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Psychology in NUS vs NTU


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  • SRC Member

Hi Guys, I know this is rather an unorthrodox question and I dunno how many people here would know the answer but I'm gonna ask anyway cause I really do need help.

I'm in NS right now and I will be going uni next year (which means I took my A levels 2 years ago). I've been keen on studying psychology but I really dunno which uni I should choose. I dunno how many people would know this but NTU is having a psychology course beginning this year. As for NUS, it's psychology course is within it's faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

While some say that NUS's course is better as it is more established, others say that only NTU's course is recognised overseas. Another thing is that psychology in NUS is very popular and difficult to get into (even after getting a place in Arts n Social Sciences) while as for NTU, you get it as a major once you register successfully.

All my friends are giving me mixed answers and I would really appreciate it if someone here could give me a clear and concise view of the situation. Thanx!!

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  • SRC Member

i'm going into nus this yr

i can't gif you specific answers on the psychology course since i'm not in it yet and will not be studying it but this is what i can say

first, i'd agree with those of your friends who say nus has an established psychology course since its been around longer....this is prob why its very popular and diff to get in like you said

for NTU, one advantage is they let you major it once you register successfully.

although this is beneficial if your a level results aren't good enough for nus, but u must remember they just started this course, so it maybe easier to get in but you'll be taking a risk since you don't have anyone to tell you how good the course actually is

you say NTU course is recognised overseas but i'm sure this is also true for that of NUS?...cannot be NUS course not recognised overseas right?

i suggest you check this up by calling NUS...i seriously do not think its degree is not recognised overseas considering that its the only uni to provide psychology courses for the past few yrs

what were your a level results?...if u wanna know more i can help you ask a friend of mine studying psycho in nus. i can help you ask her about admission percentage rates and requirements.

just contact me if you wish for my help

hope i've been helpful


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  • SRC Member

Wow thanks!! You've been really really helpful. Thing is that I've heard NUS's degree is not recognised becaused NUS's course is known as 'psychology and social work' and you get a bachelor in Arts and Social Sciences instead of NTU where you get a bachelor in Psychology? Also these things I hear from friends who've finished A levels and are in NS and not intending to take psychology so I have no idea if they are that reliable.

I will PM you cause I think your friend will be of great help if either of us may contact her. Thanks alot again.

Oh my A level results were good enough to make it to both courses (remember I took it 2 years ago and not last year) but I may nt be smart enough to make it for Psychology in NUS even after making it into Arts n Social Sciences?

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  • SRC Member

Seems like quite a clear cut situation to me! unless you're doing something like accountancy or some of the engineering courses that are not available in nus(nus did rank higher even in engineering in the latest ranking of universities, although of course, this is not the only factor when making your choice), i would choose nus over ntu. though this brave statement i agree(ok this statement is flawed n over generalised. spoken out of loyalty)

psychology in nus is within the department of psychology and social work. that does not make it any less specialised in psychology, if thats what u're worried about. you do get a ba in arts n social sciences(with mention that u majored in psy). but i think its not what they print on your cert that you should be concerned about. im not sure what your friends meant by it not being recoignised overseas(in terms of postgrad studies?) but it made little sense to me that our psy degree is not recognised but yet-to-be-formed ntu's psy degree will be?

and your worries about admission into the psychology programme in nus.. if you managed to get into nus arts faculty, you WILL be able to major psychology. its just a matter of your choice. there's no "cut off point" whereby they set quota on the number of psychology majors, as far as im aware of.

if you do intend to take psychology, you have to be prepared to take at least honours also, cos your options in this field will be quite limited should you grad with only a BA.

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it depends on which aspect of psychology that you are interested in...

clinical? child? social? medicinal? psychotherapy? educational? marriage? family therapy?

I am just thinking of a few if you are interested along this line.

I hope you will enjoy this field as much as I do. :P:)

Anyway, Darren is right too...a basic degree will only get you to limited places and if you are really interested along this line...continue to pursue it then.

