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Everything posted by CFOh

  1. Snowflake polyps (Clavularia sp.), one of my favourites... AhBeng (Pacific Reef) call them Blue star polyps too.... http://www.vividaquariums.com/10Expand.asp?ProductCode=02-1322-10&Category=Coral%20And%20Invertebrates:Polyps&SortBy=Price Pics from my previous nano...
  2. Try this http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=53102&st=20&p=911392&hl=reborn&fromsearch=1&#entry911392
  3. Hi, Jack, can share how you maintain SPS with LED's... What salt brand using?... really impressive... Cheers CF
  4. Oh... Really.. I regular there too.... Haha.. must be missed.. May be ask Auntie this weekend... Thanks... Ya.. Most of my bumble bee snail get from coral farm... I almost got 20pcs in my tank... Anyway, here is the profile of Hydatina spp. (from book "What Invertebrates? A buyer's guide for marine aquariums": pg 133) Thanks for sharing... Cheers..
  5. Anyone seen this at any LFS before? I only see this one.... Thanks....
  6. Some info on JellyFish from Magazine "Tropical Fish Hobbyist December 2009 Pg 93" Cheers
  7. Some info on JellyFish from Magazine "Tropical Fish Hobbyist December 2009 Pg 92" Cheers
  8. Some info on JellyFish from Magazine "Tropical Fish Hobbyist December 2009 Pg 91" Cheers
  9. Some info on JellyFish from Magazine "Tropical Fish Hobbyist December 2009 Pg 90" Cheers
  10. Hai, you can try Iwarna... Usually saw them keep some 2nd hand "Reef Octopus Beckett Skimmer" in they store.. Cleaned and looks new... This skimmer is affordable and reasonable skim power.... I am using Reef Octopus Beckett as well... so far, quite satisfied with it... Cheers...
  11. for LFS address, try this link, found useful... http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=112917874651802001146.0004462b667fa656671fe&ll=1.362863,103.916931&spn=0.516896,0.617981&z=11 notes* AquaMarin Aquatic Pets new address: 298 Upper Paya Lebar Road Singapore 534931 11am - 11pm (open daily including public holidays) Tel: (+65) 6383 7277 JIREH MARINE AQUARIUM new address: 61 Jalan Lekar , Off Old Choa Chu Kang Road Agrotechnology Park , Singapore 698948 Tel : 65-67630332 , 67767990 Open(Including PH): Tuesday to Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm Closed Every Monday . Also that is one more marine LFS located at WEST behind West Coast Market. Top 5 aquarama winner... West Coast Aquarium Store #01-67 Welcome and Happy Reefing....
  12. Hi, Manage to find some review on US Marinedepot user review on IceProbe... The total score only Average (3 star).. You may review the user feedback on good and Bad about this product..... Hope this help....Cheers... http://www.marinedepot.com/CoolWorks_Ice_Probe_with_Power_Supply_Micro_Nano_Aquarium_Chillers-CoolWorks-CW1111-FICHMC-4-vi.html
  13. Oh, I sold mine less than half year usage... forgot which bro bought it from me (all my pm's gone during forum upgrade).. + delivery to him... Hihi... I installed it in my DIY sump cabinet.. resulted over heat cabinet issue, I have to open the cabinet door all the time... not very presentable... Therefore, I decide to let go... Haha.. think back.. During Nano tank... I tried fan, ice cube, ice probe, DIY's... end up still chiller the best..... for TEC degradation.. as My previous work place used lots of Peltier cooler for cooling tester purposes.. same fundamental as IceProbe....I realize we need to replace them every one or two years....therefore, I believe the design integration not really durable yet... And further more we are in air-con environment.. expected dryer.... imagine, uses it at home.. higher humidity with TEC Cold and Heat thermal shock lead more condensation.... become another issue to handle in electronic circuit in long term usage....... base on the cooling capability Vs cost.. you need to decide which one to choice... Just my opinion.... The best, consult ReefDepot for their opinion... above just share my personal experience..... Pls find here web link on how Peltier works... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermoelectric_cooling Cheers and Happy reefing....
  14. I tot titanium alloy can be bent easily depends the alloys contain...... If not confident, we can apply heat when bending... pure titanium is even much softer and elastic... but a bit X.... Pls verify ya... Thanks Cheers and Happy reefing..
  15. Hi, Can... its depend whether you have enough space to locate them in 1.5ft cabinet.. I use similar size FR on my previous 24G nano cube.. But my FR locate beside cabinet... a bit untidy..... I believe overkill in filter works better.... Cheers....
  16. Hai, Before decided... you may need to check.... What is your water volume? Pls find below the cooling capacity ability chart.... Where do you locate your iceprobe? (Advice keep them in smoother flow area, Do not install them in cabinet, you will end up increase cooling time due to heat dissipate from ice probe.Cause in general, the other side of iceprobe are very hot..They need adequate ventilation to perform good job) How you mount it? (better if your have 1.25inch hole beside your tank, in order to fully ultilies cooling capacity) What is your cooling expectation? If say your tank volume ~20Gallons. and T5/PL lights and one return pump + wave maker.. with one ice probe your max cooling capacity ~2 degree only... And I found thermal electric device degraded fast long run.... So just FYI...... Below is the Working Manual for Coolworks Iceprobe.... I get mine previously from ReefDepot... IPAC-50Manual10-28-03.pdf But after all, I found for small tank resun280 is the better approach and cheaper to me... Just my opinion Cheers.....
  17. Pls find below very good articles on filter media comparison 2 very good brand "Rowaphos" Vs "Phosban". http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/june2004/review.htm http://www.3reef.com/forums/general-reef-topics/phosban-rowaphos-49481.html But I prefer ROWAPhos.... Cheers...
  18. Below shows how "Red Radiating urchin" looks... very attractive outlooks... very good algae eater... but too bad he take coralline too.... http://www.starfish.ch/Fotos/echinoderms-Stachelhauter/seaurchins-Seeigel/Astropyga-radiata.jpg cheers....
  19. Ya, it depends individual... my colleague facing the same issue as you. His urchin finished all Coraline algae before pay attention to green algae.. My previous small tank in office keep one very hard working "Red Radiating urchin" from Henry (ML), any green algae enter to the tank, this guys will finished before moving to other areas.. note* For those like to keep coralline, they r not good candidate.. Cheers....
  20. About good or bad... a few of them you may find nice, head aches when you see them bloom too much... Or try ZeoZym Once a weeks. I found quite effective for green algae control.. But some claim they may causing "burn tip effect" on sps.. Not too sure about it.. My tank only have some simple sps... For more info, You can find them @ ReefDepot http://glassbox-design.com/2008/korallen-zucht-zeozym/ Cheers and Happy Reefing..
  21. Ya, It is Green Bubble algae, called "ventricaria ventricosa" too.... also under "VALONIACEAE" Division.. Pls find some useful info from Reefkeeping online magazine : http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-02/hcj/feature/index.php you may try Urchins to control them.... Cheers and Happy Reefing... CF
  22. Just check with Steve.. No more leo.. may be next round... Will inform you if I spotted any... Cheers...
  23. Suggested let your salts fully resolved first before further adding .. For 1st round should be ok, since your tank r empty.. But WC or weekly maintenance.. we should not add salt direct in tank.. Premix is a must for salt..... Cheers...
  24. Pls find below, a good site for us to calculate tank glass thickness requirement: http://www.theaquatools.com/building-your-aquarium For your case 4x2x2 suggested 10mm thickness is good enough... anyway, thicker even better... just FYI, Cheers and Happy Reefing...
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