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Atman Metal halide two 150w 14K bulbs and four 18w PL blue light with two timer included in the set 3ft $300 less than 6mth.with stand and hang type(Good cond)

Resun CL 450 chiller $ 250 less than a year.(good cond)

seio 820 wave maker $40

Live rocks for sales $4 per KG include tonga also

take all $80 about 30 kg of rock forget what is the exact weight must weight.

Livestock had to go first than equipments to go.

hermit $2 ea,3 for electric blue legged

Damsel free with purchase upon available

Cleaner shrimp at $5

Coral beauty at $5

snail free with purchase

Goby $5

dragonet $5



best can take all at a cheap fix price

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octo - sold

red polys - sold

finger leather - sold

purple mushies - sold

red mushies - reserved percular clown

green, spotted,brown mushies - reserved percular clown

sun coral - reserved *****1006

anemone - someone reserved can Pm me cos i cant remmber who isit .

all live stock - reserved percular clown

false clown and 1 tomotoe clown $10

green cynarina - $35 one price special offer

green and maroon zoos - $6 each nw

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octo - sold

red polys - sold

finger leather - sold

purple mushies - sold

red mushies - reserved percular clown

green, spotted,brown mushies - reserved percular clown

sun coral - sold

all live stock - reserved percular clown

green and maroon zoos - sold


false clown and 1 tomotoe clown $10

green cynarina - $35 one price special offer

anemone - someone reserved can Pm me cos i cant remmber who isit .

MH set reserved

resun chiller - $200 nw

seio 820 - $35

salifert po4 test kit new - $20 bought at 37

one digital timer - $10

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