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Setting up 1.5ft cube tank


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Hi ppl,

I have set up a marine 1ft tank a couple of months ago when a friend gave me his tank (not knowing it's not suitable for saltwater creatures). I was not really into it at that time and didn't want to spend too much "unnecessary" money so just got whatever basic equipment I needed to own a "simple" fish tank.

Anyway, i set up the tank without running any water cycle or complex equipment. Through sheer luck, my two nemo fish, 1 damsel, one zoas, a jewel and that red thingy survived without any glitch for that past hmmm... 5 months. That's untill my husband who believed that the tank (which was in my bedroom enjoying the benefit of my air con) caused bad feng shui to his work, got relocated to the small hall outside my room.

I am not sure whether it's because there is insufficient light or the temperature is too warm outside (reading of about 28-29C) the corals start to turn brown.

Since I have fallen in love with my tank, I have decided that I should do it right this time.

As my husband is not into it and I'm currently jobless, I still cannot afford to spend a bomb on this growing passion.

Need alot of help/advice from you guys/gals in doing it right with min output from wallet :P .

Thank you in advance!!!

Cheers :D


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This is the newly acquired 1.5ft cube tank.

I have got:

1) Atman cannister

2) Skimmer (can't remember which brand cos have thrown away the box

3) Weipro 18kw lights

4) A fan

5) Placed in no. 1 sand

and had it up for about 4 days liao.

can advise what's the next step?


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  • SRC Member

1st thing, I think you need to resize your pic...very big

Have you tested for water salinity ....as in the right amount of salt for the water?

if yes, maybe put in a piece of prawn to kick start the ann process.....or can she use one of her life rock to start it....anyone out there can advise ?

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Yup. Tested it. Seems ok. I have used NSW for the set up so just wondering what's the next step to take. Btw, someone is selling LR without coralline. Is that suppose to be suitable? what's the diff whether the rocks have coralline or not?

most likely ur skimmer is weipro 2011 or 2012.

most likely ur next step is to get some LR to kick start the cycling process.

some testkit such as ammonia, nitrite, nitrate will help u determine whether ur cycling had completed.

i would advice u to get some cured LR from reefer who are letting go their LR.

placing ur skimmer pump so near the sandbed will risk ur sand being suck in by the pump and clog ur skimmer ...

in the meanwhile read more and save up more money haha

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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How to save money when I'm not working? <_<

Anyway, I have a 5 in 1 API test strip. How effective is it?

beside getting the rocks from other reefers, where else can I get them?

I have read up on them... but the jargon and the technicality of the equipment is too tough for a simple mind like mine to comprehend :blink:

I have surf the web for two consecutive weeks and reading like mad liaoz...

Still there isn't really any simple step by step guide without difficult jargon to follow.

Hopefully, some kind soul will pity me and handheld me in this process :thanks:


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  • SRC Member

haha chill. i think for now juz get some LR and let the tank run for a couple more weeks. LR is best if u can get him from reefers. check out the pasa malam section. another alternative is from shops or farms. but u will risk introducing unwanted living creatures into your tank.

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  • SRC Member
Thanks for the infor.

Like I have mentioned someone is selling LR without coralline. Is that suppose to be suitable? what's the diff whether the rocks have coralline or not?

How much longer should I wait?

with or without Corraline algae is fine so long as the LR is still 'live'...though i prefer those with coraline algae.. but dun worry, coraline algae will come ultimately..keke

get the LR quickly and put them inside the tank and start the ANN cycle...

a few yen worth of input from newbie...keke........

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How many LR do I need? Any guidelines? According to nano-reef.com, one pound of rock per gallon.... Hmm... My tank is about 25g do that means I need 25 pounds.... roughly equals to 9-10kg of rocks?

mine is a 2 feet cube tank

live rock need current ard them to keep e flow moving

n e rock 's batceria alive..

if u cant wait to start reeefin like me

u can always buy miracle mud or batcteria starter...

or any other bio activator

live sand also not bad...

but if ur tank water very very clean nth to denitrate by e bacteria...

something is very wrong....

but at least must wait 2-3days for ur sand to reali settle down

y dun u take tht time to cycle ur tank?

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heyz...sis hope i din call wrongly againz...


i c ur pump looks like coughing badly eating sand every now n then...

u can try elevate it with rock

but u might wan to consider mayb not so elegant bahz,...and might topple due to its vibration...

i tink ur pump cannot b run out of water..

mayb u would like to buy eggcrate then cable tie e pump to e eggcrate

when in e tank u can cover up e eggcrate part and pump with rock then create a more sightly background


as for how much rocks u wan to add...

u just imagine urself in a room with 4 walls n open ceiling...

how do u like a lot of furniture n little air n moving space??? :(:(:(

too much live rocks very hard for water flow to move ard ur rocks

of cus not 4geting e purple coraline algae on ur rock...

it all depends wat u wan ur tank to look like

constant dosing of kalwaser n calcium and of cus not 4geting blue light will contribute to e successful growth of them....

