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Falling in love again in his twilight years ...


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mov love, higher EQ

mov emotion, 0

cmp love, money

jce emotion:Low


mov u, Neokn's house

jmp down from there

Here, gee my last assembly was in 1993.

Hope to refresh your memory, I need reference book back again.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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hi bro Marineman

thanks for the comment. it is true that relationship is harder with greater disparity. but, i can't really tell my friend to just give it all up. after all, it is his decision in life to make. i don't want later kanna blame for the break-up.


you are one BAD BAD boy. you ask me to ask my friend to jump down from one of the reefer's house and create popularity for SRC !!! that's novel ...

anyway, back to my friend. i have given him your program and he is chewing on it. one thing he said was rather enlightening. he said that although he is high in IQ, he admits he is rather low on EQ. because of that, he is now more willing to accept what had happened over the week or so. he has decided to let nature takes its course (hint: GREAT ADVICE isn't it ... i borrowed it from all reefers here ... hahahahahaha)

if fate has its way, then he accepts the final outcome. because of that, he intends to stop drinking in about a week's time.

i am happy for him. he has gotten more or less over the incident.

NOW, my turn:

YOU SEE: i have got to know this girl during one of meetings with new writers and i found her rather .....



good luck to your thursday meeting. my friend and i wish you BESTEST.

to ALL Reefers,




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Saw something like this couple @ Pasir Ris, geez

guy is like in late 40's while girl in early 20s.

but guy is not bad looking , and seem like he is loaded with ton of money while the girl is 8/10 point.

I don't think girl has true felling, even though she was holding his hand. Suprise, this old man dammn shouk,

he drives SPORT CAR.....................

What do u think guys, seem like we need lot of money to get those girls.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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hi MIN,

i thought this thread is dead already. just you and me talking to ourselves ... never knew you decide to revive it. sigh ...

many times ... i saw in clubs. old men and young women together. no big deal.

what's big deal is this:

you are a girl. you just failed your exams. your future is limited to becoming a sale girl. you wanted a high life. but, your boy friend is not doing it. whole day only thought of bonking you. but you have the looks ... what do you do?

then, an old man you met at the club, bought you a drink. managed to ask you out for a shopping trip. you shopped till you dropped. what you lost was only a peck on your cheek. never you see so many nice things within the same day. now they are all yours.

the day after, you felt real bad. you bonked your bf again. you asked him to get you something nice. he said next month. you knew he is not too serious about keeping this promise. you sighed.

after a few more days or weeks, you out-lived your little toys.

now the urge to meet your mr nice old-man is like heroin probing you to call him again. the thought of going for more shopping trips occupied your bandwidth entirely. the poison has now taken full effect on you. this old man is indeed a clever fox, he doesn't call nor bother you. he just waits patiently for your call.

now with every new meeting with him. you are a little further away from your bf. in time, you will lose your head. YOU WILL FALL FOR THIS OLD MAN. that's where the real game starts (not for you) for him ...

don't tell you are not a mind-player too, MR MIN .... hahahahahahahaha



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you are a girl. you just failed your exams. your future is limited to becoming a sale girl. you wanted a high life. but, your boy friend is not doing it. whole day only thought of bonking you. but you have the looks ... what do you do?

I personally have encountered such cases. :evil:

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I personally have encountered such cases. :evil:

shhhh, don't let your wife know hah. otherwise, you might not able to fly again.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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I believe , there are still so called TRUE LOVE out there.

However , living standard is high, middle income become low income, low income become no income, so CASH BECOME KING.

When I was teeager, I always look down on all those girl with old man, come to think of it ( as a matured adult ), will..........

Hmmm, anyway, I could not help it but to say ,

Money , money , money , in the rich man's sward.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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hahahahahaha ...

only 3 guys talking ...

1 old man and 2 young men ...

one can't really blame anyone ... it is just a mind game.

some take it as a challenge, some take it too seriously and they jump; my friend took it too seriously and he almost jumped (from another reefer's place, joking).

he is now still recovering from his shock. hope he will return to normal again. this game is very serious. like MIN said, it is a sword and has 2 edges and it cuts both ways. that's the reason why it is also so attractive a game to play.

there is no right or wrong, just how willing is one in hurting the loved ones around him or her. if one is unwilling, then this game cannot be played. if one is willing, then one has to bear the full responsibility.

in the past, wars were fought because of women. nowadays, it is simplified to only between man and woman and those around them.

i must say something nice about the women who go for the rich old men:

you see, there are not that many springs a person can pass. life is very short. we live not for work alone. the earth although is quite small is relatively big compared to the human form factor. if one were to travel and enjoy, it will easily exhaust one's life time.

here comes the problem: if one is not born rich (i am not rich), then they must find the best way to seek this dream. some took the hard way by seeking wealth on their own, but many took the easier path by attaching to some one strong.

then, what benefit does the rich old man has? you see, being rich is only a notion. it is just a number game. once a person is earning a million a year (not the minister-type, the ministers are too busy and they have no time to enjoy their wealth, they usually make the mistake of buying properties), it is rather hard to spend it all. what the old man misses is really a honest spectator into his own world. he don't dare to show the world especially his wife (hahahahahahahahaha) how he made those monies (lots of copycats). he is extremely lonesome in his quest and he needs to tell his "success" story to someone, not his partners, not his competitors, not his family, but, someone impressionable (sic). if the girl can fulfil the role of a ga-ga spectator, i can safely tell you, the girl has hit a jackpot. so it is really a contract between 2 very lonely persons.

MIN: i don't know anything about true love, i haven't experienced one myself. so maybe you could tell me (us) more. i can use this to "sian" (bluff) my friend too.

WEISOON: wow ... you have stories, share leh ...



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WEISOON: wow ... you have stories, share leh ...



Better keep low profile, else me wifey log in from office and spy on me then I ' ha bass' (finished) liao. Better to talk when next time meet you at LFS. :P

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Bless your friend...frankly I don't have a good opinion of Sg girls in general. Not being sexist but I find them too stuck up, demanding and materialistic. Vietnamese chicks I met don't exhibit any of these...gotta be one of the sweetest group of ladies you find in Singapore. Ask your friend to go Vietnamese..he won't regret it..:rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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hi BRO weisoon,

naughty naughty ...

anyway i love pilot stories. see you soon in fish farms.

hi BRO FuEL,

i have been to vietnam for over a year before. my impression of vietnamese girls is they are quite nice. but, once you give them a little too excessive. their claws began to appear. i guess all women round the world are the same.

i find sg girls the third hardest to game. the first is the japanese girls, second is the hk girls and followed by sg girls. during my varsity days, NO HK GIRLS EVER BOTHER TO TALK TO ME (mind you, i was in oxford).

since sg girls are so hard to game and since i am still here ... try lor ...



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Better keep low profile, else me wifey log in from office and spy on me then I ' ha bass' (finished) liao. Better to talk when next time meet you at LFS. :P

No prob, we can go to your house :)

and after your story finish , I WILL BLACK MAIL U. :evil:

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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T = Totally depend on how much $ u have

R = Rgrardless of how much u r good to her, just one mistake , u r gone

U = Utilize all your time on her

E = Eager to make love.

@ the end of the day,

MARRIED != LOVE ( believe me )



When ( MONEY == LOVE ){





Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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