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  • SRC Member
Leeches and itch are totally different. Leeches will suck and never give up on its host until the host has no more blood. Leeches life cycle is also different. Please do not compare something that is irrelevant.

hello fellow reefer!

decided to take a break, and wiki bout leeches.


"Haemophagic leeches attach to their hosts and remain there until they become full, at which point they fall off to digest. "


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  • SRC Member
I see you as though alike a reefer, H**z* want to be a hero and overcome others advices eventhough has not much infos or even wrong infos. If you want, please come in here everyday and advise. I am very happy to let you do it. BTW I dont think giving advices here earns you a hero title.

hmmmm i just saw the above post. not very friendly i must say. 1 bamboo beat 2 people. not very "nice" and "peace-like" wor.

i wouldnt like to be compared. i am myself. i believe whatever that i do. maybe i am just not that kinda person that needs something academic to fall back on and worship it, for reassurance, and to blame whenever something doesnt work out according to whatever was written.

i do a lot of reading up. reading is my secondary hobby. but like i would like to repeat myself again, i dont worship everything that's written. u can easily find sites that contradicts each other in terms of reef keeping. some say do this and the another few says doing this is wrong, u need to do that. so who is right? who to believe? i read advices and absorb. cross-reference with my experience, correlate them and conclude if they are true IN MY EXPERIENCE. not view. a difference of a word makes a lot of difference. must pay more attention to the words.

this is a forum to share. i dont exactly like to be termed as a hero. its nice, but redundant. i cant buy food to eat with that title. i cant feed my fishes with the title. so maybe wat me and the other guy was trying to do, is to just share. and a lot of pple in this forum doesnt share for the simple reason that clever people like you are around, de-bunking all mysteries bout reef keeping and instating only your own as the ultimate belief.

:off::off: I dont mind being Hiro though. i could do with some skill of his. :off::off:

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  • SRC Member
hahaha. my dear fellow reefer. i am in the midst of exams now, and before that was so overwhelmed with schoolwork i have no time to update my tank thread. reefers whom i am still chatting with will know that i plugged out my FR over half a year ago. juz a good old skimmer doing the job.

anyway i do read up on the sites too. ok so the leech idea was not a very good example. a reefer did msn me and tell me so, but he did add on too that he quite agree with wat i said. thats the best i could think of right now if i am not gonna tell you about biomedical signal processing and medical imaging, which is what i am studying right now. i mean, its just a thought and sharing session which we are having here. there is no need to get all personal. he did mention that too.

everyone has their own beliefs and thinkings about how to maintain the hobby. there are people dat run SPS tanks for years without skimmers. there are people who have everything in the world that doesnt work. and NOPE i dun QT fishes. like i did mention somewhere else in the forum, when i get fishes, i juz dump them right into the tank. QT for wat. the only belief that i always tell other people, is that fishes are just like humans. if they have a strong sense to survive they will. if they wish to die, they can be all fat and healthy and they can just wither away. had dat a few times b4. btw my tank is quite ich free. considering that i do wat i do when i get new fishes. so i always tell e people i talk to, dun listen to me, cos they way i handle my tank and LS, i have very very low casualty rates, but will have an extremely high flame rate. see its already happening! hehee

oh btw, ICH, not exactly ITCH. Ichthyophthirius is the name, and the T comes after the H. :) :)

reef onz!

u from bioengineering?

i am too, exams now. so screwed.

my opinion is always always always qt ur fish. higher chance of surviving in ur tank. if not, then u are risking ur LS, both new and old.

both parties have their points, but still, risking the life of my fish is not my cup of tea. :rolleyes:

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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  • SRC Member

u from bioengineering?

i am too, exams now. screwed.

btw, my opinion is always always always qt ur fish.

in EEE specialising in biomed engineering.

i am screwed too. and it doesnt help dat my maths background sucks.

i know its better to QT them, but firstly i tried QTing them in the past. those that wanted to die just died, no matter whether i QTed them a not. so i sorta gave up. and i got no tank and space at home to give them a proper QT space.

