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Everything posted by lyz77

  1. So gonna sit in front of the tank to monitor the MI behaviour 2 decide which is male or female lah b4 buying!!!
  2. I think that's the best idea to suit your current and future needs. It's great to have another extended cabinet to hse your chiller and at the same time, use it as a refugium and FW top-up! Btw, if u gonna go for refugium, does it mean that u can decom yr NR too?
  3. Thought that's wht I suggested earlier!!!
  4. The pros is that it will chill down your tank faster and the cons is the power consumption! Hving an over-rated chiller does not necessarily means more cost saving and it depends on how long you gonna price even between the cost of your chiller and the monthly electrical bill! Wht's the chiller brand and cost u r looking at?
  5. I think smone is selling the IKS module! U may wanna do a search!
  6. Base on sm of the review of denitrator user, i do see some hving two separate reactors as one being fill with sulphur beads whereas the later is fill with calcium media! Looking at the attached pics from AquaMedic, seems like the media proporation is the same!
  7. Bro, u gonna be patient and get the parameter right cos there's a risk of killing yr LS and wasting $ too!
  8. Get those KH buffer to increase yr KH! Else your pH will swing easily!!!
  9. Does it show any sign of nipping your LPS?
  10. Bro Cherm, dun be lazy... let show us some POWER UP pics..... Must be hving back ache by now after the rock scaping!!!
  11. Is the amount of ARM used sufficient to bring up the pH? I normally see pple using the same proportion of sulphur beads and Calcium media for their denitrator system. Pls advise!!!
  12. Bro colinsoon, can share with us hw u manage to rescape and get a nice natural bridge?
  13. Where can I get it or can anyone sell me?
  14. I do not know abt Malaysia but there's quite a no. of tank maker ard who I believe shd be able to do it!
  15. I won't gave up! Will try again after I upgrade my skimmer!
  16. My MI up lorry liao.....
  17. Any map or address to advise?
  18. It may be controllable but he may not run the pump at 100% speed as it will be too strong liao! IMO, getting either 2 6000/6100 will create a better circulation/ wave within the tank!!!
  19. Dun hv a DC as my handphone camera cannot get the real color out from it!!
  20. Wht u wanna keep in your tank? R u going for DSB and wht's the grade u r going for? 6200 may create a tsunami in your tank and jus hving one may not be sufficient to cover those dead zone!
  21. This is the oni pics I got for memorial of the Twin-spotted goby who may be murdered by the mistress and disintegrate by 4 cleaner shrimp!!!
  22. Hw many pcs of 6200 r u running?
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