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Decomm Sale Part 2 (Corals, frags, LR,LS and Live Stock)


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Decomming, follow items to sell:

1. About 38kg of LR bought from Iwarana. With Coraline alge. Some with moti encrasted. One with Sunflower Zoas attached. Encrasted LR for 5$15 per piece. Rest about $5 per piece.

2. Live Sand, take all for $50. Do note that I'll only clear LS when the LR and live stocks have been cleared.

3. 01 x Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens) bought from Coral Farm. About 4"~5". $30.

4. Randall Goby (Amblyeleotris randalli) with Pistol Strimp paired. $30.

5. 01 x Springer Damsel (Chrysiptera springeri). $2.

6. 01 x Bi-colour Bennie (Ecsenius Bicolor). $5.

7. 02 x colony of SPS. I think one is tabletop acron and another is digitata. Both green. $15 each. Take both for $25.

8. Various SPS frags. Think have some forest fire digitata and some frags of the above green digitata colony.

All fishes and corals have been with me for at least 1 year.

Collection at Sembawang

Interested please contact me at 9 seven 6 seven 6 Nine 50.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Need to decomm fast. More than 38kg of LR from Iwarana. I've seen added a few more kgs. Total LR should have more than 40kg plus. Most (at least 5 pieces) LRs are encrasted with various Moti and some SPS and coraline alge. Most of the Moti are frags from Cedric!

All 40kg plus of LR plus SPS encrasted for the low low price of $100! On condition that buyer must collect by this weekend at my convenient timing.

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Yellow Tang back up for sales again due to buyer tank crash. Do note that YT had been caught and is ready for collection any time.

Collection at Sembawang

Interested please contact me at 9 seven 6 seven 6 Nine 50.

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Have about 12 pieces of LR left. Mostly encrusted with SPS. Limited small pieces, maybe 2 or 3.

Small pieces for $5 each. Big pieces for $10 each. Take all for $70.

Collection at Sembawang

Interested please contact me at 9 seven 6 seven 6 Nine 50.

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U got pm bro..

My Simple Tank Spec

Main Tank LPS and Softies 4x2x2.5ft

Sump Tank 2.5x1.5x1.5ft with lots of LR

Remote Sump Tank 2x1x1ft dsb refugium with chaeto, mangroves and Gracilaria curtissae macroalgae

DIY LED with 6x 3W Blue and 6x 3W White main tank light

DIY LED with 1x 3W Blue and 1x 3W Red refugium light

DIY LED 1x 1W Blue moonlighting

Now convert to skimmerless Tank

1 x Rio 14HF Return Pump

1 x SunSun JVP-102 wavemaker

1 x 2x1 vertical Algae Turf Scrubber with 2x 10W LED Warm White

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Left with 7 pieces of LR. Average size of about 1ft. Need to clear fast. Take all for $50 if collect by this weekend.

Collection at Sembawang

Interested please contact me at 9 seven 6 seven 6 Nine 50 for fast deal. Do not PM!

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  • 2 weeks later...

left the following to clear.

03. 01 x Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma Flavescens) bought from Coral Farm. About 4"~5". $30.

5. 03 x Springer Damsel (Chrysiptera springeri). All 3 for $5.

Collection at Sembawang.

Interested sms me at 9 seven 6 seven 6 nine 50.

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