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Calling all FrogFish LOVERS :D

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some info on frogfish :D

Family Antennariidae

Frogfishes are also known as Anglerfishes since they use a modified dorsal spine (illicium) having a tiny flap of skin at its tip as a lure to attract prey. Frogfish bodies resemble flabby weed-encrusted masses or sponges and effectively blend into their surroundings. They are typically found upon rocky outcrops or large rocks at any depth, and most of the Hawaiian species are small and rarely seen. Commerson's Frogfish is the only species most divers will encounter.




Largest and most common species in Hawaii

Attains 14 inches; average is 8 inches

Highly variable in coloration, light brown is most common, juveniles are yellow

Apparently changes locations over time rather than staying put

Capable of swallowing fish almost as long as itself

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  • SRC Member

some info on common names and sci names :D

Tailjet frogfish(Antennarius analis)

Roughbar frogfish(Antennarius avalonis)

Antennarius bermudensis

Brackishwater frogfish(Antennarius biocellatus)

Scarlet frogfish(Antennarius coccineus)

Commerson's frogfish(Antennarius commersoni)

New Guinean frogfish(Antennarius dorehensis)

Shaggy angler(Antennarius hispidus)

Indian frogfish(Antennarius indicus)

Warty frogfish(Antennarius maculatus)

Longlure frogfish(Antennarius multiocellatus)

Spotfin frogfish(Antennarius nummifer)

Ocellated frogfish(Antennarius ocellatus)

Antennarius pardalis

Dwarf frogfish(Antennarius pauciradiatus)

Painted angler(Antennarius pictus)

Singlespot frogfish(Antennarius radiosus)

Randall's frogfish(Antennarius randalli)

Spinytufted frogfish(Antennarius rosaceus)

Bloody frogfish(Antennarius sanguineus)

Striated frogfish(Antennarius striatus)

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Did you know...

Frogfish were fishing before people. Frogfish are masters of camouflage and are incredibly hard for divers and snorkelers to find. These small predators often sit on sponges, and as long as they are still, they look very much like the sponges they perch upon. They also have the ability to alter their coloration to match that of the substrate they are on (sponge, algae, coral, etc). To top it off, frogfish have spots on their bodies that look like the holes (out-current siphons) of sponges.

Frogfish have a unique hunting style that outdoes even the best angler. The first spine of its dorsal fin is a thin whip-like appendage with a small lure at the end (very much like a fishing pole). While looking very much like the surface it is on, the frogfish waves this enticing lure directly in front of its very large mouth. Small fish are attracted to the lure either by hunger or curiosity and pass within striking range because they don't notice this master of camouflage. If the small fish gets close enough, the frogfish strikes with its huge mouth. These fish have the fastest strike of any fish - six milliseconds!

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  • SRC Member

some info for thoses interested in keep a warty :)

cheers :P

Wartskin Frogfish / Angler - Antennarius maculatus

Also known as: Clown, Warty, Frogfish, Colored Angler

Maximum Size: the Antennarius maculatus grows up to 6 inches.

General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1 to 2 inches; the medium generally 3 to 4 inches; the large generally 5 to 6 inches not including the caudal fin.

Minimum Tank Size: The Wartskin Frogfish / Angler prefers a tank of at least 20 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.

Diet: The Antennarius maculatus is a carnivore and likes to eat any small creatures (fish, inverts).

Level of Care: The Wartskin Frogfish / Angler is a medium maintenance fish.

Behavior: The Wartskin Frogfish / Angler may act peaceful/ aggressively toward other fish.

Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).

General Notes: The Frogfishes or Anglers, Family Antennariidae.Species identifications can be trying, with much confusing overlapping of physical traits, color, and patterns; luckily all these globose animals’ care is similar. Providing cover for perching and cryptic matching is desirable and one constant in their husbandry: they will gladly inhale any/all other tankmates small enough to get into their capacious maws. Yes, they can ingest fishes actually longer than themselves. The Wartskin Angler is definitely one of he more popular Anglers with Aquarists for its color, and pattern. As it does not get to large, the Wartskin can be kept in a tank of 20-30 gallons if the aquarist would like to keep a species tank. Otherwise, the Wartsin is best kept with peaceful fish larger than itself. Colors range from yellow, white, red, pink or black. :upsidedown:

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  • SRC Member
Bro lester,

Thanx for sharing all these useful info... hahaha... These info only gets me working harder to get towards my goal of setting up my first marine tank to be filled with anglers...


no problems :D

looking forward for ur new tank :D

cheers :D

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  • SRC Member

Hi ... finally today manage to took back the warty :) hehe

in the bag looking lost, awaiting to be release to its new home :D :D

Btw.. many thanks to henry for keeping it for me .. you are the best :)


some pics to update :P


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Oh bro, that look so nice... haha...

Froggipani Member's List as of 14.12.05

1) Lester

2) shawncel

3) Derek0925

4) NavIgatoR

5) Synanceia

6) Acidjazz

7) neokn

8) Angry

9) illusionist

10) godzilla

11) Marinefish

12) Ciaolong

13) ice-qoo reefs

14) tcs9423

15) Fyn

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