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ok kalau rumah lu dekat kan....next time lu datang umah wa....lu tolong antar refill laaa... :lol:

kalau nak productive lagik lu pegi rumah rockyboy,skylian,copperband dan sesiapa lagik laaa yg nak refill...sekali jln maaa... :blink:

bole no problem, wa leh panggil supir wa.

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Jireh part A-E memang power beb...jgn cakap coral...lu punya batu pon boleh jadik luminious...guna kan tanpa was was

Passtu leh kluarkan air dari tank kasi cermin semua kilat, then bleh masukan anak patung hello kitty atau teddybear banyak2....then boleh duduk nengok tank sambil kunyah sireh... :lol:

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Kito nak rics. Kat sano ado rics yang muroh2? :lol:

laju giler thread nie.. hahaha.. sehari makan 2 3 pages ke..

yo bro Rocky.. rics sini dekat LFS jual dalam harga RM 110 - 120 (dlm 50SGD kot :blink: ).. tu pon jarang jarang ada.. kalau korang ada baca pasal farming tu semua bullsh*t..mamat tu cerita je nak gempak..di SG jual berapa sebijik??? Irwana smpai banyak ari tu tak sempai angkut ke ??? :D:D:D

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Yo! Apa khabaq Mat Arip?Sorry.. Err..bro Arip...For your info gua dulu ada gak sedara Ampang tapi dekat ngan tempat Race kuda....Sekarang sua pindah sal rumah dorang asik kena kacau ngan makluk asing.... :look:

Kabar sehat B) ..laju sgt la korang.. muahahahaha..nak scam post jugak.. dah korang main tengok sapa posting paling banyak.. hehehe.. :evil::evil::evil:

waaa.. ada sedara kat Ampang ke ? kalau datang bagi tau ler.. leh kita lepak minom ke clubbing ke.. muahahaha.. :yeah::yeah:

OOoOooo.. wa rasa wa tau rumah sedara lu..ada kandang kuda kan..kira takda la dekat sgt 20 minit la dari rumah aku.. ada hantu ke sana.. :ph34r::ph34r: hahaha tak tau aa.. mungkin dulu orang menurun mintak no jokey mana menang kot.. hehehe


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wa tak kira beb...takder keje nak kira berpuloh2 page ...dah memang auto kira maaa...

lu klik Kopitiam, pastu di thread malay refer to klik tu nombor di column Replies

jeng jeng...boleh nampak semer rang nya posting daaaaaa.... B)

Ooo... baru gua tahu .... kita bukan nyer pakar bidang nih ... ;)

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UEN: T08SS0098F

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Reefing in LED

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Info2 penting yang telah dijumpai........


Baca part SteveL punya response. Dia telah hadiri beberapa lecture tentang coral2. Point yang paling penting dalam pendapat gua ialah tentang T5 optimum operating temperature adalah 30 darjah celsius. Confirm nak kena letak kipas ni. Yang mustahak jugak pasal GP atau lebih dikenali sebagai Golden Pearl.

Live Vs Artifical feeding

– commercial implications of harvesting parent coral colonies leading to preference of culturing from larvae. Key reported to be rapid growth in 1st month

– artificial food used – golden pearls(50um), live food – artemia

– tested on Pocillopora damicornis

– 3 treatments control, live and artificial

– 3 reps of each, experiment done 6 times

– Equal food to each group (not control) 0.55g of GP = 0.5 g of pre hatched artemia

– Results:

o Live food showed increased growth over control

o Artificial did not

o More algae with GPs

o Still 80% survival for GP and control

o 100% survival for artemia group

– Conclusions:

o GPs only buoyant for < 1hr – lack of bioavailabilty

o Higher nutrient load in GPs group (evident by algae) may have suppressed growth

o Corals will continuously feed if food is available – important aquaculture point.

Nota pasal lampu.....

Sanjay Joshi: Understanding Lighting Technology and Implications for Reef Keeping

As usual – great presentation.

Reiterated that there is no “best†bulb/ballast/reflector combination. Output, needs, tank dimensions and aesthetic objectives all play into the decision. Sanjay has set out to answer the following questions instead:

- What light levels and distribution can I expect for a given lighting arrangement?

- What are the differences between comparable set ups?

Gave a good review of lighting including energy Vs wavelength plots and how these relate to photons. All his data is now searchable on www.reeflightinginfo.arvixe.com

Discussed metal halides and confirmation that over life of bulb there IS a shift in spectrum – typically to the red end of the spectrum. Data does suggest that most MH bulbs are perfectly usable for as much as 2 years giving allowance for some slight spectral drift. Be aware however that with some combinations the power draw may go up significantly on older bulbs e.g. 400W bulbs drawing as much as 650W of power. Interesting that data to date indicates that same increases may not occur with electronic ballasts.

Sanjay currently using Geissman 14K 400W bulbs with icecap electronic ballasts and no supplemental fluorescents.

T5’s run best at 30C – outside of this temp performance drops are to be expected.

LED’s – just another light source – no reason why they can’t provide to the needs of corals. Currently Sanjay concludes that LEDs are up there with T5 lights. Projection is that they will eventually out perform MHs.

At end of day objective is to be able to generate 100uMol PAR at bottom of tank. Doing so will allow you to keep most hermatypic SPS corals

Baca dan digest pelan2.....

IC.... hmmm :unsure:

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UEN: T08SS0098F

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Reefing in LED

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wa tak lah terer sangat mate. tgh dok jengok2 tank ternampak lah ni flatworm.

apa lagi tak leh hegeh2 mate. terus bikin ops mate. nanti dia merayap kat coral

lagi mate...hancur mate. wa tank dah crash dah berape kali mate..

lawa pulak flatworm yg lu antar mate.

gua pon mula mula tertipu ingat rare mushroom.. muahahaha.. patut wa dah pelik tengok corak dia gerak gerak.. nasib dapat free.. :whistle:whistle:whistle

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