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Setting up a chiller...


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Ok newbie questions...

So cycling my tank 2x2x1.5 and you guys have taught me that patience is the name of the game.

With the idle time I have bought a chiller Hailea HS 28A. Now I'm looking at the best way to plumb it. It's an IOS tank setup by the way...

In my return section of the IOS system I have an Altman 104 power head that has adjustable flow with a max of 2000 LPH. My Chillers acceptable rate is 400-1200 LPH.

Can I just take the line directly off my existing and only power head and send straight down to chiller then from chiller back up into the main tank? I figure that would save me adding another powerhead (and heat) into the tank just to run the chiller. Thoughts?

2nd question, hoses, the chiller has fittings for different size hoses, is bigger the better or does the diameter of hose really matter at all given it's all a function of the power head ?


Photo of my return section and power head.

Sent from Singapore Reef Club mobile app

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  • SRC Member

Hi, I'm plumbing my 28a in a similar fashion too. We will use your photo so it's easier to explain - disconnect the green tubing from the elbow. Connect the green tubing such that it goes into the chiller inlet. The chiller outlet is then connected to the elbow which take returns back to the DT

as for size, 12mm fits for me.

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