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Everything posted by berrykin

  1. Aiyo... how can ML sell bleach things???? If really.. then henry is a bad guy liao... haha AT really off topic...
  2. So it is sort of creating a current or wave-like in the tank huh..... but i once got one but different design.... my anemone keep stucking underneath it... cos underneath is the part whereby water is suck in and push out at the side..... Can tell me how this one works? see if worth to get one or not..
  3. What is that little white string on the right side???/ thats the test temperature or test Ph ???? Does your tank run a chiller????
  4. ohh ok thankz.z.z. so it will be hard for me to see a full brain liao.z.z.
  5. I am blur by two of u.... so wat is the main purpose of that little thingy at the top right hand corner of the tank????
  6. I put my hand in to feel it... hard hard one....... if it really expand.. it should be a bit soft or flubby
  7. Really??? can it use to cool the water???? So u guys keep toking about power head... referring to this one huh??? onli cool the fish???? I tot it is use to suck water to a sump................... fascinated....
  8. Whao.. u organise your LR and corals so well... nice arrangment...... a 2ft tank is hard to organise nicely ... how much u bought your prata coral huh???? where?
  9. I had this for a week lioa but it seldom really open/expand .... the most expand/open a bit... then the next day it contract again.... why ah??? How can i see a fully open brain? heard that it is quite nice...
  10. My normal and only clam in my tank..... It seem that mine compare with u alls ... is a sky and a heaven...
  11. I am just curious to see most of the tank got one sort of a mini fan at the top part water of the tank.... Yours is at the top right hand corner.... may i know wat is that and wat is the use of it????
  12. The most i just play play with this 3 fish lor..... Aniway pple also caught a lot of fish from singapore coast to eat and sum leave behind at the shore... isnt that worst still....
  13. Come on... we human sure need to try try new things mah... i will slowly add sand and LR etc..... If not u expect me to do wat so that they will not be poor fish?
  14. I think slowly i will act summore thing into the tank... dun worry.... cos i am just trying to get a few singapore coast fish and use our marine salt water to see if they can be kept alive..... actively...
  15. What is the coral that look like elephant ear that one... THe brown color is hard stone rite? then on it there are small holes that flower may ###### out...
  16. Hmmm just trying a few nice fish which found in my dad's fish cage........ U r right... they dun seem to be feeding.... Oh yah how about this.. can help to ID the yellow tail with black back and a black strap on the eye there....
  17. I caught this fish at marina bay and wonder wat type of butterfly fish is it....
  18. Your corals seem to be picked from Singapore Coast........ I had pick a few of these... beware of poison....
  19. Change water man~ Your calister sure many dirt lioa........ open it and u will get the shock of your life...
  20. Hawaii marine imported alot of chiller sia..... Redsun brand... good??
  21. Wha u are young...... if u are budget... get the fan from the LFS in bukit timah shopping center...... they got nice great fan... maybe now no stock but u can order... they ###### in three types... double fan... 4fans and 6fans.. price are 50 70 90...... it can cool to around 27 or 28....
  22. Is the Sony DSC-P8 series good????
  23. Ah.. Sealife dun have hard corals huh??... sian sianz.z
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