QT must have a tank for them to be relaxed in, meaning a decent sized one in proportion to the fish size. not just small 12G tank.

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  • SRC Member

in EEE specialising in biomed engineering.

i am screwed too. and it doesnt help dat my maths background sucks.

i know its better to QT them, but firstly i tried QTing them in the past. those that wanted to die just died, no matter whether i QTed them a not. so i sorta gave up. and i got no tank and space at home to give them a proper QT space.

QT must have a tank for them to be relaxed in, meaning a decent sized one in proportion to the fish size. not just small 12G tank.

it means u are in 4th yr?

im still in 2nd. my first sem though.

math sucks too, im direct 2nd yr and 2 yrs of greeny life screwed my maths up.

im so suffering in fluid system now. its darn 8.30am in the morning and im still digging.

how bad is that.

yeah i understand ur pain. i hypo my main tank before for 2.5 months with all standard procedure with caution. but still when i raise the salinity slowly, i lost some of my fish to death due to ick resurfacing. 3 powder died on me :angel:

but still, again, i still make an effort to qt them before dumping them into the tank.

i dun like to see things scratching too much.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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  • SRC Member

yep yep 4th year. i been going at it at my physio systems analysis all night. still trying to make sense out of the maths. think i need to look for my indian god fren already. he is so darn smart...

i guess when i get out to work and den have enough $$$ to do up a new and bigger tank, probably i will plan some space in my house to do a QT. but right now its quite impossible for me to QT anything. i guess its a risk i have to take now, dat fishes are intro-ed right into it.

fingers crossed, i think my tank should be alright. 1 thing i realised is that as long as u get them tangs to feed and turn into vaccum cleaners dat clean food right outta the water, no issue on their survival. my first and surviving PBT had this 50cent coin patch of i dunno wat at the side at one point in time, was quite worried dat it might go somewhere else where harps play, but den it went away after 3 weeks. during the period it was still behaving like a vaccum cleaner.

i also realised its super duper easy to get tangs to feed, with form 2 flakes. more ex and dirties water faster, but sure thing to get all them tangs up and round.

and wat u feed them matters. my mum feeds them flakes only though, cos i am not around at home to feed them.

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  • SRC Member

pretty quite true.

despite the ick resurface again, its starting to disappear right after the last outbreak. all other fishes seem doing fine.

If a man could beat his own fantasy. Then to only breed in captivity. Then its pointless.

Genesis 1:20

And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that has life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.

|| Tank: 78" x 30" x 30" || Sump: 48" x 22" x 20" || Lights: PowerModule 10 X 80W|| Returns: 2 x HF32 ||

|| Skimmer: BubbleKing Supermarin 300 || Wavemaker: 3 x 6100 & 1 x 6200, 2 x Wavebox 6212, WavySea ||

|| FR: 2 x FR150 || NR: Sulphur Denitrator || CR: RM Custom Made 8" || KR: Deltec KM500 || TopUp: Tunze Osmolator 3155 ||

|| UV: Coralife 12X 36W || Ozonizer: Sanders C200|| Controller: GHL Profilux Plus II Ex ||

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  • SRC Member
QT must have a tank for them to be relaxed in, meaning a decent sized one in proportion to the fish size. not just small 12G tank.

You are very wrong. 12g tank can house 2 tangs for 2 months if you know how to quarantine. Done that tens of times with all sorts of additives too.

You had given up quarantine because of bad experience and unsuccessful trials. So its not suitable for you to talk about quarantine here when this is a thread for quarantine.

About the H guy, I saw many of his words stepping others down everywhere and trying to be hero. Well, its good to know that you declared that you are not that type.

BTW whether oneself want to quarantine or not to, we are here to advise. As I said risk is yours and we only advise according to what is base on the professional sites and our experiences. If you have no problem with no quarantine, do you think everyone will be the same? If something bad happened and all the fishes died on a reefer, will you responsible to what you had said?


