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Worthless' gifts get the good girls


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Worthless gifts get the good girls

13:21 27 July 2005

NewScientist.com news service

Anna Gosline

Men who spend big money wining and dining their dates are not frittering away hard-earned cash. According to a pair of UK researchers, they are merely employing the best strategy for getting the girl without being taken for granted.

Using mathematical modelling, Peter Sozou and Robert Seymour at University College London, UK, found that wooing girls with costly, but essentially worthless gifts – such as theatre tickets or expensive dinners out – is a winning courtship strategy for both sexes.

Females can assess how serious or committed a male plans to be and males can ensure they are not just seducing 'gold-diggers' – girls who take valuable presents with no intention of accepting subsequent dates.

Sozou came about the idea after reading about a man in his local newspaper. The man had been paying the rent of a woman he considered was his girlfriend – he was giving her a valuable gift. But she had been heartlessly manipulating him, dating another man on the sly while accepting money from her unwitting sugar daddy.

"It spurred me onto thinking that if he had just been buying her expensive dinners, and not paying her rent, she wouldn’t have strung him along so much," says Sozou.

Dating and mating

So he and Seymour built a model based on a series of dating decisions. In the model males had to decide what kind of gift to offer females – valuable, extravagant or cheap – based on how attractive he finds her. The females had to either accept or decline the gift and then decide whether to mate with the gift-giver – a decision also weighted on the 'attractiveness' of their prospective partner.

When they measured the different outcomes of all the steps, they found the best solution for the males was to give extravagant, but intrinsically value-free gifts the vast majority of the time, while giving gifts of material value very occasionally.

The model showed that if males gave valuable gifts too often, the females would start to exploit them: the males have no clue as to the females’ real intentions in the model. Put simply, the females just take the diamonds and run. But when the gifts are worthless, an uninterested female has little incentive to accept, gaining no return on what could be just turn into the simple waste of an evening. Only girls who are serious would bother to go the distance.

Worthless balls

Sozou and Seymour believe their conclusions about people find support in the actions of animals, such as the dance fly. Males of this species give worthless cotton balls to entice partners into mating – and they work – although other scientists interpret this as male trickery.

Alison Lenton, a social psychologist at the University of Edinburgh, UK, questions some of the model’s assumptions, however. For example, one assumption is that females obtain a negative outcome for accepting an unattractive, though committed, male. Women have been shown to prioritise traits associated with good parental care above physical attractiveness, she says.

The model also fails to take the potential effects of cheating females into account. “Some female birds raise their chicks with a 'nice' male and engage in short-term copulations with an attractive male - there is similar evidence among humans. In this way, females may get the best of both worlds.”

And what is more, says Lenton, psychologists have found that experiential purchases – like theatre tickets – make people more happy in the long run than material purchases. "I do not necessarily agree that theatre tickets are 'worthless'," she says.

Journal reference: Proceedings of the Royal Society B (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2005.3152)

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IT IS an age-old story in the animal kingdom: males give gifts to females to seduce them.

But why do some individuals hand over valuable presents while others get away with common tat? For instance, males of some fly species either present females with hard-won edible insects, or inedible seeds or twigs. Some even do both.

The evolutionary benefits of giving gifts that boost reproductive success, such as food, may seem obvious. But Natasha LeBas of the University of St Andrews in Scotland and colleagues believe worthless gifts also give males a selective advantage by reducing the investment they must make to reproduce.

They studied male dance flies mating on Scottish farmland. The researchers replaced the insect gifts being offered with cotton balls - and discovered the cotton-bearing males managed to copulate for just as long (Current Biology, vol 15, p 64). "Selection does seem to act strongly on the males that reduce their investment," LeBas told New Scientist, since this group of flies have evolved several fake gift strategies.



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