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Ozone, is it safe???

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Dear reefers,

I am sure most of us noticed that there is a recent trend of using Ozone in reefing.

I am aware of that Ozone have be used in reefing for quite a while already.

But what worry me is the indescriminate use of ozone without understanding the consequences. Some even use Ozone without the proper neccessary equipments to control & prevent leakage.

Thereby, I would like to post this Link written by the US Enviromental Protection Agency regarding the hazards of the misused of Ozone.

I am not against the usage of Ozone but wanted those who are thinking of using Ozone to be aware of the hazards thus be careful with administering or even getting the proper necessary equipments for dosing Ozone into our tank.

For the health of our livestocks and our loveones! ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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gd website.....yday go through the website but cant find tis page.....gd job bro. atlast i got better knoeledge on ozone....

anyway tink i drop the idea of getting 1.....cause i dun knoe how really safe it is.

i tink my newly built family is more impt. to me its better to be safe than sori... :nc:

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