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Sell or Trade Prizm Skimmer (no Surface attachment)


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Decommed my 2ft marine tank, a while back. Due to objection from Wife, likely will not be able to start a marine tank in the near future.

Trade for return pumps preferably Rio 17HF or Sicce Suprema for my existing 5ft planted tank.

or name me a price...

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Decommed my 2ft marine tank, a while back. Due to objection from Wife, likely will not be able to start a marine tank in the near future.

Trade for return pumps preferably Rio 17HF or Sicce Suprema for my existing 5ft planted tank.

or name me a price...

Hi i'm intrested in buying, yours is the primz hang on skimmer rite? How much u selling??

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Got a few $50 offer.

Skimmer without surface skimming attachment and Media Basket.



Nice price (regular model is under $100)

Slim profile and designed to hank on the back of the tank

You can regulate the amount of water flow

Easy access to the collection cup for cleaning

Efficiently removes proteins from the tank water


The first negative that we could think of would be the noise factor. It is not very noisy at all, but it may bother some people.

They should provide the surface skimmer on all of the models and not make you buy the pro version or upgrade kit.

My dislikes are, not surface skimmer, micro-in-tank-bubbles, noise wise tolerable.

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  • SRC Member
Got a few $50 offer.

Skimmer without surface skimming attachment and Media Basket.


My dislikes are, not surface skimmer, micro-in-tank-bubbles, noise wise tolerable.

erm does this affect ?

anyway is it the full set or smthings is missing thanks


Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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erm does this affect ?

anyway is it the full set or smthings is missing thanks


Of the Dislike I mentioned:

Skimmer uses Micro Bubble to skim out the organic waste. but a bit escape into the tank. I don't like having tiny bubbles floating around in tank. This unit is sold without media basket nor Surface skimmer (last check with LFS $80, too damn expensive!)

My 2ft tank concurrently runs an Eheim Liberty 150, also without surface skimmer. After a while a layer of protein will form on the surface of the water. still got to manually remove.

Media Basket, not important, just dump a bag of Carbon.

Noise, air is sucked into the impeller causing slight gargling noise. not loud, but noticeable at night...

Highest offer gets it.

Week days, Collect at 224B Compassvale about 5min walk from Seng Kang MRT

Week ends, I can deliver northern and western area...

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hi there,

as attached for your review.

i do not have a camera now. bascically my 2ft tank comes with a lid with a clearance headroom of 7cm.

the width allowable is at 7cm too.



Of the Dislike I mentioned:

Skimmer uses Micro Bubble to skim out the organic waste. but a bit escape into the tank. I don't like having tiny bubbles floating around in tank. This unit is sold without media basket nor Surface skimmer (last check with LFS $80, too damn expensive!)

My 2ft tank concurrently runs an Eheim Liberty 150, also without surface skimmer. After a while a layer of protein will form on the surface of the water. still got to manually remove.

Media Basket, not important, just dump a bag of Carbon.

Noise, air is sucked into the impeller causing slight gargling noise. not loud, but noticeable at night...

Highest offer gets it.

Week days, Collect at 224B Compassvale about 5min walk from Seng Kang MRT

Week ends, I can deliver northern and western area...


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  • SRC Member
Of the Dislike I mentioned:

Skimmer uses Micro Bubble to skim out the organic waste. but a bit escape into the tank. I don't like having tiny bubbles floating around in tank. This unit is sold without media basket nor Surface skimmer (last check with LFS $80, too damn expensive!)

My 2ft tank concurrently runs an Eheim Liberty 150, also without surface skimmer. After a while a layer of protein will form on the surface of the water. still got to manually remove.

Media Basket, not important, just dump a bag of Carbon.

Noise, air is sucked into the impeller causing slight gargling noise. not loud, but noticeable at night...

Highest offer gets it.

Week days, Collect at 224B Compassvale about 5min walk from Seng Kang MRT

hey bro can come and take a look first while u explain to me?

haha anyway do I still need to get stuff after I get the skimmer?

hey bro can contact me at 94889033?


Week ends, I can deliver northern and western area...

Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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woa smthing wrong man haha

hey bro can come and take a look first while u explain to me?

haha anyway do I still need to get stuff after I get the skimmer?

hey bro can contact me at 94889033?


Pain is temporary. It may last a minute, or an hour, or a day, or a year, but eventually it will subside and something else will take its place. If I quit, however, it lasts forever.

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woa smthing wrong man haha

hey bro can come and take a look first while u explain to me?

haha anyway do I still need to get stuff after I get the skimmer?

hey bro can contact me at 94889033?


Item sold...

Bro no need to worry, Both attachment is not a necessity... the Surface skimmer attachment can be DIY... Media basket is also a waste of money to buy.

This Skimmer has many good reviews. I personally feel that this skimmer is only suitable for Nano before 2ft.

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