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  • SRC Member
You had given up quarantine because of bad experience and unsuccessful trials. So its not suitable for you to talk about quarantine here when this is a thread for quarantine.

If something bad happened and all the fishes died on a reefer, will you responsible to what you had said?


to the first paragraph:

maybe there has been too much words you are unable to comprehend such a large amount of words. to simplify:

" I advice with accordance to my own experience. if i nvr did QT before, does that count as experience?"

the second paragraph:

maybe i am just not that kinda person that needs something academic to fall back on and worship it, for reassurance, and to blame whenever something doesnt work out according to whatever was written.

if the reefer choose to blame everything bad that happens to him/her on other pple, so be it. i am not stopping them. my mummy always say, cannot swim dont blame swimming trunks too big.

It takes a big man to blame others for things. It takes a much bigger man to understand what went wrong.

the :peace: :

say it like u mean it. keep your tone of speech in check. this is a forum to share, not to war.

anyway i would love to see your 12G tank QT-ing 2 3.5 inch tangs. its a matter of perspective on how much stress u put them through when u put them in a small QT. i think u might like it to be kept inside a toilet cubicle when u recover from illness. maybe you will recover faster this way.

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  • SRC Member

to the first paragraph:

maybe there has been too much words you are unable to comprehend such a large amount of words. to simplify:

" I advice with accordance to my own experience. if i nvr did QT before, does that count as experience?"

the second paragraph:

if the reefer choose to blame everything bad that happens to him/her on other pple, so be it. i am not stopping them. my mummy always say, cannot swim dont blame swimming trunks too big.

It takes a big man to blame others for things. It takes a much bigger man to understand what went wrong.

the :peace: :

say it like u mean it. keep your tone of speech in check. this is a forum to share, not to war.

anyway i would love to see your 12G tank QT-ing 2 3.5 inch tangs. its a matter of perspective on how much stress u put them through when u put them in a small QT. i think u might like it to be kept inside a toilet cubicle when u recover from illness. maybe you will recover faster this way.

alamak, dude, you still bring mummy into your statements? Sorry this is adult speech (tone is medium) and sorry that you are unable to cope. BTW pls check yourself first when you first posted here with such ways. Advised according to your own experience is bad too. Moreover, from your experience, you didnt able to grip the experience of 100% success quarantine. You like to see my 12g? Too late, I dumped it 2 months ago. Its had been 4 yrs serving. Now I am using 100 liters to quarantine. Few reefers saw that. BTW, big tangs are no challenging for me. I go for less than 25mm sized tangs. You dont need whole building serving only one patient. Hospital only give you one bed. I had been quarantined tangs longer than you started marine but I still would not advise based on my own experience only. BTW you failed doesnt mean everyone is the same.

As a man, you must be responsible to what you have said.

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  • SRC Member

like i said, i am not shirking responsibility. some nice and old reefers know exactly how i take responsibility for my words. if you are unsure, dont assume. go check around. i am sorry that you seem so overwhelmed and unable to cope with the amount of words that has been appearing in front of your eyes, how unfortunate.

you are exactly one guy that likes to take his age and flaunt it to everyone else and treat it like its some prized possession that is worthy of boast. its like so passe.

i dont advice people cos i read something that is UNVERIFIED on the internet. so have you really seen what is ich? or do u think every white dot that appears on your beloved 25mm tang sized bodies deserves attention and warrants them to be copper treated? there are other parasites that are in the form of white dots too, my dear EXPERIENCED one-who-has-been-reefing-longer-then-me reefer.

in your analogy i think it would not matter to you if your bed is inside the toilet or within a room. i guess older people just dont get the idea as easily as younger people anymore.

you pick up the tone, i pick it up with you. to avoid dilutiing this thread further and be responsible, if you wish to engage in further discussions with me, please create a thread in kopi-tiam and i will devote my fullest attention to one that is in deficit of.

