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Everything posted by blur

  1. The Linckia family, color doesn't matter me think. Me had 2, opposite ###### me think, but they don't seem to like each other leh, the female one like rejecting the male's advances. Is this normal? Will they eventually mate? Thanx!
  2. Thanks for the correction. Hmmm... there's oso a powder black...gotta see 1 for meself. This site says WhiteCheek oso aka Gold-rimmed leh, so me confused liao.... ich problem....no wonder it(and oso me butterfly) is crowding near me cleaner shrimp who seemed to be on strike....should me get another cleaner??? Thanx
  3. hi, I have a powder brown tang aka white face/cheek tang that likes to rub it's sides with the sandbed. Is this normal? Thanx!
  4. me ocasionally hear tick tick sound from me tank. Fishes look okie. Remember the tick tick sound came after I got my turbo snail, so that must be the culprit....
  5. my bicolor dottyback seems docile enuff. l only saw it chasing my twin-spot goby away from its territory. Apart from that, my other fishes seemed safe from any harrassment from the dottyback.
  6. The NSW me bought from R*born measures 1.025 leh....
  7. No need to treat meself, buy and can use straight away...but remember to cycle your tank if your tank is new.
  8. Where do you stay? If near central/east, can go R*born, Uncle Soon sell NSW oso. me buy from him one...
  9. Tried to feed the fishes wif market fish. But the fishes seem dis-interested after nipping at it. IS there a relation? Yes, the worms are crawling on the glass panels of my tank. What does that mean?
  10. Hi, Saw thin white worms crawling in my tank. What are these? Where did they come from? Thanks! Cheers,
  11. My YT sometimes pick up food from me sandbed. My halfback angel oso. While me bluefin damsel will use its tail to sweep the sandbed so that the fallen food get swept up and then it can eat. Cheers,
  12. me added me YT mths after I introduce me 1st tang, a blue tang. Never had problem leh. Read somewhere need to introduce new fishes at low light, i.e. while they're sleeping. Enuff hiding place oso critical. But me think basically me blue tang bo chap new tank mates. Now both tangs are growing happily in me tank:) Cheers,
  13. According to this site this is a butterfly-fish named Chaetodon interruptus. An Apolemichthys trimaculatus looks something like this Cheers,
  14. Here's the thread Guiness was toking aby. Enjoy!
  15. Thanx neokn, for the pic. Right, that's the half-black Angel I was talking about. Anywayz, now they all seemed to be living in harmony, wif the YT back to minding it's own business. Even the damsels are not bullying the Angel anymore. Glad to see the angel nipping the rocks for algae, and it's beginning to eat the food I feed too... Cheers,
  16. Hi, Recently added a half-black Angel into my tank. My damsels are bullying it, but what surprises me is my Yellow Tang is also bullying it. Checked the compatibility chart, tot Tangs and Angels are compatible? Can anyone expalin why? My Blue Tang ok wif it though... Cheers,
  17. My cinnamon clown sometimes sleeps with its head facing down, while my BT normally sleeps lying on a rock or on the sandbed. Cheers,
  18. Hmmm...I buy all my fishes there. Ya, I have similar experiences. Now, I look at the fishes more carefully b4 I buy. Still buying from them 'cos they are more accessible to me. SL is close but its opening hours are not friendly to me, me usually not free between 1300-2000hrs. Cheers,
  19. Hi, Recently bought a big pack of Nori for $1. However, encounter 2 big problems: 1) the nori I put into the tank has to cut into smaller pieces before the fishes would bite at them 'cos they seem unable to bite the Nori into smaller pieces themselves. 2) the fishes don't seem to like Nori. They don't seem like wanting to take the Nori I gave them, perhaps waiting for the usual flake food that I usually feed them wif. How?
  20. Think Dispar_anthias got it right. My clownfish certainly looks like a Brown Saddle Clown. Cheers,
  21. Hmmm..tot cinnamon clown oni got 1 white stripe behind its eye. If I not wrong, cinnamon looks very much like the tomato clown, except difference in color.... This clown is dark brown in color, with a yellow patch at its front and has yellow fins(side). If you've noticed. theres a patch of white on its tail too....
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