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Everything posted by berrykin

  1. berrykin

    T5 T8

    What are these T5 T8 lightings??? what does the number means?
  2. can show pic of your pump that bring water down and up from your tank to sump or vice versa?
  3. Hmmmm if got a sump...... wat is used to bring the water down and up from the main tank?
  4. What is NOri??? can get from supermarket??
  5. So any one visited ML???? Plan to go there tomolo.... still got nice and cheap Richodeas??? how much huh?? and any nice fishes???? or nice corals?
  6. May i know wat is sold there??? cos i need to prepare the amt to bring there to throw.... haha... Got fishes.... but still got royal gamma???? and got clams... got sell salt or other acessories????
  7. AquaStar sum cheap and sum not that cheap.... they selling the wasse for $10 sia.... normal shop can get for $3 .................. but if getting tank with overflow.... Aquarstar not bad... quite cheap i think.........
  8. How to make my blue tang feed huh??? i seldom see it fighting for food... my other fish are fighting onli.... sian sianz.. if it continue like that.. it gonna see the hades soon
  9. My new blue tank got whitespot... wat can i do??? and dun know why tang like to hide so much and dun think it is feeding well... This is my two main problem with tang..
  10. Yup.. by kranji..then turn in and i will passby the railway track... then keep going... then i will see the resoviour then the DAM....
  11. Today just went there and found out got one aquarium call AquaStar are starting selling marine......... around there still got a few smaller shops selling too... Went there and discover 4 shops
  12. I saw some threads saying refugium tank is a tank that allow corals or wish to develop or grow peacfully..... Sort of like qurantine tank like that..... for eg.. for sick fish..... or maybe one day your fish acting strangely......etc.... or sum fish got white spots and need immediate treatment etc...
  13. Can anyone provide a map which show the exact location of LCK110??? I am going by the DAM way....
  14. I also experience being stung by them..... after doing my scaping... i will feel a shot pain if anithing brushes my palm or finger... then it will surely be sort of short needle stuck in your flesh.... arghz.z.z
  15. Whao seem like it is a popular fish... can anione tell me how to get to LCK110 if i am going by the DAM way...... like wat sign board to look for for or which turn to turn??? thankzz..
  16. The cheapest price??? how big or how small???? can show a better pic which allow us to judge the actual size?
  17. Whao.... u need to order in advance for the chiller??? May i know if my tank is 4 by 1.5 ....... which type of chiller is needed?
  18. U mean which one???? the blue actinic or the cheap white lite???? If really.... i think i gonna change that one which u say not enuff....got i onli got money to get 2 casing onli.....
  19. Whao it seem all your brain nicer and bigger than mine sia....... haiz.z.. its the onli one i saw at ML.. so bo bian... just buy it if not hard to get liao... immpressive...
  20. How ###### every i buy cleaner wrasse and put into my tank... the next 2 days sure gone or missing...... then got one time i even saw my shrimp hanging onto the tail of a cleaner wrasse.... As u all know Wrasse always hide at empty holes on LR... will my shrimp go eat them up or maybe kill them??? My second Wrassee gone too liao.... sigh.. anione help?
  21. Blue actinic and a normal normal cheap white lite.....
  22. Hmm i am toking about Joe tank... not the first tank...
  23. It is a thing that allow water ,,, which is suck in from the sump..... to release back to the tank huh??? I am still quite blur wat is the actual use of it!!!???????? WHa then all the guys say wat cool water.. wat cool sps.... wat sia...
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