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  • SRC Member

When I was a kiddo, I always have these generations gap, disagree with with older ppl. After times matures, I realized that I was not matured and sometimes talked rubbish in that past. You will realize this after you had grown up.

Past? When you start to work, your boss will ask whats the age of your experience. You go tell him, dont talk about yrs of experience or age. It need maturity and experience in order to know whats the real thing ppl want. If you said young ppl knows better, I think a baby knows better than you. Lets call all the professor in your university to go home and sleep. Bah, immature talking.

I see no point of arguing with a guy who has failure quarantine in a quarantine thread.

Please see who is the guy who just came in and screw up others.

If you want to know more about white spots, go and find out yourself. I wont advise a stubborn and hero acting guy. I see no point to further non mature moves to a kopitiam or here.

Finally, the thread is created because the reefer wants to know how to quarantine succesfully.

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  • SRC Member


just something to share. maybe not all white dots deserve treatment.

Answer: So dont quarantine or dose. Let them be. Not my problem.

Doctors, dont need to treat patients anymore. So all our beloved ones can go up lorry?

Seems you a such a stubborn guy. No wonder the chimp is up there. I wont reply to your immatured post anymore.

For those who are keen to see a reefer's problem now:


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Hi all, each of us have different ways to do quarantine as long as it work. No point faulting others when the way they did it is different from yours and it is up to the reefer who asked the question to decide whether it is suitable for him or not.

Lets just share and don't argue. Mayb you can talk/pm to the person personally if you don't like his idea. There seems to be more and more arguing threads this days(my own perception, don't bomb me for that), not very good for the forum.

I am not pin pointing at anyone. Peace and back to main topic. ^_^


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  • 1 month later...
haha. reeftask will always kena tasks just for laugh :D:angel:

To my understand, marine fish have to be keep with live rock to maintain a complete cyclic. In Quarantine tank should not have live rock or sand. How to maintain good water quality? If change water too often also have water quality issue How?

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  • SRC Member
Itch is a type of parasite and not bacteria or virus. There is no immunity against it. Only some sea animals' skin are not suitable for itch to stick and that doesnt call immunity. If your main tank has itch, some of the fishes will be affected too. If there is itch in the main tank, why do you need to quarantine and let it affected by itch again. Quarantine tank with copper's purpose is to get rid of itch and preventing your main tank to be affected. You must know what is quarantine and its purpose. Did really Henry taught you all of these? :erm:

I think he could have meant resistant level and not immune.

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  • SRC Member
To my understand, marine fish have to be keep with live rock to maintain a complete cyclic. In Quarantine tank should not have live rock or sand. How to maintain good water quality? If change water too often also have water quality issue How?

Of course you can have LR and sand by all means, since the tank is temporary why bother with all these? If you dose copper your LR and sand cannot be used for a reef tank. LR and sand cost money too and it's best to keep it clean, you may want to put in some PVC pipes for the fish to hide instead of a bare tank.

For a start you may wish to mix some water from your main tank to your quarantine tank as advised by others. Newly mixed water already have the trace elements and is clean and therefore considered as good quality water and that is why people do water change to replace their tank's dirty water with new clean water. You can change 10% of the water every week and since it is a small tank it should be easy.

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  • SRC Member
To my understand, marine fish have to be keep with live rock to maintain a complete cyclic. In Quarantine tank should not have live rock or sand. How to maintain good water quality? If change water too often also have water quality issue How?

i use to do QT with just bare tank, a simple hangon skimmer and hangon filter....the trick is to 'prefill' your hangon filter with bacteria by putting it in your main tank a couple of weeks in advance....also prepare lots of clean seawater....everyday, just take about 1-2 gallon of water from your main tank and fill it into your QT. then replace the water you took from your main tank with your newly prepare water....quite a hassle....

for me the idea of a QT is so that newly added fish would not contaimate my main tank....but now i found a better method....work with a trusted LFS and let him QT for you lor....:D :D :D....pay a little more premier for the fish and save tons of hassles....

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