs). But if you have algaes on the sand, there is a 90% chance that they will stay on the sand. Mine very seldom moves up to the water surface. But if you are afraid, then you might want to give it to other bros, as they can be easily spotted at any LFS if next time you decided to get it again.

  8. Hi,

    Come across several naming of the LFS in this forum. Can someone help me out?

    1) I-Aquarium = Iwarna Aquarium?

    2) Pacific Reef = Reef World?

    Lastly, where is Reef 'n' Nature?

    Iwarna and I aquarium are both located at pasir ris farmway 2, Iwarna is very deep inside, I aquarium is the farm beside ah pek. which means, in one lot, I-aquarium and ah pek are in the same lot, but different farm. Then ah beng is at the next lot, the lot next to ah pek and I aquarium. Don't mix iwarna and I aquarium. :D

  9. How high is your temp if you did not chill your tank? From what I observe, they tend to grow large and well when they are in acceptable temp, like e.g. 26 - 28 DegreeC. When temp is over 40, they will normally shrink and disappear (melted). But if you have bright lighting, like directly under MH, they will not grow well. If using MH, place it at the right bottom of the tank. :D

  10. Yes, the dog shit like thingy will break up and white sand will appear. Haha :lol: My black sea cuke is really fantastic also. I got a big one, my sand is forever white and clean. Without the sea cuke, I don't know what will happen to the sand. Hehe. Why do you wish to give away? Care to share your problem? Or is it because you thought the dog shit thingy is shit? :shock:

  11. hi bro thanks for the advice ....... the fishes are

    pair true percular

    neon goby

    flame goby

    2 inch yellow tang

    3 inch blue tang

    flame angle

    2 inch emperor angle .............. All this exclude inverts

    during setup, decide not to have a sump cause cabinet seem small(divided portion) ..... & need to drill hole

    Keeping for 2mths plus ....... & changing water like every 4 days ....... 20% - 40% ..... cause nitrate will be around 50ppm before water changed .......

    Thinking whether i can bring the nitrate lower beside changing water ....

    As for the PH, so far remain at 8.5 ...... using marine enviroment salt ..........


    Denitrator need some time to kick in - give up the idea

    install sump - need to find a suitable sump and overflow

    therefore read up old thread and there fellow reefer suggested adding sugar ...... tot of using this method ...... advisable?

    yup bro .... is it tat my nitrate will be around 25 - 50 with the LS mention .... thanks .....

    Enjoy yr night .... cheers

    Hi bro, the amount of livestock is a lot, but if you monitor the nutrients level well, it's no proble at all. But if i;m not wrong, pellets do have more PO4 compared to frozen food. But of course frozen food must be de-frost 1st.

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