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First attempt at marine pico (4gallons)


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Hi bros,

I've just started my journey into creating a reef tank and I am really really new at this. I've bought some stuff, tested the water and this is the 3rd day of my adventure! I really need some advise on the next few steps and directions for the future.

I plan to have just 1 or 2 fish in the tank with mainly soft corals like leathers, zoas and mushrooms. I will slowly upgrade to try LPS if the previous attempts worked.

My current equipment

a. Ocean free 16litre tank

b. 4.8w 20piece LED lights + 5 moonlight

c. Filter media - 1 box with 3/4 crushed corals with white hollow cylindrical shaped(stock filtration media). 2nd box with Pura complete(phoslock+activated carbon) with smaller black hollow cylindrical shaped media(stock filtration media)

d. Live rock(1.5kg) in attached picture

e. saltwater from LFS's tank (3 1/4 bags)

Testing done on 3rd day:

Ammonia 0.5ppm - 1ppm

Nitrites - Not tested

Nitrates - 100 - 160ppm

pH - 7.8 - 8.0


1. How to deal with the super high Nitrates? Change out all water?

2. Is it necessary to buy Nitrite test kit? Can i keep testing till ammonia spikes and hit zero?

3. Do I wait or do add in some dead matter (dead fish) into the tank to promote ammonia?

4. Do i need to siphon out the brown stuff that dropped off from the live rock on my tank bottom?

5. Which type of sandbed should I do? I do not wish to have a BB sandbed

6. Is my filter media alright?

7. How do I increase the pH to between 8-8.2?


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  • SRC Member

1) cycling still at 3rd day, so i dont think need to change water yet. you will disrupt the cycling process if u change out all the water.

2)IMHO i dont think it is necessary to buy nitrite test. just cycle water for 4-6 weeks can already

3)think your ammonia already high enough already, so dont think you need to add

4)i think that that is debris. it is up to you if you want to siphon it out or not.

5)your prefrence! :yahoo:

6)think you should remove stock filter media and replace it with more coral chips or biohome

7)add ph buffer

BTW how many fishes do you intend to keep? :cheers:


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  • SRC Member

Hi bros,

I've just started my journey into creating a reef tank and I am really really new at this. I've bought some stuff, tested the water and this is the 3rd day of my adventure! I really need some advise on the next few steps and directions for the future.

I plan to have just 1 or 2 fish in the tank with mainly soft corals like leathers, zoas and mushrooms. I will slowly upgrade to try LPS if the previous attempts worked.

My current equipment

a. Ocean free 16litre tank

b. 4.8w 20piece LED lights + 5 moonlight

c. Filter media - 1 box with 3/4 crushed corals with white hollow cylindrical shaped(stock filtration media). 2nd box with Pura complete(phoslock+activated carbon) with smaller black hollow cylindrical shaped media(stock filtration media)

d. Live rock(1.5kg) in attached picture

e. saltwater from LFS's tank (3 1/4 bags)

Testing done on 3rd day:

Ammonia 0.5ppm - 1ppm

Nitrites - Not tested

Nitrates - 100 - 160ppm

pH - 7.8 - 8.0


1. How to deal with the super high Nitrates? Change out all water?

2. Is it necessary to buy Nitrite test kit? Can i keep testing till ammonia spikes and hit zero?

3. Do I wait or do add in some dead matter (dead fish) into the tank to promote ammonia?

4. Do i need to siphon out the brown stuff that dropped off from the live rock on my tank bottom?

5. Which type of sandbed should I do? I do not wish to have a BB sandbed

6. Is my filter media alright?

7. How do I increase the pH to between 8-8.2?


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It only your 3rd day .. Don't worry too much about it. Cycling takes at least a month to complete. You can add a market prawn to speed it up abit.

Since you are using nsw, you can get ca supplements to boost it up.

Meantime you can monitor your parameters 2-3 times weekly to monitor your cycling process.

Patience is key at this stage. But there is no shortcut to proper cycling.

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Looking at your current equipment,

As you will be keeping some corals, do not

miss to look into maintaining the temperature.

Yes agree with bro mjck 'patience is key at this stage'

All the best:-)

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1) cycling still at 3rd day, so i dont think need to change water yet. you will disrupt the cycling process if u change out all the water.

2)IMHO i dont think it is necessary to buy nitrite test. just cycle water for 4-6 weeks can already

3)think your ammonia already high enough already, so dont think you need to add

4)i think that that is debris. it is up to you if you want to siphon it out or not.

5)your prefrence! :yahoo:

6)think you should remove stock filter media and replace it with more coral chips or biohome

7)add ph buffer

BTW how many fishes do you intend to keep? :cheers:

Bro I intend to keep prolly just one clown or a pair of gobies.

Athier, Regarding the temperature, will a hang on fan be enough?

I also read somewhere that there is a 'mini chiller'. Any idea where to get those?

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Another question. So about the super high nitrate content, I'll do a large water change after its fully cycled or every week?

The nitrate content is so high now that i think my API test kit will be unable to read anything higher than my current level. Then how do I know if the tank has cycled completely?

Another silly question. Does cycling means I have to switch on my filter 24 hrs?

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Another question. So about the super high nitrate content, I'll do a large water change after its fully cycled or every week?

The nitrate content is so high now that i think my API test kit will be unable to read anything higher than my current level. Then how do I know if the tank has cycled completely?

Another silly question. Does cycling means I have to switch on my filter 24 hrs?

Welcome! So you finally decided to take the plunge :)

For me I do water changes even during cycling... Shouldn't be putting any livestocks now as you would be expecting ammonia to peak, followed by depreciate while no2 spikes before lastly a depreciation of no2... Cycle considered complete once nh3 and no2 is undetectable...

Why off your filter? If you off it, no water flow through you IOH, I presume increase in bacteria due to cycling would increase oxygen intake and without gaseous transfer you might face cycling problem... Not sure though... But I never off my filter, maybe skimmer during cycling but not the filter.

Good if you can keep your temp btw 26-29C, I think the tank small those clip on fan should suffice but do take note of evaporation and top up with ro/di water accordingly. Advantage of small tank - you can buy a few 1.5litre bottles of distilled water for topping up :)

Have fun bro!

:: just a noob ::

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Just make sure u do a general check on the water before putting in la... And also top up progressively and not a lot at a go as it may affect PH.

I do a weekly of about 30% plus every other day I siphon out detritus abit abit...

:: just a noob ::

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Another question. So about the super high nitrate content, I'll do a large water change after its fully cycled or every week?

The nitrate content is so high now that i think my API test kit will be unable to read anything higher than my current level. Then how do I know if the tank has cycled completely?

Another silly question. Does cycling means I have to switch on my filter 24 hrs?

You might want to try another brand. Previouly I use API nitrate and give off scale reading. Versus that my tank is Running on ULNS. So I change to salifate, then it show me correct value.

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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