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Brain is unhappy


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I am attaching a picture of my brain. It doesn't open up even with MH. I had 2 and placed one of them near the top and the other at the bottom.

The one near light has small current, the one in the 'shade' has slightly stronger current.

Both are still unhappy.

My phosphate is 0.5, my NO3- is around 10. My Calcium too high [600] and KH at 9dkh

what can I do ?


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This is how it looks like 4 hours after the last photo was taken.

I had this only for 1 day, just buy from Iwarna yesterday and that's my first and only position so far. This is directly under the MH. The flow is low.

I put a small portion of silver fish on it but I dun think it was eaten, probably stolen by the clown.

What can I do now ?


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  • SRC Member

Sorry to say, it seems this specimen was already in bad shape when you bought it. Look at the exposed skeleton. It looks like the skeleton has already been exposed for quite a long time and you can see diatoms/algae growing in it.

(The skeleton should be white if the damage was recent.)

In my experience, I think you should move it to a slightly shaded position so that the algae growth can be slowed down and the prata has a better chance of regrowing over the skeleton.

I hope it helps. Good luck.

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that's my tank.


It is just recovering from NO3-. Most of the corals are dead. It is 5ft x 3ft x 1.5ft width

My NO3- is around 10ppm, phosphate is 0.5

I have shifted that brain and one other into my sump. I think the culprit is my coral beauty who was happy snipping away. I tried for 2 hours trying to catch it but not able to.

My sump has a small refigrium with 19hours of light [JEPO PL]. May be too much for them ?

I will observe them for 2 days and see how they cope. Else, I am at lost about what can do about it.

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  • SRC Member
It is just recovering from NO3-. Most of the corals are dead. It is 5ft x 3ft x 1.5ft width

My NO3- is around 10ppm, phosphate is 0.5

In my experience, 10ppm for NO3 is not a big problem. So don't worry too much about it. A lower PO4 reading would be better. But both of these parameters are not enough to cause the death of your corals.

For "most" of your corals to died, there has to be something else that is not quite right.

I also just read your other post ...


I think you said you were going to "clean out" the sandbed. Did you? I hope you didn't.

I don't recall any mention of pH, NH4 or NO2 readings. Maybe I had missed it.

Could you post a recent test result of your pH, NH4 and NO2 here?

I noticed you have a chiller. What's the temperature reading?

Please post your test results here and we'll see if we can figure out something together.

One more thing, did you add any medication into your tank?


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My NH4 and NO2 are currently 0. I am going to get magnesium and PH test kit to do my test today. My CA is about 600 which is too high and KH around 9dKH.

As for the Sandbed, I did rearrange a few large LR which reveal a whole area of smelly, and dirty sand. Skimmer [Aqua Medic floater 1000] is working very hard, with nearly 30% cup of teh every day.

Currently, 1 inch of the sand is clean, the rest are still filled with brown, green, a little red stuff.

My Chiller is set at 27, hence between 27-28celcius.

My MH is now at 8 hours exposure

From one of the earlier reply, someone spotted diatom on the brain. I saw that and remove it to a shady area of the tank. I placed another in the refrigerium area of my sump [with 19hour of Jepo PL].

I am suspecting the coral beauty angel as well as possibly some other unknown factor that cause diatom to form so readily.

thanks for all advise, do let me know if there is something else I can do to help improve my water quality.

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