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Everything posted by huanjie

  1. Thank you ! hmm.. strange isn't it, wonder how it gots its name.. it was pure yellow when young, and now dark yellow to brown.... Yeah, a brilliant alage eater, from diatoms to macro, can see the mouth prints all over the diatom on the glass ...Thanks !
  2. Long fin is destructive in reef. Schooling which looks very similar is ok.
  3. kalk wise, I use reefez, as long as the brand is not those never heard before one , should be not much different IMO
  4. I tried the Eco pen, but reading not accurate, I might be the unlucky one . Last check PetMart selling another brand (can't remember) at around 60 - 70. If you pay like another 50 ( the price was like a year old liao dunno still valid ) you can get a Taiwan made brandless pH meter. Which instead of testing you can monitor your pH real time while it change....
  5. Bought this fella when it was juv, thought it was a orange-band, and grown up to be a kole look-alike.. haha.. but there is no ring around the eye, is this a kole ? Thanks !
  6. Hi Bernard, Wow, you have very good parameters ! General accepted range for pH is 8.2 to 8.4, doesnt mean out of the range means trouble, but keep it within the range will make your LS happy kalk is one of the most common thing to use to maintain the water, as you can maintain Ph, dKh and calcium all at one goal.Maybe you can start by experimenting a little kalk with top up water and see how much your tank need. but dose with care, the damage done by big swing in parameters seems to be larger than having parameters slightly out of range... For pH test pen, me no expert,tried the Eco pen, but doesn't work for me, so got a taiwan made ph Meter that reading the pH in real-time, probably one of my best investment. no more hassle in measuring pH.(only occasional calibration.
  7. Hi Bernard, The fluctuation of pH really depends on the hardness or dKh of your water. The higher the dKH , the less the pH fluctuate. For a start , its safe to measure pH before your day cycle(lights) turns on, and right before it turns off. You will get full range of what the fluctuation is like. Remember to measure dKH as well. My two cents hope it help.
  8. whats your sand size ? The black cube i had works well on the size 3 sand, but when I change to size 0, it stop eating them, seems like its too fine for it.
  9. Best way is to get an electronic meter (not that expensive, more economical in the long run) and save the hassle, only need to calibrate once in a while. meanwhile, measure it before your lights turn on and right after after before the light turn off to get the fluctuation of PH in your tank. Assuming that the ambient lighting is not very strong ( like near a window) or your lighting is sync with the daylight. IMHO.
  10. Looks like brown jelly. It will slowly kill ur flower pot. This is the reason why flower pot is one of the hardest coral to keep
  11. From what I experience in my tank is that frogspawn and frogspawn is ok. Hammer and Hammer is ok. Frogspawn and Hammer not ok.
  12. been to banyan trees, service is good, atmosphere is good house reef is good ( there are better like the angsana next to it ) But with so many good 6 star resort around,,.. the bangalow don't seems as luxurous... though all beach front and comes with private jacuzzi
  13. Yep yep, the sweeping tentacles grows to "claim" territories, though sometimes the formation of the sweeping tentacles stimulate by neighbour corals, but strong current also encourage it to form. Its not growth, only a few tentacles will be extended from the colony, like "loosen" string hanging... IMO not nice at all and trust me, you don't want it.
  14. One more thing you like to take note with hammer, provide current but not too strong, or sweeper tenticles will develop with strong current and its really irritating as the hammer sting is really potent to most other species...
  15. Whether Hammer can get enough nutrition from light and leftover food you feed the fished alone has give rise many different opinion. It depend on what kind of food you feed your fishes, for me I feed them with finely chopped prepared food and never really feed the hammer purposely, and it grows....
  16. Actually spent an hour scraping the algae off the back...
  17. Oh Yeah man, it was quite a night. i stay in bedok and rush all the way to clementi... Thanks man !
  18. Thanks ! It was introduced last and as a juvenile. Now that its blade starts to grow, it challenge the Yellow Tang which is the dorminant fish in the tank occasionally, but it leave the rest of the fishes alone.
  19. Tanks Spec : Dimension : 4 x 2.5 x 2 feet Parameters : Ammonia : 0 Nitrite : 0 nitrate : < 5 ppm Lighting : 2 x 38 W blue 2 x 150w MH 10,000K Filtering: (Hybrid system) Bio balls mini plenum mud refugium Activated Carbon Skimmer : Aqua EV 120 Thanks for viewing
  20. Thanks to this fella that keeps the sandbed clean
  21. The big brother , and like to post for the camera most
  22. The fastest and naughtiest fish in the tank
  23. A closer look of the frogspawn
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