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Algae spreading like wildfire!


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Does anyone know what this is? Can't seem to get rid of it......and worst of all, it spreads really quick. Its kinda like seaweed and sticks to rocks. I've had to peel it off the rocks a couple of times, but it seems to just come back.

How do i get it rid of it? Or at least control it?



6ft x 2ft x 3ft

Suggestions so far.

1. Remove coral chips and ceramic rings and replace with live rocks. removed...looking for live rocks now

2. get rid of most of the filter cloth

3. First Buy!!! Skimz FR with Sorb4 and eheim pump

4. Re-doing the sump.....I~aquatic doing up the plans.

5. Lighting MH+T5 or T5 only? how many?

6. Chiller?

7. Wave maker

8. check valve on the return line to prevent sump overflow (great idea)

9. Refugium? Anything to replace it? a FR of some sort maybe?

Tank Inhabitants

1x Blue Tang

1x picasso trigger

2x Brown Tang

1x pygmy angel

2x Stripped Damselfish

3x False Percula Clownfish

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  • 10 months later...
  • SRC Member

I would highlight your pollution and water temperature as the two main problems. Might want to consider a chiller and also have better filtration/nutrient export. The sump will greatly help so you can connect other equipment to your tank.

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

This is nuisance algae by the way. Generally most fish won't even eat it.

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

This is red slime algae. There is a red slime remover that you can try but be careful of the dose. Check the current flow in your tank. Red slime tends to grow when the current flow rate is low. Test your water for PO4 as well.

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