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Sandbed reuse

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I have some sand from my previous tank. Question is, should I wash it first or just pour everything over the current tank.

Saw somebody post in the thread selling live sand.


1) Are sandbed that are mature consider "live"?

2) What about those that are sold in packs in eAquaNature?

any difference?

3) Will washing, wash away the "live"?

Thanks :lol:

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when I got the livesand from one of the fellow SRC forumer, I did not wash it and just dump everything in. My feeling is that washing will wash away some baterial.

They call it livesand because it comes from matured tank and already have all the baterial in it. This will help to reduce your cycling time.

My tank was ready in less than 2 weeks when the ammonia and nitrite dropped to zero.

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  • SRC Member
I have some sand from my previous tank. Question is, should I wash it first or just pour everything over the current tank.

Saw somebody post in the thread selling live sand.


1) Are sandbed that are mature consider "live"?

2) What about those that are sold in packs in eAquaNature?

any difference?

3) Will washing, wash away the "live"?

Thanks :lol:

1) yes After cycling or used for a few months, bacteral starts to grow in it.

3) Yes.. just like LRs, washing with fresh water will wash away the bacterial, ,worms, pods, etc in it.

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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Thanks alot guys, so its alright to use back the sand.

I'm actually changing to another tank. Bcos the sand looks dirty with some algae on it, that's why i'm asking whether to wash it. But if i wash, what to do with all the worms in the sandbed? Anybody encounter this when you use back your sand?

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