provided ur phospate level is low...

else from e fish u r keepin --> damsel shit alot...= high phospate

will only contribute to nth but diatom algae.. and brown algae...

try get a snail to eat on them,(they r crabs supper meal hope u dun hav crabs inside!!)

better press post 1st later hav to scroll very troublesome :ooh:

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if i m not wrong ur lighting is two tube rite ?

heng now is dec u still wun feel e salt...

wait when its new yr time weather turns hotter then ur salt precipitation on ur light b stronger...

n also not 4geting u got a pump in water

n also not 4geting u place them in a natural sunlight place rite???

both contribute alot of temp to ur water...

u might water to buy a mini clip on fan on ur tank back glass

reduce bit more heat

u can try aquastar at yishun blk900+ 4get which blk liaoz..

they got a lot of brands to choose from,u can get one below $20

also not 4geting as e ur lights shines on water,it evaporate

but FL still not so jialat...

now dec still ok e weather more coolin

but u muz prepare e fan for them..nxt yr...

n of cus fan blowing at water = more evaporation...= more toppin up of water...

if u nt keepin any coral try on 1 light tube will do..

i c u keep those cheaper softies no nid on so long e light hrs

5-6hrs / day shld b fine.....

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eh.... try get a sand shifter also... to keep ur sand bed clean..

ermz.. try dun get starfish cus i hear from some bro here they die for no reasons..

try get smaller size goby...

signal goby is gd...

dun get big size goby else they die very deep burrow to slp in...

n they like to spit sand everywhere....

insipiration photo for u...

my pair nemo... i keep them with wat u c only a air tube alive for two weeks

inside got a ###### shrimp also...

of cus i only top up tap water + de-chlorinate(scare e ###### shrimp cant take it)


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as for e test kits..

i neber quite use them...

unless u keep very expensive corals...

most impt is salinity meter

other than tht is xtras...2me...

if u like soft corals remb to add trace elements n iodine for them...

for me i c whether my nitrate high a not from my skimmer...

if ur skimmer cant even skim anything liaoz...

(unless ur skimmer air ratio gt prob or spoil touch wood)

else shld b ok...

observe ur corals is still e most impt..

if one day is in a abnormal shape...

got to check ur water parameters...

normally if got sand on its flesh it will shape n let it slide down on its meat

else it will generate a layer of slime n stick to e sand n let it flow away with e flow..

i m only a newbie..alot more to learn from e bros out there....

hope can b of some help to ya... :P

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Wow, that's certainly alot of information for me :D

Didn't know I have so many problem to rectify :blink:

Actually I have bought a fan already but did not attach it since I have not place anything in it yet.

will get the egg crate and place the pump in it.

Actually I have two lights with 4 tubes, two blue, two white from a supplier. Bought from her some other stuff which she recommended. Not sure whether they are suitable or not :rolleyes:

Anyway, for now I will try to meet up with one reefer to get some LR from him hopefully tomorrow and place it into the tank.

Haven't turn on the skimmer yet. Will test it out tomorrow too he he he,...

Quite excited. Will post some pics if I can get my hands on the rocks and make the necessary changes.


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haha u not very poor mahz..

still can afford $100 u say u not working...

no offence to e seller.,....(duno whu...)

chiller got its pro n cons...

dun u 4get every equipment u get will spoil 1 day n needs it own maintenance,,,

somemore if water fluctuation very easy grow white spot for fish one leh...

but i wun doubt its save more water toppin up part..

but dun 4get e chiller needs more electricity...

n u buy 2nd hand duno use how long liaoz..

mayb i mean mayb only no offence to e seller.... once again sorry...

e freon coolin chemical inside runnin out nid to charge...

if a chiller breaks down reli very troublesome one..

u just start tis hobby better dun venture into unnecessary expenses since u not keeping high end stuff... :nc:

better get ur skimmer runnin...

cus i just knw u got 4 lights OMG!!!!

they might not b t5 but no need 4 tubes bahz???

btw i c ur tank e surface area liek dun hav much area for air flow by lehz..

ur light set surface area quite big i guess???

super sehz... gtg slp liao... i type till wan to c stars liaoz...

cont. another day..... so sorry.... :cry::cry::cry:


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oooh... btw 4get to tell u ..

u buy live rock..

if got smell dun buy orhz...

i would say abt 2 feet away from ur nose bahz..

normally live rocks smells if water stagnant too long...

btw 4get to tell u i been change water only once for e nemo pair tank i post..

with only running on air tube....

unless alot of small protein bubbles formed on e surface...

else no need change water too frequently..

but muz check on e salinaty..


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Okay, will bear that in mind.

Sianz... keep forgetting got no income this month :cry:

You are right... not much surface area to play with... was wondering whether there's too much lighting? lfs recommended one... so just "gong gong" buy without thinking

Will KIV the chiller first. get the basic going first... Can't wait to equip and beautify my tank when I start working again.


Gonna check in again tomorrow for more advice from you. Cheers.

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