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Looking for ich infested fishes...

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  • SRC Member

My 2ft quarantine tank is ready to go.....

After my battle with ich, I am left with one sailfin tang... :cry2:

Anyway, before I begin the cupramine (copper) treatment... I like to ask if any bros here have any ich infected fishes that they are giving up....

Can pass to me?

Thought of testing out this cupramine treatment (copper) and see its true effectiveness at work... my present survivor sailfin tang dun have a single spot of ich on it leh.... so hard to see its real effectiveness...

Please dun try this treatment at home and in your main tank... strictly only for those with quarantine tanks and for fishes only....

Seems we dun practice copper quarantine treatment much in Singapore... that's why we have lots of ich problem..... Henry of Marine Life was just telling me he never stock up Cupramine because of this reason... this bottle he specially ordered from his supplier for me... haha...

Anyone? I will report on the outcome....

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  • SRC Member

buy ich king fish like blue tang, achillies tang, purple tang at one go..... sure one will get ich sooner or later.....

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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  • SRC Member
buy ich king fish like blue tang, achillies tang, purple tang at one go..... sure one will get ich sooner or later.....

I'm striving for an ich free tank.. hahaha... some website says that once you copper treat and quarantine all new fishes... even ich kings like blue tang will not kena ich... dunno how true or not...

Right now... my main tank has no inhabitants and is in hyposalinity state of 1.009.... three days already and all the aptasia anemone + bristleworm starts to float...

I was initially worried of the beneficial stuff dying off but Henry of Marine life says it is ok since I am only having FOWLR....

But anyway one more week and I will slowly raise it back to 1.022.... and left it fallow for two months...

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  • SRC Member

Copper treatment will be effective but if the dose is not applied carefully, you will run into more problems later.

Best way is to create an environment that is as stress free as possible before adding livestocks into the tank. Ick develops due to fish developing stress.

Just my 2 cents.

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I agree with bro weisoon on the part where stressed fishes develop ich.

I personally feel that we should look into prevention rather then trying to cure a disease we all know has a very high chance of occuring.

My personal experience is that if the fish is healthy and happy chances are it won't have any ich breakouts unless the fish is kept in an ich infested tank lol ( which I doubt any of us have )

Water conditions, feeding, aggression and competition play a part in this so I feel it is something worth looking into :blink:


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  • SRC Member
I agree with bro weisoon on the part where stressed fishes develop ich.

I personally feel that we should look into prevention rather then trying to cure a disease we all know has a very high chance of occuring.

My personal experience is that if the fish is healthy and happy chances are it won't have any ich breakouts unless the fish is kept in an ich infested tank lol ( which I doubt any of us have )

Water conditions, feeding, aggression and competition play a part in this so I feel it is something worth looking into :blink:


Of coz, I agree that preventive is better than cure.... ;)

That's why I learnt my lesson and decided to go quarantine instead of chucking newly bought fishes directly into the tank... :)

Also, without saying, water conditions, feeding, aggression and competition DOES play a part.... and I am aware of that... no point having a quarantine +copper treatment when you have lousy water parameters and ###### conditions in the main tank.... right? :lol::D

During this "warfare", I have also rescaped my rockwork to create more spaces and all.... :)

I asked for "ich-infested" fishes because I know of people who throw them out in the chute... so may as well take from them and "practise" my copper cupramine treatment.... and work on my quarantine regimen..... Rather than "wasting" such fishes, perhaps I may have given it another 5% chance to survive? Bros, who like their fishes back can take back after the treatment lah... :lol::D

So any of my new fishes bought in the future, will go thru the same quarantine regimen that I established and test-proofed...

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  • SRC Member
Copper treatment will be effective but if the dose is not applied carefully, you will run into more problems later.

Best way is to create an environment that is as stress free as possible before adding livestocks into the tank.  Ick develops due to fish developing stress.

Just my 2 cents.

True and untrue....

Firstly, copper treatment is indeed effective but have to be monitored closely at a certain level.... that's why it is important to also have a copper test kit when doing quarantine... Also, you will need to emulate water conditions similar to the main tank... (That's why when quarantining new fishes, we take the same time to do a water change on the main tank.... the water taken out can be used for the quarantine).

Contrary, I do not agree that stress ITSELF cause ich... ich is a protozoan (invertebrate) and it has to be PRESENT in order to infect a fish.

Stress is only a contributing factor because it lowers the immune system of the fish... making them more prone to ich attack. If there is not a single ich parasite in your tank, no matter how stress your fish becomes, it will still not get ich.... Of course, this is tedious to achieve and near possible, but I do heard of successful tanks that ARE ich free and never once gotten ich.... it all voice down to good stocking and quarantine practices.... all it take is to intro one fish too hastily with ich on it and without quarantine, and all hell break loose (which is what happened to me).

Saying which, I better clarify too that I am NOT trying to create an ich-free tank WITH stressful conditions.... of course, I want the best for my fishes.. BOTH ich free and stress free... in case, some bros here misunderstood the intentions lah.... :D

Politically speaking.... It will be a tank that is ich free, stress free, good water parameters, good husbandry practices and low in stocking.... did I miss out anything? :lol::D

I want to work towards being a conscientious marine reefer, no more cheonging LFS this week that week and get fishes happily as I want.... B) and I think that is a good start.

My wife and I have agreed to restart the tank and let it mature for 3 months before adding fishes (one per month and quarantine w copper treatment for 21 days).

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  • SRC Member
Copper treatment will be effective but if the dose is not applied carefully, you will run into more problems later.

Best way is to create an environment that is as stress free as possible before adding livestocks into the tank.  Ick develops due to fish developing stress.

Just my 2 cents.

Also, copper treatment MUST be dosed in a seaprate quarantine tank and not in main tank.... rite? hehe....

Right now, my quarantine tank has only one sailfin tang... tough fellow... The last time one of the bros here came and pick up some stuff had ask me if I ever want to let go this sailfin tang, let him know... Guess I am lucky to get one good specimen... he's really tough and working well in the cupramine treatment.... :lol:

Main tank in hyposalinity state... hehe.... I can do all this because it is a FOWLR tank... good thing I gave up on corals.... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

Uppz... I still need a test subject (one that is full of ich on body) to give my cupramine quarantine test try out a 100% proof...

My current subject sailfin tang has no spots on them..... so, hard to gauge...

Willing to return fish after treatment... ;) provided it didn't die on me...

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