I should say that NTU's ones are more for professional development. :rolleyes:

Btw...try to find out abt therapeutic counselling too... :heh:

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  • SRC Member

Hey guys, really really thank you all for your replies!!

Firstly, I'm actually really happy to hear that there is no 'cut off point' or criteria to meet to get into psychology. It's really the opposite to what I've been hearing, though, what with it being competitive and there being the BIDDING SYSTEM where students gotta compete for the course they want? The risk of not getting into psychology even after getting a place in Arts n Social Sciences is what made me consider NTU in the first place.

I really really hope to continue in the field of psychology, though.. whether it be child, clinical, marriage or therapeutic psychology.. I of course intend to get an honours (it's really hard, right) and continue to do my masters overseas. That's why I'm trying to find uot as much as I can before I make the wrong mistake in my very first step.

Of course I am thankful I can even make it into university with my A level results. Thanks for all the help, guys!!

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  • SRC Member

I supposed you are still as confused as before because of different opinions from reefers here. Bound to be differences in opinion.

By the look of it, NUS is generally preferred because it is more established and an older University (I think).

For you to decide, you need to find out what are their respective syllabus and choose the course which you think will benefit you. The other thing to look for is to look at the depth of the courses offered at both Universities, some maybe general and the other maybe more focused. If you are going to further your studies in pschyology, then your choose the course which will allow you to do that.

Bear in mind that different Uni have different titles for the same course, for example, Accounting may be under Social Science faculty in one Uni and under Arts or Business in other Unis. That's why you need to look at the contents of the courses offered at bothe Unis to decide and not the title of the degree..

Normally you choose the degree which the Uni is famous for and not the Uni itself. The only thing is that you cannot compare track records as NTU is offering this degree the first time.

I hope this helps yoyu to decide.

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  • SRC Member

I was from NUS (Arts & SS) some 10 years ago so my info may be dated. There are some courses in ###### that require you to take a test or interview before they admit you into the course. I remember Psy was one of them. My wife was from Social Work and she did shed some light that Psy's intake is small and rather competitive to get in. Last but not least, try to get an honours but without it does not mean the end of the road for you. Take a walk in the campus and talk to some psy pupils to find out what's in it for you.

Can I ask if you really want to go into Psy? My Psy friends in Uni were always doing some kind of survey or research and writing lots of reports..but that's not to say other courses are of any difference. All the best.

I think (marine) therefore I am

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chris, there isn't any interviews of tests that u'll have to take in order to major in psy(nus) anymore.

not to say there isn't any criteria, there is, but its very "loose" criteria such as "good results" in maths, proficient in english, etc etc. but if you can get into nus, i would think that means you've already met with the very basic criteria.

the bidding system.. the bidding is for the modules you want to take, and not the course or major. but of cos if you want to accumulate enough points to ultimately grad with a major in psy, you have to meet the points requirement(points which u chalk up as you pass psy modules) then again, the introductory psychology modules are indeed red hot during bidding. you have to be prepared to dump a significant number of points to get the module.

im not sure what are ntu going to be specialised in(in psy field), but for nus, the BA is basically an general overall of psychology. makes sense to me since there are overlaps in all disiplines, let alone solely in psychology. you will specialise in your choosen field(clinical, developmental, educational, etc etc) during your honours, masters, phd, etc

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Woah.. it sure is a relief knowing that the criteria to get into psy in NUS aren't that strict anymore. Well, thanks a million, you guys for answering my questions. Weirdly, it's thru sgREEF forums that I get most of the answers to my queries. Guess it really shows what a closely knit community AT has built up.

Still have some thinking to do but seriously I've a much clearer perspective regarding things now ALL because of the members here in the forum.

Thanks again, guys. God Bless this forum!

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  • SRC Member

If you can 'utilise' some of your weekends for this area, you can try volunteering yourself in some organisations to gain an insight. That will help in fortifying whatever ideas or thoughts you may have in this field. :rolleyes:

Pm me if you wan some links to those that I told you I am familar with. :)

God bless you too. :)

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