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found a flea/shrimp/crab look alike creature


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  • SRC Member

yesterday when lights off, use torach light and found one bugger hiding inbetween my red mili branches, sharing its home with 2 other acro crabs. Serach the web, since can find an ID for this creature.....this is what I have drawn, as close as possible to what I saw last night. Its body its super fat, looks like it had a very soft shell.

Can someone advise what the hell is it ?


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  • SRC Member

thanks guys for all the pic, it doesnt look like one..... thats why I'm posting here after I did numerous search in the web, what I can say is, it does looks similiar to anamone shrimps, but of slightly different shapes and colours :huh: And yes, Fuel, it does looks alittle like the squat lobster, but I cant see its claw........and the colours seems different :huh:

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  • SRC Member

Hi Ian,

Thanks for the pic, I doesnt look like one. In fact i've never seen a shrimp in any LFS, forum or here in SRC that looks like what I had. I'll try to get it out one day and post a pic of that, this fellow really looks weird to me... I had posted my drawings in RC, but seems like there isnt any ID yet....... :cry2:

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  • SRC Member

well, you can always email wetwebmedia and give bob fenner an ID test. haha. wonder if he still mans the emails there.

its cool to have these creatures anyhows. i mean, weird creatures are always welcome in my tank, and its quite fun finding something in your tank that you knew nothing of, and which has been living a secret life in your household all this while. maybe its a setlling nauplii of acro crabs that have spawned in your tank- if that were so, itd be a momentus thing seeing as its never been documented.

well, all the best ID-ing the creature.


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