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Post your dwarfs/pygmy angels here

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  • SRC Member

DA could be right. I can think of all the con abt tang and little abt pro.

First off, they eats too much. As input = output, thus you will have lots of SHIT on your corals, like zoos, mushrooms. Except the wall, no SHIT on the WALL. :lol::lol:

They get damn big (comparing the dwarfs with the normal tangs). Aren't they suppose to keep your aglae @ check? Well, they are doing a bad job @ it.

1 think I like abt them is they will clean your new LR or coral with LR.




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no 100% reef safe actually one lah....

alot depends on luck and the temperament of the individual fish that may deviate from its general species traits...

in the wild, tangs are herbivores but in the absence of abundant grazing material in captivity, they may turn to corals as well

just like in the wild, angels are not reef safe including dwarfs, but u never know if that particular angel is happy enough foraging around and leave your corals alone.

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  • SRC Member
Angel also not 100% reef safe. Where got fish 100% reef safe one? Confirm once in a while you get a crazy one :P

Poo can settle with better skimmer :P

Like that better not keep snail, wait spawn liao kill your reef.

Definitely, try telling that to the flame angel in another reefer tank. The fella is SIAO 1, always target his prata (no matter if it's kosong or Curry on top).




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just like people classify some fish as reef-safe....or u can classify kids as home-safe...

but u get some kids that will turn the house upside down when left without supervision....

so alot depends on the individual fish just like individual children have a unique set of behaviour of their own :)

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Angel also not 100% reef safe. Where got fish 100% reef safe one? Confirm once in a while you get a crazy one :P

Poo can settle with better skimmer :P

Like that better not keep snail, wait spawn liao kill your reef.

That whys I remove all my big snail.... compare to the frequency of tang poo to snail spawning.. tang poo really cause more impact

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and Dwarf Angles are 100% reef safe? - was supposed to be a question rite after DA's comment about tangs not 100% reef safe... but too slow! Roidan and WL got to reply first.

Nope but there are some 100%reef safe like venustus and resplenden.... my experience with tangs is a bad one but not my experience with angels.. Thus can be abit prejudice against tangs :lol::lol:

DA experience with tangs eating corals- yellow that nip, blue tang that nip, PBT that tear my squamosa mantle apart

DA experience with angels that nip- none yet.... tried king, rock beauty, maculosus in my uncle lps tank.. none wack coral.... Ever tried coral beauty, midnight9still have), venustus(still have), lemon peel hybrid(still have), blue face(in old tank), majestic(old tank), emperor juv(old tank), koran juv... none of them wack coral

Maybe i got angel fish finger :lol::lol::lol: So to me since tangs can't behave well and poo alot, i rather choose angel which so far i had no prob with(touch wood), even the with larger counterparts.... and also angels colouration is nicer

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  • SRC Member

Alright then, first off to go will be my tangs then damsels then six line wrasse (reckon that this fella is my small shrimp killer)

God, that would means I'm left with 2 fish for this CNY, my RS Regal and flame angel. Alamak, empty tank for CNY.




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now that u mentioned it....maybe those tangs are just venting their boundless energy and exuberance on destroying things...

just like how those hyper energetic children tends to be destructive as well to vent their energy and gain attention.

maybe the tangs aren't using up their energy in constructive ways like swimming and dashing around the tank, that's why they get angry and start to nip around to vent their energy :lol:

:off: but just a casual thought :lol:

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  • SRC Member

Wow DA, you are really on the cutting-edge. Can go againsts the well-known assumption that angels and dwarf angels are less reef safe than tangs. Hopefully the dwarfs and angels you have wont go berserk one fine day. Then you end up keep bangai cardinals etc etc cos cannot keep tangs/angels. :)

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that's why i maintain that although there are individual specimens that will deviate from their general behaviour...

reef-safe percentages are still higher for tangs compared to even dwarf angels in general :)

for 1 tang that will nip corals...i am sure there will be many more dwarf angels that will nip corals :)

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hehehe..ok lah....

considering overall reef safe percentage, tangs still higher than angels (dwarfs/non-dwarfs) generally one lah.... :D

true...for tanks with inadequate skimming, tang poo is really no joke :lol:

yah.... to most ppl.. but this thumb rule like nv applies to me one.. weird...

oh ya dun forget.. guys most of our tank are way too small for a acanthurus consider that some of you guys keep 4, 5, or even 6.... a middle size acanthurus occupies way way more space then a average 6-7footer.. thus confining many in small space i think not nice thing to do... for now i prefer to leave them in the wild....so thats another factor that lead me to choose centropyge angels over tangs....

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  • SRC Member
Wow DA, you are really on the cutting-edge. Can go againsts the well-known assumption that angels and dwarf angels are less reef safe than tangs. Hopefully the dwarfs and angels you have wont go berserk one fine day. Then you end up keep bangai cardinals etc etc cos cannot keep tangs/angels. :)

If that were to happen, then change target to collect dottybacks or gramma only loh! :lol::lol::lol:

Confirm reef safe liao.




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  • SRC Member

yah.... to most ppl.. but this thumb rule like nv applies to me one.. weird...

oh ya dun forget.. guys most of our tank are way too small for a acanthurus consider that some of you guys keep 4, 5, or even 6.... a middle size acanthurus occupies way way more space then a average 6-7footer.. thus confining many in small space i think not nice thing to do... for now i prefer to leave them in the wild....so thats another factor that lead me to choose centropyge angels over tangs....

Well, at least we can keep 32 differents species of the centropyge angels. :yeah::yeah::yeah: That's excluding the hybrids.




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Guys guys.. i nv say angels are more reef safe than tangs... i only say that the rule dun applies to me <_<<_<<_< (why maybe i dun have surgeon fish finger)

yeah of course like what roidan say in general tangs are safer compared to angels.... thats why this post in FOLWR forum right <_<<_<<_<

FYI few years ago, you would seldom or nv hear tangs wacking corals.. but now such cases are piling up... really makes me wonder :lol::lol::lol: Maybe nowadays our tank more ang kong kong that why tangs see liao also cannot tahan...

Oh ya definately i would recommended to keep dwarfy in sps more than lps tank.. been proven not many fish like sps :lol::lol: no meat and also the continuous pecking ard rock area may actually keep pest like flatworm population in check.... not proven but thats what bro scarab thinks.. so angels afterall may have their benifits.... mother nature is so great and there are tons of unknown stuff we yet to know ;);)

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  • SRC Member

yah.... to most ppl.. but this thumb rule like nv applies to me one.. weird...

oh ya dun forget.. guys most of our tank are way too small for a acanthurus consider that some of you guys keep 4, 5, or even 6.... a middle size acanthurus occupies way way more space then a average 6-7footer.. thus confining many in small space i think not nice thing to do... for now i prefer to leave them in the wild....so thats another factor that lead me to choose centropyge angels over tangs....

Got ppl keep 6 Acanthurus in a 6ft tank? wow! Wonder how big the skimmer is considering the amount of bioload that is. Will the tank crash cos of snail spawn too?

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