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Whitish looking clown

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the fish now is not so black. and a bit pale...his eyes like put white mascara like that. seems like ich but i dun see ani white spots... also, he opens and closes his mouth rapidly and jerks sometimes (like spasms!)...mi PT recently died due to ich n i hope mi clown doesnt go the same way...funny thing is, mi angel+blenny+sand goby is fine. 2 shrimps r doing well too

issit cos of mi garlic juice nt strong enuff? i squeezed it miself...

tks in advance!

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  • SRC Member
the fish now is not so black. and a bit pale...his eyes like put white mascara like that. seems like ich but i dun see ani white spots... mi PT recently died due to ich n i hope mi clown doesnt go the same way...funny thing is, mi angel+blenny+sand goby is fine. 2 shrimps r doing well too

issit cos of mi garlic juice nt strong enuff? i squeezed it miself...

Some fishes and (all inverts?) are immune to ich..

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Hey, I don't know if mine got the same thing as creetin's? My maroon one day stopped eating and was quite listless. He started getting what I thought was ich..his face and forehead had what looked to me like little salt crystals..so I thought 'OMG..ICH!' So I took him out, put him in another tank. That was 5 days ago. The rest of my fish seem fine.

So when I put the clown in he lay on one side, like very sian like that. After two days he started swimming again. But I don't see any worsening of the 'crystals'. In fact now on his body, looks like got whitish 'slime' (for lack of better word..actually it looks like half boiled egg-white). Little bits of it on his body. His stripe on his forehead also looks like got some spots decolouring..He breathes really fast too..and is still not eating. I'm not around the whole day so don't know if he spasms too?

I feed all my fish garlic and vites with the food, but now he's not eating so give him also cannot get him to feed.

Is what I'm seeing on my clown the same as creetin's ? Sorry if it's not and I ended up hijacking your thread Creetin.. :paiseh:

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I'm sorry guys, that doesn't sound like ich, it looks like symptoms of something much more deadly... marine velvet. It is a certainty that they are going to be a goner, even for a hardy fish like clownfishes... keep your fingers crossed.

Marine velvet parasites actually 'dissolve' the flesh of their victims to feed, that is why you see 'strips' of stuff on them, it's their skin and mucus slime.

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OH NOOOoooo.. :cry2:

Marine velvet?!..any way to cure or not? How did he get something like that? How can I tell if he hasn't already spread it to the rest of my tank? I took him out really really early when I noticed some spots on him, that was on sunday. :cry::cry::cry2::cry2::cry2:

Creetin> how come you top up water your shrimp can die? not like you change 100% what..you sure it's your water?

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AT, please dun scare me leh! :cry2:

anyway, mi clown is still eating....he ate like a horse just now... his fins are erm showing raggy though.... i am keeping mi fingers+toes crossed he doesnt die...

how did the marine velvet get mi fish????? how how how????????

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Divinesloth> Ya man..starfish dunno what's the matter with him..don't even know how to help. then the clown passed on..*sigh*.. :cry: ..did the velvet spread to the rest of your fish or did you manage to take her out?

Creetin> I don't know of any treatment, but hor, I half feel want to put the poor fish out of its misery, but at the same time can't bear to also. Read that some people in the US, they freeze their dying fish..rather than just flush down..

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today is quite a heartbreaking day. saw mi clown "seemingly" stuck in the rocks behind. tried to help him come out - after some probing he struggled free, and i realised he wasnt stuck, but he was missing half his tail, couldnt right himself. dunno wat ate it... his tail n fins were ragged few days ago, n today he has oni half a tail. dunno y.... now he's limping ard the rocks trying to get into a hole. i suppose tts wat fishes do when they are gonna die... wat a sad day... feel like ending his misery. i noe at this stage theres nthg i can do to save him, i dun even knoe wat the heck is the illness about. just hope it will be a swift end.....


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creetin> oh dear, that's sad news indeed..thought never hear from you a few days already thought maybe it got better. Did you separate him from your main tank? as sad as it is to see him go, it'd be worse to have the rest get it as well right? :cry:

anyways, cheer up ok? think happy thoughts.. :(

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tks Iona for your kind words. My clownfish is gone oredi. I watched him just now, he was still struggling at the back of the tank... turned to see mi corals, turned back and the cleaner prawn was tugging at him... had first tot he was cleaning him, but soon realised he was eating him.... faster use hand n take out the body... sad...guess its cos its mi first fish...

he died like so horribly, eyes pale, body pale, like kana talcum powder like tat! oh and his tail is totally gone. the best part is, i dun even wat the heck the disease is, feel so retarded - cannot help him at all.... :cry:

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hey cheer up ok.. :(

as much as anybody don't want any casualties, they're bound to happen because we can't control everything..that's what nature is. sometimes even though everything is ok (like water, food etc) these things will still happen. as long as you believe you did all you can and that he was as happy living with you as you were taking care of him, then suppose that's enough.. :cry:

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ya..dunno why they scratch themselves ley...

I posted online to see if other people got this same observation as me..just to check if my fish are normal or should I be taking them out early..cos I didn't buy any medication leh..only got garlic and vitamins...most of the medications from the threads my understanding is that they're either too dangerous to use or they're not useful at all... :unsure:

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