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Anyone keeping squirrel fish?

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The big eye and stripe squirrel fish is always hunger for food.

And I put in pellets 3 times a day and still seems they are hungry.

Is it ok and normal right bcoz they are like shouting for food when seeing me?

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Squirrelfish are predators after all (hence the big eyes) so as long as:

1- they are well fed

2 - the nemos do not fit into their mouth. hhaha

I have an aggressive predatory/oddball tank

Snowflake moray/ Clown trigger/ emperor angel/ miniata grouper/ cowfish/ sharpnose puffer/ lionfish

the squirrelfish always kana chased, but its been doing ok so far...

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Woa.. Thats aggressive. I've not had those.

The big eye would s'time kena chased by sailfin.

Just to share, i also got normal & 3 band clowns,

Yellowtail Damsel, spotted Hawkfish.

Among those the sailfin looks bigger but the big eye

looks fatter and scary when it saw i took out pellets

and seems like it wanted to jump out from the tank.

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Damsels = food in my tank

This remind me of my ex-green face wrasse feast on damsels. It also tried

to vacuum the clown fish with its mouth.

Yummy for it. Mine a 3 ft bought from a bro @ pasar malam.

Very simple and easy set up. A small no. of LR from ex 4 ft >> 2ft >> now 3. Will b adding few LR soon.

Got any suggestion what plant can add in it?

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Well you don't have any "destructive" fish so you can keep most stuff i guess?

Get an anemone for your clownfish or have you already gotten one.

Mushroom coral / sponges are relatively easy to keep i guess.....

I personally like gronoporia and elegans coral...

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Oh yes,never thought of gronoporia. Its nice! Currently im using fan

and temp. maintaining 27-29Deg. I think can give it a try.

Yaar the temp.,Ca,pH is very crucial for it too.

I have'nt put in anemone yet but would prefer elegans ah. Very colourful.

There was a time i tried to keep an anemone in my 4 feet and then, when i got home,

the water is cloudy! Thanks for giving me ideas. :phone:

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Haha,. the clownfish must be very cute.

You can get a bigger 'master bedroom' for it. Im not sure if the 'Rest'

will mistook it as worms or their food..

Bro, ask you.. how do u eliminate your NO3 level? Me thinking of putting mangrove in sump.


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i use Red Sea NO3/PO4 control - must dose it everyday.

My sump is empty and i only use 2 piece of filter wool in there.

recommended by the guy who setup my tank.

So far been 4 months and running ok - abit of algae problem but I intend to have less white light soon to control that.

Yah trouble lag must find a small anemone.....

My 2 x triggers (got a new Blue lined) usually will bite anything new/ which moves once. and then they get bored. hhahaha

My problem is detritus in the sump. got a chocolate chip star but not eating .. contemplating pin-cushion urchins....

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Bane, frankly I've not used test kits before but would like to know more.

How much is that kit and how long can it last? Easy to dose

and test it everyday? Time taken? Sorry but i need light on this.

Small anemone? Yaar must actively go farm n see stock i think.

I know that the urchins like to mop around rocks. Structures must be strong.

My son always asking bout starfish but havent decide on it.

C. Chip is nice but always like to hang on top of the tank. Dont know y?

If i remember right, my ex one died and eaten away.

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Its a Red Sea NO3/PO4 Supplement. Will take a pic for you when i am back in Singapore.

I do not use Test Kit also. Just dose 7 ml every night - like i said my fish guy recommended.

Anemone headache lah - seen my friend's one keep attempting to climb out, and you said yours turned the tank cloudy.

My C.Chip Star is in the sump. want it to eat detritus !! will try sea urchins - in sump so no issue about them knocking stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi bro, i think i saw the redsea supplement on the net.

Yes heard that it werks for many. Im trying on mangroves

bro. Got the 1st badge from Thairun. I think its workingz..fishes seems happier:-)

Gonna get a few more stalks.

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  • 1 year later...

My stripe squirrel is always hungering for food till today. Pellets, brine shrimp, seaweeds. Got one time, I caught it with a yellow tail wriggling from its mouth.... my damsel buried in the stripe stomach....

The big eye, I've let go to a reefer due to its big size and reduce load.

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