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Shrimp and fishes problem


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Need some advice from the expert .... Just setup my marine tank for about a month but all the shrimp that I bought died after one or two days.... May I know what is the cause of it? Another issue is that mostly of my fishes are down with white spot. :sick: Any way to prevent anf cure it? Already feed them with food soak with garlic but seem like no improvement..... May I know normally how long will it takes to cure it? So far..... five of my fishes already died...... :(




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Need some advice from the expert .... Just setup my marine tank for about a month but all the shrimp that I bought died after one or two days.... May I know what is the cause of it? Another issue is that mostly of my fishes are down with white spot. :sick: Any way to prevent anf cure it? Already feed them with food soak with garlic but seem like no improvement..... May I know normally how long will it takes to cure it? So far..... five of my fishes already died...... :(




what ur tank's perimeter? from what u said, i guess u did not finish cycle ur tank or u add bio load to ur tank too fast. u have 5 fishes dead n couple more down with ick. for 1 mth, ur tank should juz finish cycle n u should be adding fishes slowly. what fishes r u keeping n provide us with more info abt ur tank.

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what ur tank's perimeter? from what u said, i guess u did not finish cycle ur tank or u add bio load to ur tank too fast. u have 5 fishes dead n couple more down with ick. for 1 mth, ur tank should juz finish cycle n u should be adding fishes slowly. what fishes r u keeping n provide us with more info abt ur tank.


The salt in my tank is between 1.021-1.022 and the PH is around 7.9-8.0. I understand that the PH for marine is around 8.2, correct me if I'm wrong. Is there any other way to increase the PH beside adding coral chip? I already add quite a number of it but don't seem to work. :unsure: The fishes that I have are 1 blue tang, 1 yellow tang, 6 clown fishes




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The salt in my tank is between 1.021-1.022 and the PH is around 7.9-8.0. I understand that the PH for marine is around 8.2, correct me if I'm wrong. Is there any other way to increase the PH beside adding coral chip? I already add quite a number of it but don't seem to work. :unsure: The fishes that I have are 1 blue tang, 1 yellow tang, 6 clown fishes




have u check ur no2 no3 levels?

what ur kh level also?

tangs r known to get ick when first added to tanks but for new tanks, that will make matter worse.

what ur tank size n what equipments u running for ur tank

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  • SRC Member

The salt in my tank is between 1.021-1.022 and the PH is around 7.9-8.0. I understand that the PH for marine is around 8.2, correct me if I'm wrong. Is there any other way to increase the PH beside adding coral chip? I already add quite a number of it but don't seem to work. :unsure: The fishes that I have are 1 blue tang, 1 yellow tang, 6 clown fishes




For new tank setup, it is critical to measure the ammonia and nitrite levels which are toxic to fishes/shrimps/etc and should have zero readings. Next wld be nitrates . It is less likely that the cause is due to your pH (btw, you can increase yr pH thru pH buffer sold in fish shops). Like what Bro Vitec has mentioned, you have added too many fishes in too short in time, esp for new tanks. Need time for the bacteria in yr tank to multiply. As for fishes, best to purchase from those that are already quarantine and/or feeding pellets in the shops...usually more stable. You will never go wrong by reading up more info in this website on new tank setup, will save you alot of money as well as precious lives of the fishes. Cheers.

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have u check ur no2 no3 levels?

what ur kh level also?

tangs r known to get ick when first added to tanks but for new tanks, that will make matter worse.

what ur tank size n what equipments u running for ur tank

The NO2 and NO3 is normal,0mg/l. I using a 2 ft tank and the equipment used are internal filter and a normal skimmer using air pump to run it.



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The NO2 and NO3 is normal,0mg/l. I using a 2 ft tank and the equipment used are internal filter and a normal skimmer using air pump to run it.



i dun think ur skimmer can support 7 fishes. what u can do is stop buying ls for ur tank. let ur tank stable for a longer time. 2 tangs with ur kind of skimmer will make things worse. do more water changes.

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Besides letting the tank mature, you've got to let the shrimps acclimatise properly before adding them to the tank. After letting them get used to the tank temperature, add a little of your tank water into the bag, leave for awhile, and repeat again.

If you kwai kwai, maybe 30mins for them to get used to the new water conditions. Do a search here about acclimatising shrimps, there'll be better suggestions from the others. :D

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